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Archival appraisal theory is the basic theory of archival science, foreign archives appraisal theory in transformation period from the1980s, archivists from all over the world made their respective appraisal theory in the different situation. This paper reviews foreign archival appraisal theory's main content, using scientific measurement method, analyzing foreign appraisal theoretical study of dynamic development, make archives scholar to understand appraisal theory research, development, research hotspot and trend of archival appraisal theory, accelerate the pace of research and development.
     This paper is a part of the results on Archival Appraisal Theory Research in Social Science Planning Project "Research on the Progress of Information Resources Management Science based on the Scientific Knowledge Mapping"(Project Number: TJTQ08-016) in Tianjin in2008. This paper taking foreign appraisal theory as the research object, with the help of the scientific knowledge mapping theory and method, based on the visualization techniques method, drawing International Archival science and appraisal theory field series of knowledge map. This paper from the citing and cited two perspective, using scientific knowledge maps to show contemporary archives science and the appraisal theory's potential subject system structure and main research fields.
     This paper provides an integrated discipline of scientometrical measurement and evaluation on archives appraisal theory and archival science of the overall development, in the interpretation of the concept and development of archives appraisal theory on the basis of the station, using archival science perspective to discuss the appraisal theory, historicism helps the archives appraisal theory to mature and improve, points the way to deal with new challenges of appraisal theory in the electronic records era. It is not only the rational soul of archival science, but also rational soul of archival appraisal theory. We should always establish historicism thought, so we can ensure the scientific nature of the research. This study hope that it can help Chinese archival science researchers track the international archives science and appraisal theory's advances, grasp the development trend, accelerate Chinese archival science research and appraisal theory of the internationalization pace.
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