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Peer interaction is the cornerstone of children's social development, and peer interaction experiences contribute to children's self-reconstruction. Because peer interaction is not easy to quantify and there is no specific program or fixed method, students learning in regular classroom in ordinary schools more easily restricted in this area. At present, the domestic research on peer interaction is relatively abundant, but little empirical research for the Mainstreaming of children with special needs in ordinary schools.
     The Main Objects of study are from pupils of Sichuan and Chongqing. Using both questionnaire surveys and case studies to survey the situation of peer interaction of the primary school students learning in regular class. By contrasting with the situation of ordinary primary student peer interaction, to understand the dynamic process of peer interaction of children with special needs and to give a comprehensive analysis of factors affecting Mainstreaming special children's peer relationships. The study is used to provide a theoretical reference for the development of peer skills of Mainstreaming students.
     The research results show that:
     1. In peer interaction between Ordinary students and Mainstreaming students, there are large differences. Peer interaction of ordinary students better than regular class students in the will of the peer interaction, peer interaction behavior, peer skills and peer interaction score;
     2. Between Mainstreaming students of different personality types, the difference is extremely significant in the will of the peer and the interaction skills, the difference is significant in peer interaction behavior and peer interaction score.
     3. There are significant differences in all aspects of peer interaction of the Mainstreaming students of the different types of disorders;
     4. In the Mainstreaming students'daily peer interaction, peer interaction strategies can improve the status of peer interaction;
     5. The factors that affect the case of peer interaction are including:the defects of the special students; students'awareness and understanding to the special students; parents'attention to the children's peer interaction; teachers'understanding to the special children of the importance of peer interaction.
     Based on the above findings, the researchers give certain suggestion. The first is to change Mainstreaming student's focus of the education. The second is to start a comprehensive support system of family, school and community.The third is to use variety methods to train understanding and language skills and to use behavior shaping method to promote achieve the target behavior..And there are some education suggestions such as:to stimulate Mainstreaming peer interaction will, taking social stories and comic talk to maintain contacts.
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