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The dissertation is motivated by problems existed in army health promotion: the training in personal health-related skills is not enough, health knowledge and dissemination forms of health education is out-of-date. This study adopts the methodology of information architecture, aims at constructing a website to provide soldiers with health information which is reliable, precise, understandable, and easy to be disseminated.
     The research investigates health information websites, develops the theory of information architecture, and uses website construction technology. It proposes overall design based on analyzing information needs and behaviors of users in current information environment, and investigating into contents of internal and external health websites. The dissertation indicates uses’needs for health information and information dissemination should be considered in the context of Web2.0. Based on the above study, functions of army health information website can be summarized as follows: 1) Satisfying users’information need with common disease literature searching and browsing, health knowledge edited and processed, questions and answers, as well as RSS subscription. 2) Satisfying users’dissemination need with constructing mobile site, the website’s microblogging and content sharing. This study contributes to health information organization, structure design, interaction design and interface design. Additionally, some features of the website are realized.
     In order to improve efficiency, availability metrics for searching and browsing navigation, and surveying availability problems in website content are involved in the study.
     Furthermore, this research explores e-health literacy which influences the use of health information websites and the role of a medical library in military health promotion. The research demonstrates that it is expansion and innovation of service functions for a medical library to construct health information website. Actually, the medical library is not only the information resources provider in military health promotion, but also the coordinator between health promotion practitioners and the public.
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