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     本文在现有支持预留的网格资源管理和调度技术的基础上,研究了并行调度过程中常用的Easy backfill算法和Conservative backfill算法,并提出新的backfill策略和backfill预留策略,建立了相应的调度优化模型一二维装箱模型。
     无论是Easy backfill算法还是Conservative backfill算法,都包括backfill策略和backfill预留策略。现有的backfill策略每次只选择一个作业进行回填,没有考虑多个作业的组合,也没有考虑回填作业与当前可用资源的匹配情况。针对以上backfill策略的不足,本文中提出了新的backfill策略—JCO策略,该策略每次选择多个作业进行回填,并根据当前空闲区域的大小来选择回填作业。原有的backfill预留策略都是选择作业能够开始执行的最早时间预留资源,这样的预留策略没有考虑预留作业对空闲资源的影响,会产生很多资源碎片,导致系统的利用率很低。针对以上backfill预留策略的不足,本文提出了新的backfill预留策略—OSTP策略,该策略充分考虑了backfill预留作业对空闲资源的影响,总是选择最佳的时间点预留作业。
Grid resource management plays an important role while enabling the sharing and coordinating of resources in Grid computing environments. Advance reservation is an important part of grid resource reservation mechanism. An advance reservation is a scheduling object which reserves a group of resources for a particular timeframe for access only by a specified entity or group of entities. With the development of high performance of computing, signal processor, due to the limit of computing speed, cannot meet the requirement of applications with higher computing speed. Nothing but parallel processors can provide service for applications such as large-scale computing projects and real-time required applications, which highlighted the importance of parallel scheduling.
     Based on the existing grid resource management and scheduling technologies, I studied scheduling algorithms, Easy backfill and Conservative backfill, which are massively used in parallel scheduling.In this paper, new backfill algorithm and backfill reservation algorithm are proposed, and an optimization model, two-dimensional packing model, is raised correspondingly.
     Both Easy Backfill and Conservative Backfill algorithms include backfill strategy and backfill reservation method. Existing backfill strategies only consider one job for every backfill,never considered the combination of multiple jobs, and did not consider the current available resources match with the backfill jobs.In this paper, for the inadequate of existing backfill algorithms, a newly designed backfill algorithm, JCO, is proposed. This backfill algorithm selects multiple jobs for every backfill, and selects jobs for resources based on the size of current free resource. The existing backfill reservation policy chose the earliest time to execute jobs which will fragment resources greatly and reduce system utilization rate. To change this situation, a new backfill reservation algorithm, OSTP, is proposed which take full account of backfill operation on free resources and always choose the best time to reserve resources for jobs.
     Experiments proved the feasibility of backfill algorithms, and show the impacts of reservation depth on resource utilization, average waiting time and average slowdown of jobs. We can compare the difference of different backfill strategies in different performance parameters.
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