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Higher education was always responsible for multi-task such as shape and promot of individual , boost social and cultural development . In China , the main task of higher education is to train highly qualified specialists , the development of science , technology and culture and the promotion of socialist modernization . Currently , global competition and the knowledge economy era new demands for higher education , improve the quality of education , training top-notch creative talents to become the core task of higher education. Classroom teaching is an important part of training personnel , and it is also an important factor affect the quality of higher education . The evaluation of teachers’classroom behaviors in university is an effective method of manage , monitor and improve teaching skills , carry out scientific evaluation activities could promote the quality of higher education . However , there are some problems in the used teaching evaluation tools on operable , reality and subject characteristic , these will discount the effect and quality of the evaluation . To these problems , this article chose liberal arts teachers’classroom teaching behaviors as the object of the evaluation , suppose the students as the evaluator , design a evaluation tool of liberal arts teachers’classroom teaching behaviors in university with subject characteristic , operable and epochal characteristic via scientific research.
     The research include the following content : In the first part , clarify the necessity to research the evaluation of liberal arts teachers’classroom teaching behaviors in university, and determine the direction of the research. In the second part , search and sort out the domestic and foreign relevant literature, analyze the characteristics of liberal arts teaching , define the concept liberal arts teachers’classroom teaching behaviors , division its structure , and define the special behaviors included . This is the theoretical basis of the next steps and the system of evaluation. In the third part , collect criteria form the questionnaires of students , teachers , managers and relevant literature and video , systemize the collected criteria according to the type of classroom teaching behaviors . And then distribute a large number of questionnaires to students , quantitative analyze the result , select and modify the criteria , and establish the evaluation criteria system and the evaluation tool . In the fourth part , give out the evaluation tool on probation , let some liberal art students use the evaluation table to evaluate a teacher . To check the practical applicability and scientificalness . In the fifth part , give some advise on evaluate the liberal arts teachers’classroom teaching behaviors.
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