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Because China's import and export products at lower labor costs and product price relatively reasonable, with China's economic strength of the ascension and import and export products, our country becomes increasing anti-dumping cases investigation and be anti-dumping measures taken one of the most countries frequent on our domestic industries caused serious influence. And after entry to WTO anti-dumping cases against China significantly increased, anti-dumping strength also obvious strengthen. Therefore, in order to truly its WTO accession commitments, soon will build China become truly country under the rule of law, we must strengthen and perfect our country as soon as possible the anti-dumping judicial censorship.
     Anti-dumping judicial review is a type of judicial review of antidumping judicial review system, to the people's court for anti-dumping played through judicial power administrative behavior review, and restricts the administrative power. Based on the existing theory research, continue to broaden the civic to comparative research as the theoretical basis, combining empirical laws, legal interpretation method, value analysis and other methods, anti-dumping judicial review system on the issues relating to quietly and progressive comb. Strengthen and perfect our country's anti-dumping judicial review system can help to realize both China and world advanced countries under the rule of community; And help promote our country's administrative authority at work and legal administration, perfect legal supervision system, maintaining the lawful rights and interests of the relevant interested person and plays important role. After joining the world trade organization, as international trade competition intensified, how to perform to join the world trade organization commitments and improve our anti-dumping judicial review system, and how to grasp the future development of this system to an increasingly important issue. The author tries to anti-dumping judicial review system from the basic theory, through the comparative analysis of antidumping, combining a series of related system, in which the relevant practice of establishing and perfecting the anti-dumping judicial review system provide useful references.
    4Jacob Viner: Dumping: A Problem in International Trade (1923), The University of Chicago Press, reprinted in 1966, p.1.
    1 《关于实施GATT1994第六条的协定》第11条,第13条
    2WTO,《中华人民共和国加入议定书》,WT/L/432(10 November 2001),available at www.wto.org.
    3wTO,《中国加入工作组报告书》,Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Bureau of Industry of Injury Investigation.
    [37]Stevens, J, Opinion of the Court Supreme Court of the United States, No.82---1005 Argued:February 29,1994---Decided June 25,1984
    [38]Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Springfield, Mssachusetts
    [39]Jacob Viner:Dumping:A Problem in International Trade (1923), The University of Chicago Press, reprinted in 1966, p.1.
    [40]Cherron U. S. A. Inc. V. Natural Resources Defense Council,467U. S.837,843 (1984) ISO. Id. atn.ll

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