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Translation is an essential way in the communication among different cultures. During the translation process, translators’different attitudes towards the cultural elements of the source language and the target language bring the two translation strategies—foreignization and domestication into existence. The former one helps to maintain and spread the source language culture, while the latter one may result in the distortion or disappearance of the source language culture. As the greatest of all Chinese Classics, Hongloumeng involves almost all the aspects of Chinese traditional culture. And how to maintain the excellence of traditional Chinese culture to the maximum in translating Hongloumeng is a great challenge to the translators.
     Through the linguistic material comparative method and example analysis method, and based on the relevant cultural theories by Wang Ning, this thesis has compared the different translation strategic tendencies of the Yangs’translation and Hawkes’translation in translating the chapter titles of Hongloumeng from the aspects of production and life culture, system culture, ideological concept and spiritual culture as well as linguistic culture. Through comparative analysis, the author finds that in translating the chapter titles of Hongloumeng, the Yangs prefer foreignization to domestication and maintain and spread the excellence of traditional Chinese culture; while the Hawkes’version prefers domestication as the main strategy, which may lead to the cultural loss to some extent. The comparative analysis of the two translation versions of Hongloumeng from the perspective of chapter titles performs as an essential supplement to the previous comparison of the two versions. The detailed analysis of the two strategies, especially the domestication strategy in the two versions can inspire the translators with the awareness of keeping the source language culture, especially the excellence of traditional Chinese culture, then make them be source language-oriented as much as possible in their translation. As a result, the source language culture can not be distorted or lost, which has a great significance to the cultural diversity.
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