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During every stage of mineral exploration, the work of resources and reserveestimation is needed and important, and it can be said that resources and reserveestimation is the summary of the whole geological exploration work. While in thework of reserve estimation, it is important to choose the appropriate estimationmethod, for the estimation results of different methods may vary considerably.Currently, the most widely used method in the field of resources and reserveestimation is the traditional method, including the most commonly used arithmeticmean method, block method, section method. The common principle of these methodsis to use a simple form with roughly the same volume as the complex or unknown orebody to determine the size and resources and reserve of the orebody. The traditionalmethod is simple and easy to master, but the reliability of its estimation results isrelatively low.
     SD method is a resources and reserve estimation and examination methoddeveloped by China’s geological researchers. Compared with the traditional method,this method has many advantages. For example, this method is not limited to theindustrial index, and can timely provide required reserve with the change of themarket; and this method can also give reliable reserve estimation accuracy to guidethe production.
     This paper mainly researches on the resources and reserve estimation ofXingshan-Guanzhuang Iron deposit. This paper first introduces the regional geologicalbackground and geological characteristics and ore body characteristics of Xingshan-Guanzhuang iron deposit. Through detailed analysis of those characteristics, this paperselects the traditional block method and SD method to estimate the resource andreserve of Xingshan-Guanzhuang Iron Ore. To better understand and use SD method, after the introduction of geological characteristics, this paper then introduces the basictheory and principles of SD method, including Fractal geometry theory, fall dimensiondeformation elements, SD scale-rule firm elements, search solution elements, andincrease approximation elements. After that, this paper uses SD method to estimate theresources and reserve ofⅡorebody of Xingshan-Guanzhuang Iron Deposit, and suchestimation includes the work of determining the proposal according to the actualgeological characteristics ofⅡorebody, and the work of resources and reserveestimation and examination using SD software, and also predicts the control degree ofⅡorebody. This paper then introduces how to use the traditional block method toestimate the reserve, and use such method to do the work ofⅠorebody reserveestimation, andⅡorebody reserve estimation, then compares the estimation results ofthese two different methods. At last, this paper gives the similarities and differencesbetween SD method and the traditional method of resources and reserve estimation.
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