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With the rapid development of modern information technology, information resources play an increasingly important role in the process of teaching, research and management in universities and colleges. A state of information resources of colleges and universities, such as quantity and quality, management level, the use of the extent, to a large extent decide the school's teaching, research and management strength. Therefore, it is extremely important for colleges and universities to carry out reasonable development of information resources, scientific management and making full use of it.
     In this study, in the light of management, the author will introduce the information resources management theory into universities and colleges, which has been applied maturely in the business community and government departments.This theory is used to describe the current status of information resource management, to describe the existing problems, and to point out the causes of the problem and make an analysis. And then the author describes the status quo of the U.S. Information Resource Management, and gives a detailed description of Wolverhampton University of British strategic information resources throughout the development process. Both at home and abroad and carried out comparative analysis in order to learn from foreign colleges and universities’Information Resources Management's successful experience. Finally, to enhance the level of information resource management of colleges and universities, the author try and put forward China's colleges and universities to build information resources management system based on information resources management theories and methods, with a view to raise the level of information resource management, to better for the college teaching, research and management services, and to provide practical reference.
     In this study, comparative law and case analysis methods are used. According to Information Resources Management Theory and Method, the author try to construct the system of information resources management for our colleges and universities, and discussed the question should be paid attention to in this process. This is the basic contribution and innovation of this dissertation.
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    1 Peter T.Ewell. Information for Decision: What’s the use?. New Directions for Institutional Research
    1 Richard D. Howard. Conceptual Models for Creating Useful Decision Support. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 112,Winter 2001
    2 Richard D. Howard. Conceptual Models for Creating Useful Decision Support. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 112,Winter 2001
    3 Richard L.McKinney, John S.Schott. Data administration and management. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 55,Fall 1987
    4 Peter T.Ewell. Information for Decision: What’s the use?. New Directions for Institutional Research . no. 64,Winter 1989
    1 Gerald Bernbom .Institution-Wide Information Management and Its Assessment. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 102,Summer 1999
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    1 Susan J. Foster, David E. Hollowell. Integrating Information Technology Planning and Funding at the Institutional Level. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 102, Summer 1999
    2 Shaw, Sam. A Strategic Planning Approach to Technology Integration: Critical Success Factors.2002
    3 George Keller. Strategic Planning and Management in a Competitive Environment. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 77,1993
    1 Robert H. Glover. Executive Information Systems for Total Quality Management: Balancing Quality Improvement and Cost containment. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 77,1993
    2 Marsha V. Krotseng. Designing executive information system for enrollment management. New Directions for Institutional Research. no. 77,1993
    3 Shaw, Sam. A Strategic Planning Approach to Technology Integration: Critical Success Factors.2002
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    1中国高等教育学会教育信息化分会研究课题“中国高校信息化指标体系研究”。该项目重点设计了调查问卷,自2007年5月起分别对高校信息化建设和应用情况、高校信息化的实施情况和应用效果进行了调查统计,调查时间截至2007年11月5日,调研范围包括安徽、北京、福建、甘肃、广东、黑龙江、湖南、吉林、江苏、江西、辽宁、上海、天津、香港、浙江、重庆、湖北、四川等18个省市。其中“985”高校占51.28%,“211”(不包括“985”)高校占25.64%,非“211”高校占23.08%。//赵国栋,黄永中.关于中国高等教育信息化发展状况的调查与分析.数字校园. 2005(8):43-48
    1 Jaswinder K.Dhillon . Challenges and strategies for improving the quality of information in a university setting: a case study. Total Quality Management. Mar2001, Vol. 12, Issue2
    1白庆珉.关于高校信息资源管理的研究.图书馆工作与研究. 2004(6):27-28
    1马费成.信息资源开发与管理.北京:电子工业出版社. 2004
    2 SWOT分析是战略管理中常用的用于寻找和识别组织机会的分析工具。其中S(Strengths)和W(Weaknesses)指通过对组织拥有的内部资源进行分析来评价组织的优势和劣势,O(Opportunities)和T(Threats)指在外部环境分析的基础上评估有哪些可以挖掘的机会以及组织可以面临的威胁。SWOT分析方法通过全面分析组织外部环境变化和内部资源条件,寻找适宜外部环境变化和内部资源条件的满意战略组合。

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