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随着时代和经济的快速发展,计算方法的精细化和结构形式不断推陈出新,结构的安全性问题越来越受到工程界的关注,结构中的关键构件破坏后可导致结构体系的连续倒塌。为了防止结构的连续倒塌,英美等国家从1968年英国Ronan Point公寓因煤气爆炸而导致连续倒塌破坏以来,对结构的抗倒塌性能和设计方法进行了四十多年的研究,国外在结构的抗倒塌方面的研究已经取得了一些成果,而国内在这方面的研究才刚刚起步,还有大量的工作要做。本文采用SAP2000软件对框架结构在不同参数下的关键柱破坏后的力学性能进行分析,主要内容包括:
With the rapid development of economic,the refinement of calculation methods and the appearance of the new structure,more attentions are drawn to the security of structural buildings.Since the progressive collapse was resulted from the gas explosion in Ronan Point apartment building in 1968,in order to prevent progressive collapse,European and American researchers had done much research in the performance and design methods of the structure on this issue in the past 40 years and made considerable achievements.However,codes in China have not yet provided details on the resistance of progressive collapse . They are still relatively insufficient and have a lot to do.In this paper,the performance of the steel frame with different parameters in the progressive collapse situation is analyzed by using the software SAP2000.The main contents of this paper are as followed:
     (1) The current research status and the contents of main foreign design codes about the progressive collapse prevention are introduced.The software SAP2000 is adapted to analyze the behavior of steel frame losing key columns,whose results are validated by comparing with experimental results.
     (2) The deformation and internal force of steel frame after the removal of columns at different positions are studied by instantaneously applying load method.The influence of loading time on internal force and deformation is studied.The development process of the internal force and deformation of the adjacent nodes and adjacent beams,and the distribution of plastic hinges are studied after the removal of key column.The most unfavorable location of the node is found by comparing the performance of the destroyed structure.
     (3)The effect of connection stiffness on the internal forces,deformation and the capacity to resist progressive collapse is discussed.The reasonable connection stiffness is proposed by comparing the internal forces and deformation of the damaged structure with the hope of providing basic reference to the progressive collapse design.
     The research suggests that the capacity to resist progressive collapse is related to the position of removal column.The failure column near to the side span and the upper story,the ability of the structure to resist collapse can be improved.When the column fails immediately, the maximum response of the structure is reached.Higher connection stiffness provides higher capacity to resist progressive collapse.
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