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With the change of the market and information environment, the marketing goal of modern enterprises and the realization of brand value have changed from the fulfillment of the trading to the assurance of the long and stable relationship within and outside the enterprises. In Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), the relationship is its core value, and safeguarding and managing the relationship between brand value and customers and stakeholders is its main task. Conversely, considering the fact that communication has covered the whole period of relationship and is the basic feature of relationship management, relationship management can be treated as communication management, so it is with relationship integration and communication integration. Discussing the relationship management on the perspective of IMC just as analyzing the basic content and exhibiting form of communication during the process of building and assuring the branding relationship. First, relationship management is a communication management involving all the staffs focusing on the macroscopic view. It concerns the relationship not only with the customers but also with the staffs and other stakeholders. Relationship management is also the communication management of messages of and out of control and focusing on microscopic operation. It concerns every tiny contact between brand messages and customers. And thus relation management is both a train of though and a delicate management involving all the staffs, which are combined in the four major layers of relationship management including emotion, power, conflict and variation. Second, in view of the basic communication essence of relationship management, we need thorough reform and adjustment in the theory and form of communication to achieve effective relationship management. Enterprises should regard establishing stable relations with customers and stakeholders for their core task in the process of brand marketing and running business, and abandon their nature of pursuing money. Guided by such idea, enterprises should integrate all the resources including benefits, desires and values, and conduct effective interactive action in every contact layer to promote relationship value and achieve the ultimate brand pursuit.
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