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基于Windows Mobile移动监控终端软件设计与实现
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     本论文结合传统视频监控系统与移动网络流媒体技术,提出了一个基于Windows Mobile智能手机的移动音视频监控终端软件设计方案。首先对移动终端操作系统、无线通信网络、MPEG-4编解码标准和流媒体传输技术等与本课题密切相关的理论进行了阐述。接着介绍了移动监控系统的总体架构,同时分析了相关模块的功能。并在此基础上设计并实现了移动视频监控客户端软件,采用模块化设计的方法,将整个系统划分为网络接收模块、音视频解码显示模块、告警管理模块和交互控制单元四部分。网络接收模块采用RTP/RTCP协议进行音视频数据的传输;音视频解码使用FFmpeg进行数据解码;告警管理模块将突发故障通过告警短信提示给用户;交互控制单元实现用户对监控前端的管理。各个模块独立设计,降低了模块间的耦合,提高了系统的健壮性。
     测试结果表明,在Windows Mobile智能手机平台上,利用多线程技术,采用RTP数据缓冲与FFmpeg解码并发执行的策略,系统具有较好的实时性和稳定性,满足了移动监控系统的应用需求。
Fixed terminals are usually adopted in traditional audio and video monitoring systems, which are complex in device deployment, system configuration and maintenance, and lack of flexibility. In recent years, wireless network and streaming media technology are developed, which provide a favorable support to the wireless network based media application system exploitation. Meanwhile, the continuous improvement of the mobile terminal processor provides a powerful computing and multimedia processing abilities. Those above lay a foundation for the rise of mobile audio and video monitoring. A mobile audio and video monitoring can ensure the terminal access the monitoring data server easily and flexibility anytime, anywhere.
     This paper proposed a mobile audio and video monitoring terminal design strategy for smart phone based on Windows Mobile system combined with traditional audio and video monitoring system with mobile network streaming technology. Theories closely related to this subject such as mobile terminal operating system, wireless communication network, MPEG-4 encoding and decoding standard and streaming communication technology are introduced firstly. Then the mobile monitoring system framework is described, and the function of related structure is analyzed. On these basis, the mobile video monitoring client software is designed and implemented, here, we use a modular design approach, the whole systems contains four parts, including network receiving module, audio and video decoding display module, alarm management module and the interactive control unit. The network receiving module communicate the audio and video data in RTP/TRCP protocol, the audio and video decoding module decoding the data in FFmpeg, the alarming management module prompt the user the catastrophic failure by alarm message, the interaction control unit achieve the user’s management to the front of the monitor. Each module designed independently, which reduced the coupling between modules, and improved the robustness of the system.
     The testing results show that in the Windows Mobile smart phone platform, the system has a good real-time performance and stability with the multi-threading technology, and strategy with RTP data buffer and FFmpeg decoder execute simultaneously, which meet the application requirements of mobile monitoring system.
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