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With the pace of economic globalization faster and faster, the market competition that enterprises are facing is becoming increasingly fierce, and the enterprise growth will mainly rely on the core competitiveness power cultivated by the effective management system. Performance management, as an effective means to achieve enterprise performance, is in the key position in the human resources management of the enterprise. It runs through each link of the human resource management as one of the powerful means of enterprise management.
     At present, China tobacco industry carries out the "unified leadership, vertical management, monopoly" system, which has just started integrating the performance management into its management system. Most subsidiary companies of China Tobacco currently lack a complete performance management system. There is a clear gap between the management level and the current situation. Performance management, as an important way to improve the enterprise performance, can enhance the operation efficiency, improve the staffs professional skill and promote the sound development of enterprises. Therefore, the development of a performance management system that can conform to the tobacco market demand, adapt to reform development trend of the tobacco system, guide the tobacco commercial enterprise management, and meet employees'interests, is an urgent task for the enterprise.
     With the research results of performance management theory, this paper aims to make thorough analysis, research the present situation of the performance management in tobacco companies and find out the problems and shortcomings existing in the performance management. This paper uses such performance management tools like the key performance indicators (KPI), the target administration, and the360degree assessment comprehensively to design and optimize the tobacco company performance management system, decomposing the enterprise strategic target layer upon layer into the specific work objectives for departments and employees. The performance management system is to be designed as a system composed of such four mutually supportive and organically connected subsystems as the organization management system, the indicator system, the process system, the diversified assessment result application system,which will provide an effective guarantee for the comprehensive promotion of the management level and economic benefits of the enterprise.
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