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Information resources organization of Digital library is not only an important tache, but also the emphases of information resources building in library. although researchers’effort has partly solved the basic problem of digital resources overload and digital resources solitary, and can reflects the furthering changing process of digital library information resources organization theory ,method, and application technology .But if view from the whole, the theory method of digital library information resources organization is still has many problems, such as the resource organization and revealing ability lagging far behind the increase speed of digital library information resources, and still has a big gap from users’need.
     Digital library resources organization transferred to digital and network platform along with the human resources environment changes, the traditional knowledge organization tools are must be digitized and networked, thus a new research and practice area will gradually be formed because of the need for semantic tools in digital library resources organization process. at present, the mature digital library resources organization technology are all have close relationship with semantic web program.semantic web aims to develop the present network into a data exchange and integration ,knowledge utilization and management environment, whose architecture needs support from new Chapter VI is study on the construction of DL knowledge organization model under semantic grid environment. In this Chapter, the author firstly discusses the SOA-based DL service integration model, and then on the basis of ChapterIV and Chapter V, brings forward the DL knowledge organization model under semantic grid environment. organization mechanism and the practice needs guidance from some certain theory, and must follow relevant standards and criterions.
     The semantic grid is a technology mix of grid and semantic web, which is aims to enhance the capability of integration and date computing. The application of semantic grid technology to DL knowledge organization can resolve 3 problems as follows: (1)standard organization, puts forward resource space model and the theory,method,technology and tools of stand organization and management, so that the disorder resources(information ,knowledge and service )can be organized formally, the users and service can operate various resources effectively and exactly according to semantic, and the usage efficiency can be improved;(2)semantic interconnection, resources distributed in different semantic level can be interconnected and the resource detached island can be avoided through the multi-level semantic interconnection and single semantic reflection;(3)intelligence aggregation, realizes the mutual understanding of resources and aggregate various resources effectively ,dynamically and intelligently according to users’need.
     Thus we can apply semantic grid technology to create a intermediary environment for digital library, on the one hand through formal description of knowledge, makes machine analyze and recognize the semantics covered in the knowledge; on the other hand through the realization of knowledge load balancing and loosed coupled in digital library, effectively integrates knowledge, services and users.
     In this paper, the author firstly makes a literature review and analyzes the existing problems and development trends of digital library information resources organization. Then proposes that we should build a digital knowledge organization based on semantic grid technology, and discusses the theory and technology foundation of digital library knowledge organization under semantic grid environment, including knowledge architecture theory, digital library Interoperability theory, and semantic web technology and grid technology. Secondly, on the basis of a preliminary study on semantic cooperation ,physical integration tactic and applications model of digital library knowledge organization under semantic grid environment, puts forward the idea of resolving the problem of semantic operation issues in digital library by ontology knowledge map and resolving the heterogeneous distribution issues of digital library resources by the application of grid and OAI-PMH framework, and then demonstrates and constructs this idea.
     Lastly , the author builds a digital library SOA-based conceptual model under semantic grid environment, and tries to resolve the issues of heterogeneous distribution and semantic Interoperability of library resources by this model. This dissertation is divided into 7 chapters:
     Chapter I is introduction, puts forward the background and research value, the research content and method, summarizes the innovation points and demonstrates the research technique path.
     Chapter II is the literature review on digital library knowledge organization. based on studying the DL resources organization’s theory and practice under web, grid and semantic web environment, attempts to make an comprehensive review on digital library information resources organization’s research status and practice progress, analyzes the existing problems ,looks forward the future development trends, and discusses the grid technology’s influence on digital library’s knowledge organization.
     Chapter III is the theory and technology foundation of DL knowledge organization under semantic grid environment. the author brings forward the theory and technology foundation such as knowledge architecture, digital library interoperation, semantic web and grid theory and technology, which are aiming to resolve the standard organization, semantic interconnection, intelligent aggregation problems on the basis of semantic grid technology, makes an detailed explanation on these technologies’influence on DL knowledge organization. Chapter IV is semantic interconnection strategy and application model of DL knowledge organization under semantic grid environment. The author analyzes the multi-domain ontology problem in digital library resources semantic interconnection level faced under semantic grid environment, brings forward that constructing ontology knowledge map is the easily realized approach which can resolve the digital library semantic interconnection problem, and then analyzes and discusses the constructing mechanism and application framework of ontology knowledge map.
     Chapter V is DL knowledge organization interoperation strategy and application framework under semantic grid environment. The Author discusses the interoperation problem faced by DL resources organization, analyzes the limitations of present interoperation project; comes up with the DL interoperation strategy based on OAI under semantic grid environment, and demonstrates a Realization model and model framework of this strategy.
     Chapter VI is study on the construction of DL knowledge organization model under semantic grid environment. In this Chapter, the author firstly discusses the SOA-based DL service integration model, and then on the basis of ChapterIV and Chapter V, brings forward the DL knowledge organization model under semantic grid environment.
     Chapter VII is conclusion and prospect, makes a conclusion to this dissertation, and looks forward what should be studied in the future.
     The author considers that the semantic grid-based DL is the development trend of digital library, as the concept and related technology becomes more and more mature, the semantic grid technology will apply to digital library knowledge organization comprehensively, the model that built in this dissertation attempts to integrate grid infrastructure and semantic web technology, and can resolved the problems that referred above.
     And the research work in the future are as follows: firstly, we should develop compatible domain ontology that has exact semantic level architecture; secondly, realize the mapping of domain ontology to ontology knowledge map, in order to ensure the semantic interconnection among multi-domain knowledge in digital library; thirdly, achieve further amalgamation of grid infrastructure and semantic web.
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