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Natural resources, as the material basis of human survival, have a very broad concept. In the philosophical or physical sense, it is considered as the objective substance independent of man’s will, which differs from the general sense of the natural resources in the conceptual domain. Natural resources, from the perspective of resources economics, can be divided into human resources and non-human resources, with the former socially-featured while the latter not. Economically, the social attributes of human resources show rarity in existence and efficiency in use. This paper takes the study of human resources as a starting point to research how the supply of human resources transfer from the affluence to the shortage, and then from shortage to affluence process.
     With the development of human society, the socio-economic growth is an indisputable fact and the progression growth is a universal law of human social development. Among the classical economists, the British economist Malthus gave the most intuitive and most influential formulation on the human resources’supply and demand growth relations. According to the report "the Limits of Growth"( Roman Club), many factors are related to economic growth by the“model and the exponential growth" approach. However, the development of human society is a historical process, during which different socio-economic patterns are in accordance with different levels of productive forces and production relations, different sci-tech level and allocation of resources, and different production modes and lifestyle. Linear or abstractive understanding of human resources supply-demand growth relations unavoidably leads to wrong or even absurd conclusions without the concern of variant age characteristics.
     Social economic pattern is the general term for the combination of social economic era and social economic system, indicating the integration of production development level and its production relations in each historical period. The social economy era can be divided into the pastoral age, agricultural age, industrial age, information age and intensive age. And the social economic system includes primitive society, slavery society, feudal society, capitalist society, socialist society and communist society. This paper intends to apply three mathematic progressions, namely arithmetic progression, Fibonacci progression and geometric progression to arrange the numbers into several groups by certain rules. And the permutation relationship of each group will reflect the progression relationship between the increase in supply and the increase in demand of human resources. Different social economic conditions in different stages bring about different economic growth modes, hence different proportional relationship of different progressions. The progression relationship between supply-and-demand of human resources in different stages is shown as follows: the pastoral stage saw the supply increasing based on geometric progression, while the demand increasing on Fibonacci progression, with the supply over the demand; the agricultural stage saw the supply increasing based on Fibonacci progression, while the demand increasing on arithmetic progression, with the supply over the demand; the industrial stage witnessed the supply increasing based on arithmetic progression, while the demand increasing on geometric progression with the demand over the supply; the information stage witnesses the supply increasing based on Fibonacci progression, while the demand increasing on arithmetic progression, with the supply over the demand; and the intensive stage sees the supply increasing based on geometric progression, while the demand increasing on Fibonacci progression, with the supply over the demand;
     Human Resources Supply-Demand Growth Model is constructed based on the study of progression relation between human resources supply and demand,. This model indicates the whole growth process of human resources which can be abbreviated to the following: Five Quantitative Changes, Four Leap-forwards and One Helical Development Process. Five Quantitative Changes means the quantitative variation in five eras respectively, namely, the Pastoral Age, the Agrarian Age, the Industrial Age, the Information Age and the Intensive Age. The Four Leap-forwards of Qualitative Changes suggest the leap from Pastoral Age to Agrarian Age, followed by the advancement from Agrarian Age to Industrial Age, then from Industrial Age to Information Age, and finally the advancing from Information Age to Intensive Age. And along with them, a Helical Development Process is formed with the Pastoral Age as the starting point, and ends up with the Intensive Age as the advanced stage, which has accomplished the process consistent with the negation of negation law in a philosophical sense. With the guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development, it is revealed that the sustainable development of human society is an inevitable process and that the utilization of human resources has a promising future.
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