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Since 1990s,the increase speed of FDI (foreign direct investment) has been exceeding the increase speed of international trade. The trend is to increase more and more. The FDI has caused a very great influence on the economic development of the parent country, host country and even the whole world.
     The absorption and utilization of FDI has brought positive effects on China's economic development after reform and opening-up. For example,the FDI effectively solved the funding shortfalls by increasing the capital stock and increasing revenue sources. At the same time, it also balanced China's international balance of payments by increasing China's foreign exchange supply, easing the pressure on China's employment by absorbing China's labor force and also improving the local workers’labor skills and the efficiency of production through the introduction of foreign advanced technology , management expertise,and the training of technical personnel. In addition,FDI in China contributed a lot to the rapid development of China's international trade and the structure of China's international trade and industry. FDI also has some negative effects while promoting China's economic growth. For example,FDI in China is concentrated in the secondary industry,which is not conducive to China's optimization of industrial structure. FDI in China is mainly concentrated in coastal areas in the east,but central and western regions is relatively low,the imbalance of China's increased investment in the regional structure increased the difficulties of the balanced regional development. Some FDI consumed a large amount of non-renewable resources in China, which worsened the ecological environment of China,and will make adverse impact on China's sustainable development strategy extremely. Furthermore, FDI in China caused the trade-balance-transfer effect, resulting in the worsening of China's foreign trade friction. Also,the entrance of large multinational corporations threatens Chinese national economic security.
     Korean government realizes the importance of the foreign capital detention after the Southeast Asia financial crisis of 1997. Therefore, Korea’s FDI to China increased rapidly while China’s FDI to Korea increased gradually. After diplomacy handing, China’s FDI to Korea has increased from 0.005 billion US dollars to 1.795 US dollars in 2006.
     FDI from South Korea is an important component of the total FDI attracted in China. After the diplomatic relations established between China and South Korea in 1992,FDI from South Korea in China expanded rapidly. From 1992 to 2006, FDI real-amounts from South Korea are increases in China from 119 million to 3.894 billion US dollars, and the proportion from 1.09% to 6.19%. According to the Department of Commerce of PRC statistics, the object number of South Korea invested in China from650 increased to 4262; the contract-amounts increased in China from417 million US dollars to 12.316 billion US dollars, and the proportion from 0.72% to 6.36%.China has become South Korea's largest foreign direct investment destination.
     As an increase of investment going abroad, South Korea is also constantly adjust to attract FDI policies. The 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis made South Korea aware that the government should select the policy of attracting foreign investment; the South Korean government has started to adjust policy, expanding measures of attracting foreign direct investment. Therefore FDI of Korea to China has experienced a rapid growth; and the Chinese direct investment in South Korea has also increased gradually, from the initial 5 million US dollars at the beginning of establishment of diplomatic relations gradually increased to 1.795 billion US dollars in 2006.
     Based on the review of FDI theory of the world and absorbing the outstanding research results in related fields,making use of the latest data at home and abroad and comprehensive use of combining theory and practice, Empirical Analysis of standardized combination of static analysis and dynamic analysis methods, analyzed the mutual investment between China and South Korea on the economic development of the two countries from the investment motivation, investment scale, the methods of investment, investment sectors of China and applying econometrics regression method to discuss bilateral mutual investment on the effect of economic development, particularly on the economic growth of the two countries.
     In this paper, in promoting China's economic growth, Korea's direct investment in China is better than the relative effects of other foreign direct investment in China. This was mainly due to South Korean direct investment in China was concentrated in the manufacturing sector, and Korean multinationals are in the application of advanced technology position in the world. South Korea's direct investment in China, not only will bring to China advanced technologies and techniques to enhance Chinese products grades, and enhance the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises consciousness, thereby greatly enhancing the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in the international market and its status. At the same time, The empirical results also show that China's direct investment in South Korea has little positive technology spillover effects, but through direct investment to study advanced technology in South Korean, and the motivation of the investors has changed gradually, the investment to make greater access to South Korea market and to make trade interests gradually giving way to the investment of purchasing, learning technology and personnel training. After they get the advanced technologies, the will bring it to home countries, which will cause the original enterprises with competitive power in the international market to lower gradually, and thus having a negative impact on the growth of the Korean economy.
     To the problem of expanding the scale and improving investment returns of the South Korea's foreign direct investment in China,the author brought up some basic measures to China and South Korea. Suggestions on South Korea :(1) improve the investment environments; (2) select the right styles of investment; (3) encourage the diversification of investment pattern. Suggestions on China : (1) complete the relevant laws and regulations to improve the investment environments; (2) formulate the scientific and rational policies to attract foreign direct investment, optimize the industrial structure of South Korea's foreign direct investment in China; (3) lead and encourage the South Korea's foreign direct investment in China’Midwest areas, exert the guide effect of the policy.
1 中华人民共和国商务部:《 2007’中国外国直接投资报告》,第 110 页,图 5.9.1。
    2 “2005 年韩国吸引外商直接投资动向及 06 年展望”,www.chian-korea.org, 2006 年。
     3 “2006 年韩国经济简况及明年经济展望”, www.china-overseas.com , 2007 年。
     4 高敏雪、谷泓:《外国直接投资统计基本定义剖析》,《统计研究》,2005 年第 4 期。
    11 Dunning.J.H.(1985): International Production and the Multinational Enterprise, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.16, No.1, pp.171-173.
     12 De Mello(1997): “Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries and Growth” A Selective Survey, The Journal of Development Studies, 34(1), pp.1-34.
    13 Chen. C, Chang.L, and Zhang. Y(1995): “The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in China’s Post-1978 Economic Development” World Developments, 23(4), pp.699-703.
    14 Wang.J-y(1990): “Growth,Technology Transfer,and the Long-run Theory of Inter national Capital Movements” Journal of International Economics29, pp.255-271.
    15 Barro,R.,Sala-Martin, and Xavier(1997):”Technological Diffusion, Convergence, and Growth” Journal of Economic Growth, 2, , pp.1-26.
    16 Balasubramanyan. V, Salisu. M and Sapsford. D(1996): “Foreign direct investment and growth in EP and IS countries” Economic Journal, 106, pp.92-105.
    17 Barrell R.&Pain N(1997): “Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Change, and Economic Growth in Europe” The Economic Journal 107, 1770-1786.
    18 Borensztein. E, Gregorio.J and Lee.J(1998): “How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Growth” NBER Working Paper, No. 5057.
    19 Jordan. S, Tian. G and Sun. F(1999): Causality Between FDI and Economic Growth, In Yanrui Wu eds 1999, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in China’, pp.140-156.
    20 Toda. H and Yamanoto. T,(1995): “Statistical Inference in Vector Auto Regressions with Possibly Integrated Processes”, Journal of Econometrics,66, pp.225-250.
    21 Easterly. W(1993): “How Much Do Distortions Affect Growth”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 32, pp.187-212.
    22 Cornwall. J&W(1994): “Growth Theory and Economic Structure”, Economica, 61, pp.237-251.
    23 Saltz. I(1992): The Negative Correlation between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the Third World, Theory and Evidence, Rivista Internationale di scienze Economich e commerciali, 7(39), pp.617-33.
    24 Kokko. Ari(1994): “Technology, Market Charactteristics, and Spillovers”, Journal of Development Economics, 43, pp.279-293.
    25 Hadda. M & Harrison. A(1993): “Are There Spillovers from Direct Foreign Investment?”, Journal of development Economics, 42, pp.51-47.
    26 Aitken. Brian J and ann F.Harrison(1999): Do Domestic Firms Benefit from Foreign Investment? Evidence from Venezuela, American Economic Review, Vol. 89, no.3.
    27 Young. Alvyn(1998):”Growth Without Scale Effects”, Journal of Political Economy, 106(1), pp.41-63.
    28 Rodriguez-Clare. Andres(1996): “Multinationals, Linkages, and Economic Development”, American Economic Review, 86(4), pp.852-873.
    29 赵晋平:《利用外资与中国经济增长》,北京,人民出版社,2001 年版。
    30 李静萍:〈经济全球化对中国经济增长的贡献分析〉, 经济理论与经济管理,2001 年, 第 5-9 页。
    31 萧政等:〈外国直接投资与经济增长的关系及影响〉,经济理论与经济管理,2002 年: 第 11-16 页。
    32 魏后凯:〈外国直接投资对中国区域经济增长的影响〉,经济研究,2002 年第 19-26 页。
    33 王成岐等:〈外国直接投资、地区差异与中国经济增长〉,世界经济,2002 年。
    34 王子君等:〈外国直接投资、技术许可与技术创新〉,经济研究,2002 年。
    35 杜江:〈外国直接投资与中国经济增长的因果关系分析〉,国民经济管理,2002 年: 第 97-101 页。
    36 武剑:〈外国直接投资的区域分布及其经济增长效应〉,经济研究,2002 年。
    39 张幼文、徐明棋等著:《强国经济》,北京:人民出版社,2004.10,第205-206页。
    40 SPS 全称《实施动植卫生检疫措施的协议》。
    41 主要是以发展水平相似的国家参照,但有时价格会有很大出入。
     43 韩钟演:〈中国对外直接投资战略分析〉,韩国外国语大学,2005 年, 第 14?17 页。
    48 叶允清:《跨国并购—企业“走出去”的战略选择》,《发展研究》,2004 年 第 5 期。
    49 1967 年创建于德国,在 23 个国家设有 33 个办事处,已发展成为欧洲最大的咨询公司。
    53中华人民共和国商务部:《 2007’中国外国直接投资报告》2007 年。
     58 张慧智:“对于海外直接投资成果的研究”,庆熙大学 2004年 第43-45页。
    60 资料来源:韩国进出口银行数据库(2007),http:// wwwkoreaexim.go.kr
    61 M&A 是 “Mergers and Acquisitions”的缩写,指企业的并购·合并或企业。M&A是企业在业务当中演绎的是狭义上的概念、发展出来的,所以概念本身并不是单一确定性的。M&A概
     62 资料来源:韩国进出口银行数据库(2007 年) http:// wwwkoreaexim.go.kr
     63 陶军锋:《内生增长理论:人力资本内生化模型研究》,《经济学动态》,2003 年。
    64 王志乐:《2002-2003 跨国公司在中国投资报告》[R],北京:中国经济出版社, 2002 年版。
    65 林涌:“以市场换技术”战略的反思[,统计与决策,2002 年第 9 期。
    66 王雪峰、徐勇:跨国公司在华投资与中国工业的技术进步[,科技与管理,2002 年 第 1 期。
     67 中华人民共和国商务部《2007’中国外国直接投资报告》,第 27 页。
    68 中华人民共和国商务部《2007’中国外国直接投资报告》,第 109 页,图 5.9.6。
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