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This thesis is an unprecedented attempt to make an overall study on the history ofthe dissemination and translation of Hongloumeng in the English-speaking world,which can be traced back to 1830, when John Francis Davis, in his well-known "Onthe Chinese Poetry", translated some poetic accounts of Chia Pao-yu into English andcommented on them as well. For the purpose of highlighting the common nature ofnumerous activities translating and disseminating the work, I define them as"cross-cultural rewritings" with the reference to AndréLefevere's term "rewriting",thus unifying all these activities into one conception system. In practice, I investigatethe translation history and the dissemination history separately, with the latterincluding all the rewriting forms beyond translation. On the basis of the previousstudies, I try to clarify the entangling shaping forces for the image of the work in thenew cultural context and then proceed to explore the image, the position and theliterary fame of Hongloumeng in the world literature system within Anglo-Americancontext.
     ChapterⅠthoroughly analyses the translation history of Hongloumeng in theEnglish-speaking world, which can be divided into three periods: 1830-1900,1901-1959, 1960-present. In the 19th century, all of the four fragmentary translationswere made by British diplomats to China. The frequency of translation, theirregularity of publication, and the tendency of "interlinear translation" demonstratethe practical purpose of the translators and the reception of Hongloumeng as atextbook of Chinese language instead of a literary work. During the second period, theway of reception changed and the publishing houses in the United States played acentral role in producing four English versions of Hongloumeng which were intendedfor general English readers interested in Chinese literature. The translators madeadaptations rather than translations of the original work, eliminating a great manydetails while keeping the episodes they thought interesting to Westerners. Since the1960s, there has been an upsurge of educational institutions of Asian studies and adecline of market demand for Classical Chinese literature in the English-speakingworld, which led to an "academic turn" in English translation of Hongloumeng: Theincreasing number of professional readers quickened the birth of a completetranslation by David Hawkes in 1973, and the translation in turn was highly academic as to fulfill the demand of these professional readers. Therefore, this English versionof Hongioumeng is universally acknowledged by a restricted scholarly audience but isless popular among general readers than the versions of the previous period. Onething worth, knowing is that another complete English translation issued by ForeignLanguage Press in Beijing is considered far outmatched by Hawkes' version by bothscholarly audience and general readers in the English-speaking world. To concludethis chapter, I outline the trend of English translation history of Hongloumeng,summarizing the increasing influence of academic researches on translation activitiesand the decreasing popularity of the translations among general public. In addition,based on the findings out of this chapter, I point out some limitations of currentstudies in China on English translation of Hongloumeng.
     ChapterⅡis a historical study on the dissemination of Hongloumeng in theEnglish-speaking world. By the term "dissemination", I mean all the rewriting formsof the work beyond translation, including reviews, criticism, reference works, literaryhistories and anthologies, etc.. With the 1960s as a watershed, the dissemination ofHongloumeng in the English-speaking world is divided into two periods: the earlierperiod in which a variety of rewriting forms coexisted and the latter one preoccupiedby academic rewritings. In the first period, the residents of English-Speakingcountries in China were major contributors of review articles and their interestsshifted, around the beginning of 20th century, from the linguistic aspects to the literaryvalue of this book, which confirms the changed way of reception of the work Iassumed in ChapterⅠ. Since the 1920s, on the other hand, both the introductoryarticles for general English readers and the reviews by these readers themselves hadflourished, reaching its heyday in 1950s, and then declined, which, again, confirmsthe ebb and flow of market demand for classical Chinese literature I pointed out inChapterⅠ. Besides, the academic interpretations of the work underwent progressivespecialization during these early years. In the second period, academic researchesconstituted the mainstream of the rewritings of the work, among which theinterpretations from the angles of some Western critical theories, especially feminism,and the rewritings in the introductions, histories and anthologies of Chinese or Asianliterature have been functioning as major forces creating the image of Hongloumengin the English-speaking world. Thanks to the literary reputation gained in theserewritings, Hongloumeng was admitted into the Longman World Literature Anthology in 2004. Meanwhile, the fact that many historians, politics scholars and sociologistsalso take Hongloumeng as the subject of their researches further illustrates the imageof the work as an encyclopaedia of Chinese culture.
     Based on the findings in preceding chapters, ChapterⅢtries to explore whatexactly the image of Hongloumeng is like in the English-speaking world and todetermine its position as a world literature piece. Up to now, the process of thetranslation and dissemination of Hongloumeng has displayed two major tendencies increating the image of the work: the decanonizing of the work among thenon-professional readers and in general literary studies; the canonizing of the workamong area-specialist audiences and in terms of common sense. It is my contentionthat, under the tension caused by the concurrent forces decanonizing and canonizingthe original work, Hongloumeng, as a literary commodity, a world literature piece,and an object of academic studies, has assumed a certain image of "peripheralcannon" in the English-speaking world. As David Damrosh argued, the worldliterature system within Anglo-American context has developed into a new systemconsisting of a hypercanon, a countercanon and a shadow canon. Hongloumeng isadmitted into the world literature anthology and is highly reputable in terms ofcommon sense, but is neglected by general readers and in general literary studies. Allthese features of "peripheral canon" are in accordance with the properties ofDamorosh's "countercanon", therefore, the latter is the relevant term I employ todefine precisely the position of the great Chinese masterpiece in the new culturalenvironment.
     The study is based on substantial and authentic first-hand references and isinnovative for the attempt to explore the image-creating process of Hongloumeng andits position as a world literature piece in the English-speaking world. Furthermore,more illuminations would derive from this study for the output of Chinese literaturepatronized by domestic institutions.
1 帕麦斯顿勋爵(Henry John Temple Lord Palmerston,1784~1865),又译作巴麦尊,于1830年任英国外交大臣,奉行内部保守、对外扩张的政策,两次鸦片战争的发动者。
    2 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from The Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis CommentarⅡ. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press. 1834. pp. 69-70.其一:“无故寻愁觅恨,有时似傻如狂,纵然生得好皮囊,一肠原来是莽。一潦倒不通庶务,愚顽怕读文章,行为偏僻性乖张,那管人间诽谤。 The paths of trouble heedlessly he braves,/Now shines a wit-and now a madman raves;/His outward form by nature's bounty drest,/Foul weeds usrp'd the wilderness, his breast; And bred in tumult, ignorant of rule,/He hated letters-an accomplish'd fool!/In act depraved, contaminate in mind,/Strange! had he fear'd the censures of mankind."其二:“富贵不知乐业,贫穷难耐凄凉,可怜辜负好韶光,于国于家无望。天下无能第一,古今不肖无双,寄言纨绔与膏粱,莫效此儿形状。” "Titles and wealth to him no joys impart-/By penury pinch'd, he sank beneath the smart:/oh, wretch! To thy country and thy friends! In uselessness, the first beneath the sky,/And curst, in sinning, with supremacy!/Minions of pride and luxury, lend an ar,/And shun his follies, if his fate ye fear!"
    3 ibid.,p.69.本文在引用英文论著时,凡直接对《红楼梦》进行评介和翻译或是说明其译介状态的文字,除将其译为中文以外,均附上英文原文,以加深读者的理解。特此说明。
    4 馀生(吴宓):《王际真英译红楼梦述评》,天津《大公报文学副刊》第75期,1929年。
    5 Henri Cordier. Bibliotheca Sinica: Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs a L'empire Chinois. New (ork: Burt Franklin. 1904.p.1771.
    6 E. C. Wener. "Correspondence: The Translation of Chinese". The China Journal (Volume Ⅵ, January-June, 1927). Shanghai: North-China Daily News & Herald, Ltd.pp.175-177.
    7 见New York Times. New York, N. Y.: Mar 30,1958. p.BR4.
    8 Cyril Birch." (Book Review) The Dream of the Red Chamber; dream of the Red chamber". The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.18, No.33, (May, 1959). p.386.
    9 吴世昌:《书目甲·红楼梦的西文译本及论著》,见吴世昌:《吴世昌全集第七卷·红楼梦探源》,石家庄:河北教育出版社,2003年,380—385页。
    10 吴世昌:《红楼梦西文译本和论文》,见吴世昌:《红楼梦探源外编》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1980年,第281-295页。
    11 Gladys Yang. "(Untitled Review)The Story of the Stone". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Vol.43, No.3, (1980). pp.621-622.
    12 D. E. Pollard. "(Untitled Review) Cao Xueqin: The Story of the Stone (Dream of the Red Chamber). Vol. 3 The Warning Voice". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London. Vol.45, No.3,(1982).p.645.
    13 Robert E. Hegel. "(Untitled Review) The Story of the Stone; Vol. 4, The Debt of Tears; Vol. 5, The Dreamer Wakes". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR). Vol. 8, No. 1/2, (Jul., 1986). P.129.
    14 上述三种研究转引自范圣字:《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,2-4页。
    15 Laurence K. P. Wang. "Voices across languages: The Translation of Idiolects in the Honlou meng", In Leo Tak-hung Chan (ed.) One into Many: Translation and the Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi B. V. 2003. pp. 97-114.
    16 刘士聪(主编):《红楼译评——(红楼梦)翻译研究论文集》,天津:南开大学出版社,2004年。
    17 《<红楼梦>汉英翻译研究论文索引》,见刘士聪(主编):《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》,天津:南开大学出版社,2004年,501-507页。
    18 传统翻译研究往往局限于“怎么译”的问题,见谢天振:《国内翻译界在翻译研究和翻译理论认识上的误区》,《中国翻译》,2001年,第4期,2-5页。
    19 谢天振:《译介学》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999年,第1页。
    20 ihid.,第11页。
    21 E. Gentzler. Contemporary Translation Theories. London and New York: Routledge. 1993. p.117.
    22 范圣宇:《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年。
    23 Jiang Fan. A Course to Remember: A Descriptive Study on the English Translation Course of Hongloumeng. Postgraduate program, Department of English Language and Literature, Central China Normal University.p.9.
    24 陈宏薇,江帆:《难忘的历程——<红楼梦>英译事业的描写性研究》,《中国翻译》,2003年第5期。
    25 周汝昌:《欧西<红楼梦>研论得失之我见——姜其煌著(<美红学>序言》,姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第1至9页。
    26 吴世昌:《书目甲·红楼梦的西文译本及论著》,见吴世昌:《吴世昌全集第七卷·红楼梦探源》,石家庄:河北教育出版社,2003年,380—385页。
    27 吴世昌:《红楼梦西文译本和论文》,见吴世昌:《红楼梦探源外编》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1980年,第281-295页。
    28 陈炳良:《近年的红学评述》,见潘重规:《红学六十年》,台北:文史哲出版社,1974年,117-143页。
    29 姜其煌:《<红楼梦>西方译本序跋谈》,见姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第1至16页。
    30 尹慧珉:《近年英美红楼梦论者评介》,见《红楼梦研究集刊·第三辑》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1980年,467-480页。
    31 尹慧珉:《海外红楼梦论文篇目索引》,见《红楼梦研究集刊·第四辑》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1980年,第463页。
    32 这是尹慧珉对这一著作题名的翻译方法,本研究在谈及这一论著时,将其译为《<红楼梦>中的小说面具:神话、模仿和叙述者》,特此说明。
    33 尹慧珉:《介绍一部美国的红学专著》,见《红楼梦研究集刊·第八辑》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1982年,435-445页。
    34 鲍韬:《美国两部学术著作中的红楼梦论文》,见《红楼梦研究集刊·第八辑》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1982年,第176页。
    35 胡文彬:《红楼梦在国外》,北京:中华书局,1993年,第127至137页,第155至165页。
    36 姜其煌:《英美红学》,见姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第59至88页。
    37 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第88页。
    38 ibid.
    39 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第8页。
    40 ibid.,第60页。
    41 ibid.,第70页。
    42 David Damrosch. What is World Literature? Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2003.p.4.
    43 ibid., p.6.
    44 David Damrosch. The Longman Anthology of World literature(Volume D: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century).New York, San Francisco, Boston, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Madrid, Mexico City, Munich, Paris, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Montreal: Pearson. 2004. pp.77-165.
    45 David Damrosch. What is World Literature? Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2003.p.4.
    46 ibid., P. 5.
    47 Walter Benjamin. "The Task of the Translator". In Lawrence Venuti. The Translation Studies Reader. New York: Routledge. 2000. pp.15-23.
    48 David Damrosch. What is World Literature? Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2003.p.7.
    49 Andre Lefevere. "Mother Courage's Cucumbers: Text, System and Refraction in a Theory of Literature". In Lawrence Venuti. The translation studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge. 2000.pp.233-248.
    50 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. p.1.
    51 ibid.,p.2.
    52 ibid.,p.5.
    53 ibid.,p.7.
    54 ibid.
    55 ibid.,p.2.
    56 David Damrosch. What is WorldLiterature? Princeton& Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2003.p.1.
    57 ibid.,p.25.
    58 Walter Benjamin. "The Task of the Translator". In Lawrence Venuti. The Translation Studies Reader. New York: Routledge.2000. p.15-23.
    59 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. p.13.
    60 埃斯卡皮:《文学社会学》,王美化、于沛译,安徽文艺出版社,1987年,第127页。转引自谢天振:《译介学》,上海外语教育出版社,1999年,第137页。
    61 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. p.12.
    62 Itamar Even-zohar. "Polysystem Theory". Poetics Today, Vol.1, No.1/2, Special Issue: Literature, Interpretation, Communication (Autumn, 1979). pp. 287-310.(p.288).
    63 ibid,
    64 ibid.
    65 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. p.12.
    66 Itamar Even-zohar. "Polysystem Theory". Poetics Today, Vol. 1, No.1/2, Special Issue: Literature, Interpretation, Communication (Autumn, 1979). pp. 287-310.(p.289).
    67 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. p.11.
    68 Itamar Even-zohar. "Polysystem Theory". Poetics Today, Vol.1, No.1/2, Special Issue: Literature, Interpretation, Communication (Autumn, 1979). pp. 287-310.(p.291).
    69 ibid.,p.288.
    70 ibid.,p.290.
    71 ibid.,p.289.
    72 ibid.
    73 ibid.
    74 ibid., p.291.
    75 这是目前国内外《红楼梦》翻译研究论述的主流,刘士聪主编的《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》(天津:南开大学出版社,2004年)所收录的文章及索引中所列举的论文绝大多数为此类论述。
    76 Itamar Even-zohar. "Polysystem Theory". Poetics Today. Vol.1, No.1/2, Special Issue: Literature, Interpretation, Communication (Autumn, 1979). pp.287-310.(p.290).
    77 ibid.
    78 E. Gentzler. Contemporary Translation Theories. London and New York: Routledge. 1993. p.117.
    79 Itamar Even-zohar. "Polysystem Theory". Poetics Today. Vol. 1, No.1/2, Special Issue: Literature, Interpretation, Communication (Autumn, 1979). pp.287-310.(p.292).
    80 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. p.38.
    1 对于1959年以前的几种译本出版机构的名称,本文一般与吴世昌先生的《红楼梦的西文译本及论著》书目所提供的译名保持一致,以便读者进行对照。但此处的Kelly & Walsh Ltd.固定的对应中国名称应为“别发洋行”,因此不采用吴世昌先生的译名“凯来及华希公司”,特此说明。
    2 E. C.Wener."Correspondence: The Translation 0f Chinese". The China Journal.Vol.Ⅵ,No.4, April,1927.pp.175-177.
    3 吴世昌:《书目甲·红楼梦的西文译本及论著》,见吴世昌:《吴世昌全集第七卷·红楼梦探源》,石家庄:河北教育出版社,2003年,380—385页。详见第385页,“我未见威氏译文。未列入本书目。”
    4 范圣宇:《红楼梦管窥——项译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年。
    5 Herbert Giles.A History of Chinese Literature.New York: Grove Press Inc.Orizinally published in 1923 bv D. Appleton and Company.pp.355-385.
    6 Elfrida Hudson. An Old,Old Story.ne China Journal(Volume Ⅵ 1928 January-June).Shanghai:North-China Daily News & Herald, Ltd.pp.7-p15.
    7 见Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. p.12.
    8 见王毅:《皇家亚洲文会北中国支会研究》,上海书店出版社,2005年,第161页。
    9 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from The Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis Commentar Ⅱ. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press.1834.扉页。
    10 ibid.,p.69.引文原文见本文引言第1页。
    11 胡文彬:《<红楼梦>在国外》,中华书局,1993年,第130页。
    12 胡文彬:《<红楼梦>在西方的流传和研究概述》,《北方论丛》,1980年第1期,46-53页。
    13 见帅雯霖等人的研究。
    14 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from The Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis Commentar Ⅱ. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press.1834. 扉页.
    15 《上海地方志·大事记》http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node4526/node57703/index.html
    16 《上海地方志·大事记》http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node4526/node57703/index.html
    17 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from the Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis Commentar Ⅱ. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press.1834.p.71.
    18 ibid.
    19 胡文彬:《<红楼梦>在国外》,中华书局,1993年,第130页。
    20 Chan的断句方法见 Chan Oi Sum Connie, The Story of the Stone's Journey to the West: A study In Chinese-English Translation History, M. Phil. Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 1999.p36-37 转引于范圣宇:《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,第7页。
    21 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from The Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis Commentar Ⅱ. Macao: The Honorable East india Company's Press.1834.pp.159-192.
    22 帅雯霖:《英语世界<红楼梦>译本综述》,《汉学研究》第二集,503-509页。
    23 《浙江巡抚梁宝常奏》(道光二十六年九月二十六是),中国第一历史档案馆:《鸦片战争档案史料》第7册,上海人民出版社,1987年,第729页。
    24 http://archwebs.mh.sinica.edu.tw/foreign/paper/mh 1400-3.pdf
    25 H. Bencraft Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book I& Ⅱ). Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wiidside.翻印自1892版本.扉页.
    26 Robert Thom. The Chinese speaker; or, Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking/complied for the students. NingPo: Presbyterian Mission Press.1846.英文扉页.
    27 Robert Thom. The Chinese speaker; or, Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking/complied for the students. NingPo: Presbyterian Mission Press.1846. 中文扉页.
    28 ibid.,英文扉页.
    29 Robert Thom. "To the Reader". The Chinese speaker; or, Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking/complied for the students. NingPo: Presbyterian Mission Press.1846.扉页后,未占页码.
    30 ibid.
    31 ibid.
    32 ibid.
    33 Robert Thom. "To the Reader". The Chinese speaker; or, Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking/complied for the students. NingPo: Presbyterian Mission Press. 1846.目录后,未占页码.
    34 ibid.
    35 Robert Thom. "Table of Contents". The Chinese speaker; or, Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking/complied for the students. NingPo: Presbyterian Mission Press.1846.扉页后,未占页码.
    36 H. Bencrafl Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book Ⅰ& Ⅱ). Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892. Preface.
    37 《自迩集》为当时在华外国居民学习汉语的一种教材。
    38 Chan Oi Sum Connie. The Story of the 5tone's Journey to the West: A study In Chinese-English Translation History, M. Phil. Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.1999.p6.转引于范圣宇: 《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,第8页。
    39 ibid.
    40 Robert Thom. "Extracts from Wung low meung", The Chinese speaker; or, Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking/complied for the students. NingPo: Presbyterian Mission Press.1846. p. 62.
    41 ibid.,pp. 62-89.
    42 原词见引言注释1,具体分析见下一小节。
    43 中国国家图书馆汉学家资源库http://form.nlc.gov.cn/sino/show.php?id=9
    44 ibid.
    45 姜其煌,《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,109-110页。
    46 Arthur Waley. Preface. In Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London:George Routledge &Sons, limited, pp.ⅶ-ⅷ. (p.ⅶ).
    47 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from The Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis Commentar Ⅱ. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press. 1834.pp.159-192.
    48 中国国家图书馆汉学家资源库http://form.nlc.gov.cn/sino/show.php?id=15
    49 卫三畏著,陈俱译:《中国总论》(上册),上海:上海古籍出版社,2005,483-484页。
    50 ibid.,482页。
    51 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from The Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis Commentar Ⅱ. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press.1834.p.69.
    52 ibid.,p.69.
    53 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991,第21页。
    54 ibid.
    55 J. F. Davis. "On the Poetry of the Chinese"(from The Royal Asiatic Transactions), in Poeseos Sinensis Commentar Ⅱ. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press.1834.p.70.
    56 Robert Thorn. "Extracts from Wung low meung", The Chinese speaker; or, Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking/complied for the students. NingPo: Presbyterian Mission Press.1846. p.62.
    57 ibid.
    58 Peter Newmark. Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation Ⅱ申雨平编:《西文翻译理论精选》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002年,615—628页.
    59 H. Bencrafl Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book I). Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892.p.215.
    60 H. Bencrafl Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book I). Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892.pp.215-230.
    61 ibid.,p.220.
    62 ibid.,p.221.
    63 ibid.,p.224.
    64 ibid.,p.227.
    65 Bencraft Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book Ⅰ& Ⅱ). Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892.p.227.
    66 ibid.
    67 馀生(吴宓):《王际真英译红楼梦述评》,天津《大公报·文学副刊》第75期,1929年。
    68 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991,第111页。
    69 Bencraft Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book I). Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892.p.215.
    70 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第112页。
    71 Bencraft Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book I), Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892.p.218.
    72 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第112页。
    73 Bencraft Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book I), Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892.p.219.
    74 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第115页。
    75 Bencraft Joly. Translation: Hung Lou Meng (Book I), Doylestown Pennsylvania: Wildside. 1892.p.224.
    76 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.114.
    77 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge & Sons, limited. 1929. p.114.
    78 见Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.扉页,以及McHugh, Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.扉页。
    79 馀生(吴宓):《王际真英译红楼梦述评》,天津《大公报·文学副刊》第75期,1929年。
    80 Arthur Waley. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited.1929, p.ⅶ.引文原文见上一节第36页。
    81 ibid., p.ix.
    82 ibid., p.x.
    83 ibid.
    84 ibid., p.xi.
    85 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.;ⅹⅴ.
    86 Arthur Waley. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929. p.ⅹⅰ.
    87 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.ⅹⅹ.
    88 Arthur Waley. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge & Sons, limited. 1929. p.ⅹⅰ.
    89 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958.p.ⅹⅹ.
    90 见 New York Times. New York. N. Y.: Jun 2, 1929. pBR2.
    91 Mark Van Doren. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers. 1958. pp.ⅴ-ⅵ.(p.v).
    92 ibid., p.vi.
    93 ibid.
    94 ibid.
    95 张桂贞:《弗朗茨.库恩及其<红楼梦>德文译本》,刘士聪(主编):《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》,天津:南开大学出版社,2004年,427-458页,(432页)。
    96 见上文428页。
    97 Franz Kuhn. Introduction. In Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.pⅹⅲ-pⅹⅵ. (p.xv).
    98 ibid.
    99 ibid., pp.ⅹⅴ-ⅹⅵ.
    100 胡适:《中国章回小说考证》,合肥:安徽教育出版社,1999年,第140页。
    101 顾颉刚:《顾序》,见俞平伯:《红楼梦辩》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,1-7页,(第6页)。
    102 王农:《简介红楼梦的一种英译本》,《社会科学战线》,1979年第1期,第266页。
    103 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.ⅹⅵ.
    104 ibid., pp. ⅹⅵ-ⅹⅶ.
    105 ibid., pp. ⅹⅷ-ⅹⅸ.
    106 ibid., p.ⅹⅸ.
    107 ibid., p.ⅹⅵ.
    108 ibid.,p.ⅹⅶ.此外俞平伯这一考证结果见俞平伯:《红楼梦辩》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,第3页。
    109 ibid.,p.ⅹⅸ.
    110 ibid.
    111 ibid.
    112 Franz Kuhn. Introduction. In Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.pp.ⅹⅲ-pⅹⅵ.(p.ⅹⅲ).
    113 ibid., p.ⅹⅲ.
    114 ibid.,p.ⅹⅳ.
    115 王丽娜:《红楼梦外文译本介绍》,《文献》1979年第1期,153—156页。
    116 三农:《简介红楼梦的一种英译本》,《社会科学战线》,1979年第1期,266页。
    117 ibid.
    118 ibid.
    119 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.ⅹⅹ.
    120 ibid.
    121 ibid.
    122 ibid.
    123 ibid.
    124 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. NewYork:TwaynePublishers, 1958.pⅹⅸ.
    125 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. NewYork:TwaynePublishers, 1958.pⅹⅸ.
    126 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.pp.119-120.
    127 ibid., p.186.
    128 ibid., p.192.
    129 ibid., p.193.
    130 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958. p.ⅹⅸ.
    131 ibid.
    132 ibid.
    133 Franz Kuhn. Introduction. In Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.pp.ⅹⅲ-pⅹⅵ.(p.ⅹⅳ).
    134 转引自范圣字:《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,第10页。
    135 Mark Van Doren. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers. 1958.pp.ⅴ-ⅵ.(p.ⅵ).
    136 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958.p.ⅹⅹ.
    137 ibid., p.ⅹⅸ.
    138 Franz Kuhn. Introduction. Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.pp.ⅹⅲ-pⅹⅵ.(p.ⅹⅳ).
    139 ibid.
    140 ibid.
    141 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited.1929.pp.3-18.
    142 ibid., p.371.
    143 Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.p.582.
    144 David Hawkes. Classical, Modern and Humane: Essays in Chinese Literature, The Chinese University Press. 1989.p. 268
    145 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,137-139页,(138页)。
    146 ibid.,139页。
    147 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958.p.ⅹⅸ.
    148 Mark Van Doren. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958.pp.ⅴ-ⅵ.(p.ⅴ).
    149 ibid.
    150 ibid.
    151 WangChi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958.p.ⅹⅹ.
    152 Mark Van Doren. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958.pp.ⅴ-ⅵ.(p.ⅴ).
    153 王农:《简介红楼梦的一种英译本》,《社会科学战线》,1979年第1期,266页。
    154 ibid.
    155 ibid.
    156 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.ⅹⅹⅰ.
    157 Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.p.ⅹⅹⅰ.
    158 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.ⅹⅹ.
    159 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited.1929.p.ⅹⅹⅰ.
    160 ibid.
    161 ibid.
    162 Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.pⅹⅹⅰ.
    163 馀生(吴宓):《王际真英译红楼梦述评》,天津《大公报文学副刊》第75期,1929年。
    164 ibid.
    165 吴世昌:《红楼梦西文译本和论文》,见吴世昌:《红楼梦探源外编》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1980年,第28-.295页,(第283页)。此文首先发表于1962年的《文学遗产增刊》第九辑。
    166 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.p.ⅹⅹ.
    167 见New York Times. New York. N. Y.: Jun 2, 1929. p.BR2.
    168 馀生(吴宓):《王际真英译红楼梦述评》,天津《大公报文学副刊》第75期,1929年。
    169 Franz Kuhn. Introduction.In Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books.1958.pp.ⅹⅲ-pⅹⅵ.(p.ⅹⅳ).
    170 ibid.
    171 Arthur Waley. Preface. Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929. p.ⅹⅰ.
    172 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第143页。因为麦克休-库恩译本所依据的是1832年萃文书屋本,也即程乙本。所以我们在此采用程乙本作为原文底本。而且我们也参照了前80回以庚辰本(脂本)为底本的人民文学本,其中也并无库恩译本中的相应内容。
    173 ibid.
    174 McHugh, Florence & Isabel. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books. 1958.p.154.
    175 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第227页。
    176 ibid.
    177 ibid.,第36页。
    178 McHugh, Florence & Isabel. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books. 1958.p.233.
    179 见董康:《书舶席谭》卷四,载周汝昌:《红楼梦新证》,北京:人民文学出版社,1976年,第929页。
    180 Wang Chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London: George Routledge &Sons, limited. 1929.扉页.
    181 详见王铁崖:《中外旧约章汇编》第3册,三联书店,1962年,第200.201页,第218页。
    182 见New York Times.New York,N.Y:Oct 21,1917.pg.47,7 pgs.
    183 C. T. Hsia. "Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture". In C.T. Hisa. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press. 2004. (pp.3-29).p.14.
    184 ibid.,p.13.
    185 见 New York Times, New York. N. Y.: Jun 2, 1929. pBR2.
    186 Franz Kuhn. Introduction. Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York Pantheon Books.1958.pp.ⅹⅲ-pⅹⅵ.(p.ⅹⅳ).
    187 Wang chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Twayne Publishers.1958.扉页.
    188 Florence & Isabel McHugh. Translation: The Dream of the Red Chamber. New York: Pantheon Books. 1958. 见扉页及书中插图.
    189 见 New York Times. New York, N.Y.: Mar 3, 1958. p. 25.
    190 见 New York Times. New York, N.Y.: Mar 30, 1958. p.BR4.
    191 Liu Wu-chi. An Introduction to Chinese literature. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1966. pp.237-245.
    192 Robert McHenry. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britanica., Inc. 1993. Vol. 4, 12, 16,23.
    193 张爱玲,《红楼梦魇》,合肥:安徽文艺出版社,1992年,第3页。
    194 这两所大学分别为 Eastern Illinois University 和 University of Illinois-Us.
    195 这十七所大学为: University of Illinois-UC, Governors State University, Northern Illinois University, SIU Carbondale, Danville Area Community College, Bradley University, Chicago State University, Elmhurst College Illinois State library, Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Saint Xavier University, Western Illinois University, Olivet Nuzarene University, University of St. Francis, Parkland College.
    196 这十八所大学为:Eastern Illinois University, University of Illinois-UC, Catholic Theology Union, Depaul University, Greenville College, Governors State University, Illinois Math & Science Academy, Millikin University, North Central College, Northern Illinois University, SIU Carbondale, SIU Edwardsville, Illinois Institute of Technology, Danville Area Community College, Eureka College, Quincy University, Harper College, Weaton College.
    197 这四所大学为:University of Illinois-UC, University of St. Francis, Benedictine University, Columbia College.
    198 这十九所大学为: Depaul University, Northern. Illinois University, SIU Carbondale, SIU Edwardsville, Illinois Institute of Technology, Bradley University, Illinois State University, Columbia College, Dominican University, Lake Forest College, Northeastern Illinois University, Roosevelt University, University of Illinois Springfield, North Park University, Newberry Library, Augustana College, University of Illinois-Chicago.
    199 这七所大学为: Weaton College, Depaul University, SIU Carbondale, Bradley University, Western Illinois University, University of Illinois-Chicago, School of the Art Institute.
    200 这十三所大学为: University of Illinois-UC, Governors State University, North Central College, Northern Illinois University, SIU Carbondale, SIU Edwardsville, Quincy University, Bradley University, Illinois State University, Benedictine University, Northeastern Illinois University, University of Illinois Springfield, Illinois Central College.
    201 从以上数据可看出,存有霍译本的“学院”(college)只有两所,其余的学院图书馆只藏有王际真译本或麦克休-库恩译本。
    202 C. T. Hsia. "Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture". In C.T. Hsia. C.T.Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2004.pp.1-29. (p.10).
    203 于子桥:《2000年美国东亚研究现状》,9月22——-23日中国北京“东亚研究的现状与前景”研讨会,北京大学国际关系学院陈峰君教研网。
    204 ibid.
    205 ibid.
    206 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary Fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2004.p.3.
    207 Lai Ming. AHistory of Chinese Literature. London: Cassell & Company Lit.1964.pp.336-345.
    208 ibid., p.ⅹⅲ.
    209 Cyril Birch. Anthology of Chinese literature(Volume 2).New York: Grove Press.1972.p.201.
    210 ibid.,pp.203-258.
    211 ibid., p.201.
    212 Cyril Birch. "(Book Review) The Dream of the Red Chamber; dream of the Red chamber". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol.18, No.33, (May, 1959). p.386.
    213 Jeanne Knoerle. The Dream of the Red Chamber, a Critical Study. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.1972.p.39.
    214 ibid.,p.57.
    215 ibid.,p. 64.
    216 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2004.p.14.
    217 ibid,.p.15.
    218 张桂贞:《弗朗茨·库恩及其<红楼梦>德文译本》,刘士聪(主编):《红楼译评——(红楼梦)翻译研究论文集》,天津:南开大学出版社,2004年,第248页。
    219 范圣宇:《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,11-12页。
    220 ibid.
    221 ibid.
    222 潘重规:《红学六十年》,见潘重规:《红学六十年》,台北:文史哲出版社,1974年,1—14页(第8页)。
    223 王毅:《皇家亚洲文会北中国支会研究》,上海:上海书店出版社,2005年,第161页。
    224 ibid.
    225 C. T. Hsia." Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture". In C.T.Hsia.C.T.Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2004.pp.1-29. (p.11) .
    226 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes.London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.pp.15-46.
    227 Cao Xueqin. The Siory of the Stone Vol.2 (The Crab-Flower Club ) . trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973. pp.17-21.
    228 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.3 (The Warning Voice). trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.pp.14-20.
    229 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.4 (The Debt of Tears). trans. John Minford. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1980.pp.15-30.
    230 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.5 (The Dreamer Wakes). trans. John Minford. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1986.pp.15-17.
    231 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.pp.15-46.
    232 ibid.,p.17.
    233 Cao Xueqin. A Dream of Red Mansions(Book I). trans. Yang Hsien-Yi and Gladys Yang. Beijing: Foreign Language Press. 1994. p.3.
    234 李希凡、蓝翎:《红楼梦评论集》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,第300页。
    235 ibid.,306-307页。
    236 ibid.,第308页。
    237 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol. 1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes.London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.14.
    238 具体情形见本文39-40页。
    239 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol. 1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.18.
    240 范圣宇:《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,16-53页。
    241 ibid.
    242 范圣宇:《红楼梦管窥——英译、语言与文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,16-53页。
    243 Cao Xueqin. ADream of Red Mansions. trans.Yang Hsien-Yi and Gladys Yang. Beijing: Foreign Language Press. 1994.p.3.
    244 David Damrosh. World Literature in a Postcanonical, Hypercanonical Age. In Huan Saussy (ed). Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.2006. pp.43-53.(p.43).
    245 ibid.
    246 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary Fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2004.p.2.
    247 林以亮,《红楼梦西游记》,台北:台湾联经出版事业公司,1976年,第2页。
    248 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.46.
    249 ibid.,p.412.
    250 射天振:《译介学》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999年,第175页。
    251 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes.London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.53.
    252 ibid., p.197.
    253 ibid., p.45.
    254 ibid., p.48.
    255 ibid.
    256 ibid., p.351.
    257 ibid., p.171.
    258 ibid., p.295.
    259 ibid., p.364.
    260 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.2 (The Crab-Flower Club). trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.217.
    261 读者相关评论见以下网页: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0140443711/ref=cm_cr_dp-2_1/103-6316106-1929453?ie=UTFS&customer-reviews.sort%5Fby=-SubmissionDate&n=283155
    262 Barbara Stoler Miller. Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective. New York & London: M. E. Sharpe. 1994. pp. ⅶ-ⅹ.
    263 Anthony C. Yu. "Cao Xueqin's Hongloumeng". In Barbara Stoler Miller(ed). Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective. New York & London: M. E. Sharpe.1994.pp.285-296.
    264 Jeannette L. Faurot. Dream of the Red Chamber. In Ian P. McGreal(ed). Great Literature of the Eastern World. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.1996.pp.147-150.
    265 David. Damrosch. The Longman Anthology of World literature(Volume D: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century).New York, San Francisco, Boston, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Madrid, Mexico City, Munich, Paris, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Montreal: Pearson. 2004.pp.77-151.
    266 Andrew H. Plaks. Archetype and Allegory in the dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton and Guildford, Surrey: Princeton University Press.1976.p.3.
    267 Lucien Miller. Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona. Tuscon: The University of Arizona Press.1975.p.314.
    268 Wong kam-ming. Point of View, Norms, and Structure: Hong-lou Meng and Lyrical Fiction. Andrew Placks(ed). Chinese Narrative. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.1977.pp.203-226.
    269 Marsha L. Wagner. "Maids and Servants in dream of the Red Chamber: Individuality and the Social Order". Robert E. Hegel & Richard C. Hessney(ed). Expressions Of Self in Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press. pp.251-281.
    270 Bettina L. Knapp. Images of Chinese Women: A westerner's View. New York, Troy: The Whitston Publishing House.1992. pp.135-159.
    271 本小节所引用的读者对霍译本的评价均来自以下网页:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0140443711/ref=cm_cr_dp_2_1/103-6316106-929453?ie=UTFS&customer-reviews.sort%5Fby=-SubmissionDate&n=283155
    272 本小节所引用的关于杨译本的读者评论均来自以下网页:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/7119006436/ref=cm rev next/103-6316106-1929453?ie=U TF8&customer-reviews.sort%5Fby=-SubmissionDate&n=283155&s=books&customer-reviews.start=11
    273 范圣宇:《<红楼梦>管窥——英译、语言和文化》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年; 陈宏薇,江帆:《难忘的历程——<红楼梦>英译事业的描写性研究》,《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究 论文集》,天津:南开大学出版社,45-63页; 刘雪芹:《影响<红楼梦>对联理解的诸种静态因素》,《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》,天津: 南开大学出版社,2004年,273-287页。
    274 陈宏薇,江帆:《难忘的历程——<红楼梦>英译事业的描写性研究》,《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》,天津:南开大学出版社,45-63页。
    275 崔永禄:《霍克斯译<红楼梦>中倾向性问题的思考》,见《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》,天津:南开大学出版社,2004年,81-91页。
    276 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol. 1 . trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.46.
    277 崔永禄:《霍克斯译<红楼梦>中倾向性问题的思考》,见《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》, 天津:南开大学出版社,2004年,81-91页,(83页)。 魏芳:《翻译策略:译者在特定翻译情境下的选择》,见《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》,天津: 南开大学出版社,2004年,107-121页,(118页)。
    278 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol. 1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.45.
    279 Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol. 1 (The Golden Days). trans. David Hawkes. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973.p.46.
    280 类似观点散见于《红楼译评——<红楼梦>翻译研究论文集》天津:南开大学出版社,2004年。此外 则见于《中国翻译》等期刊所登载的绝大多数对《红楼梦》英译进行研究的论文。
    1 Henri Cordier. Bibliotheca Sinica: Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs a L'empire Chinois. New York: Burt Franklin.1904.
    2 ibid.扉页.
    3 Herbert Giles. A History of Chinese Literature. New York: Grove Press Inc. Originally published in 1923 by D. Appleton and Company.p.441.
    4 Henri Cordier. Bibliotheca Sinica: Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs a L'empire chinois. New York: Burt Franklin.1904.p.1771.
    5 ibid.
    6 吴世昌:《书目甲·红楼梦的西文译本及论著》,见吴世昌:《吴世昌全集第七卷·红楼梦探源》,石家庄:河北教育出版社,2003年,380—385页。
    7 陈炳良:《近年的红学评述》,见潘重规:《红学六十年》,台北:文史哲出版社,1974年,117-143页。
    8 见本文引言第9页。
    9 胡文彬:《红楼梦在国外》,北京:中华书局,1993年,第134页。
    10 ibid.,pp.155-165.
    11 ibid.,p.159.
    12 ibid.
    13 ibid.,p.160.
    14 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第73页。
    15 ibid.,p.77.
    16 C. W. Xia. Classical "Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture". In C.T. Xia. C. T. Xia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press. 2004. pp.3-29. (p.8).
    17 见本文第一章第二阶段的研究。
    18 于子桥:《2000年美国东亚研究现状》,9月22—23日中国北京“东亚研究的现状与前景”研讨会,北京大学国际关系学院陈峰君教研网。
    19 ibid.
    20 ibid.
    21 见刘跃进:《近年美国的中国古代文学研究掠影》,福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2001年第1期,58-65页。
    22 ibid.
    23 C.T. Hsia. " Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture" .In C.T. Hsia. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press.2004, pp.3-29.(p.10).引文原文见本文第一章第77页。
    24 ibid., p.13.
    25 ibid., p.9.
    26 ibid., p.8.
    27 ibid., p.13.
    28 ibid.,p.12.
    29 Karl A.F. Gutzlaff. "Hung Lou Mung, or Dreams in the Red Chamber". Chinese Repository. Vol Ⅺ(from January to December,1842).pp.266-273. (p.266).
    30 ibid.,p.273.
    31 Arthur Waley. "Preface". Wang chi-chen. Translation: Dream of the Red Chamber. London:George Routledge & Sons, limited. 1929. p.x.
    32 Karl A.F. Gutzlaff. "Hung Lou Mung, or Dreams in the Red Chamber". Chinese Repository. Vol Ⅺ(from January to December,1842).pp.266-273 (p.273).
    33 Ibid.,p268.
    34 刘禾:《普遍性的历史建构——《万国公法》与十九世纪国际法的流通》,见李陀、陈燕谷主编:《视界》第1辑,石家庄:河北教育出版社,2000年,69-85页。
    35 《上海港志·大事记》http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node4526/node57703/index.html
    36 E.C. Wener. "Correspondence: The Translation of Chinese". The China Journal. Volume Ⅵ, No.4, April, 927.pp.175-177.
    37 ibid., p.175.
    38 ibid.
    39 ibid.
    40 ibid.
    41 ibid.
    42 Elfrida Hudson. "An Old, Old Story". The ChinaJournal. Volume Ⅷ, No.1, January, 1928. pp.7-15.
    43 ibid.,p.15.
    44 Pearl S. Buck. Chinese Novel. Shanghai: South Asia.1938.扉页.
    45 ibid.
    46 ibid.,p.7.
    47 ibid.,p.5.
    48 ibid.,p.7.
    49 ibid.,p.53.
    50 ibid.,p.51.
    51 ibid., p.49-50.
    52 ibid., p.7.
    53 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第70页。
    54 Pearl S. Buck. Chinese Novel. Shanghai: South Asia.1938.pp.49-50.
    55 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第70页。
    56 Pearl S. Buck. Chinese Novel. Shanghai: South Asia.1938. pp.42-45.
    57 具体分析见本文第一章48-52页。
    58 见"That Rata Avis, a Realistic Novel out of the Orient". New York Times. New York, N.Y.: Jun 2, 1929. pg. BR2.
    59 见New York Times. New York, N.Y.: Mar 30, 1958. pg. BR4.
    60 Anthony West. "Through a Glass, Darkly". New Yorker. Nov.22.1958. pp.223-232.
    61 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第138页。
    62 ibid.
    63 ibid.
    64 鲁迅:《中国小说史略》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,第201页。
    65 鲁迅:《绛洞花主小引》,见鲁迅:《鲁迅全集》第八卷,北京:人民文学出版社,1982年,第145页。
    66 夏志清:《<红楼梦>里的爱与怜悯》,见胡文彬、周雷:《海外红学论文集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1982年,第127 130页。
    67 C. T. Hsia. "Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture". C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press.2004, pp.3-29. (p.10).
    68 Herbert Giles. The Hung Lou Meng, commonly called The Dream of the Red Chamber[J].Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.V.20.No.1.pp.1-20,pp.51-51.
    69 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦(底本为程乙本)》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第17页。
    70 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为<腊砚斋重评石头记(庚辰秋月定本)>),北京:人民文学出版社,1982年,第39页。
    71 Herbert Giles. A History of Chinese Literature. New York: Grove Press Inc. Originally published in 1923 by D. Appleton and Company. p.360.
    72 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第246页。
    73 ibid.,p.13.
    74 Herbert Giles, A History of Chinese Literature. New York: Grove Press Inc. Originally published in 1923 by D. Appleton and Company.p.362.
    75 ibid.,p.364.
    76 见原文三十一回。
    77 Herbert Giles. A History of Chinese Literature. New York: Grove Press Inc. Originally published in 1923 by D. Appleton and Company.p.360.
    78 Ibid., p.371.
    79 曹雪芹、高鹗:《红楼梦》(底本为程乙本),上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第21页。
    80 Herbert Giles. A History of Chinese Literature. New York: Grove Press Inc. Originally published in 1923 by D. Appleton and Company. p.362.
    81 帅雯霖:《英语世界<红楼梦>译本综述》,见《汉学研究》第二集,503-509页。
    82 W. Arthur Cornaby. "The Secret of the "Red Chamber". The New China Review. Vol. Ⅰ(August 1919). pp.329-339.
    83 Cyril Birch. "(Book Review) The Dream of the Red Chamber; Dream of the Red Chamber ". The Journal of Asian Studies.Vol.18, No.33, (May, 1959).p.386.
    84 ibid.
    85 ibid.
    86 ibid.
    87 James Robert Hightower. "Chinese literature in the Context of Word Literature". Comparative Literature. Vol. 5, No.2, (Spring, 1953). pp.117-124.
    88 John L. Bishop. "Some Limitations of Chinese Fiction". The Far Eastern Quarterly. Vol.15, No.2, (Feb., 1956). pp.239-247.
    89 ibid.
    90 ibid.
    91 ibid.
    92 刘跃进:《近年美国的中国古代文学研究掠影》,福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2001年第1期,第58页。
    93 C. T. Hisa."Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture". In C.T. Hsia. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press. 2004. pp.3-29.(p.11).
    94 刘跃进:《近年美国的中国古代文学研究掠影》,福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2001年第1朔,58-63页。
    95 C.T. Hsia. "Chinese Novels and American Critics: Reflections on Structure, Tradition and Satire". In C.T. Hsia. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press, 2004. pp.30-49.(p.33).
    96 ibid.
    97 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2004.p.3.
    98 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,北京:大象出版社,2005年,第77页。
    99 ibid., 第82页。
    100 C. T. Hsia. "Chinese Novels and American Critics: Reflection on Structure, Tradition and Satire". In C.T. Hsia. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2004. pp.30-49(p.30).
    101 C. T. Hsia, The Classical Chinese Novel. New York and London: Columbia University Press.1968.
    102 C. T. Hsia. Chinese Novels and American Critics: Reflection on Structure, Tradition and Satire. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2004. pp.30-49.(p.31).
    103 Zhu Gang. Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2001.p.34.
    104 张首映:《西方二十世纪文论史》,北京:北京大学出版社,1999年,第146页。
    105 Zhu Gang. Twentieth Century western Critical Theories. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2001.p.34.
    106 Sister Mary Gregory Knoerle. A Critical Analysis of 'The Dream of The Red Chamber' in Terms of Western Novelistic Criteria, Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the Comparative Literature Program. Indian University. September, 1966.
    107 ibid.,p.2.
    108 ibid.,p.5.
    109 Jeanne Knoerle. The dream of the Red Chamber:a Critical Study. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1972.p.ⅸ.
    110 Sister Mary Gregory Knoerle. A Critical Analysis of 'The Dream of The Red Chamber' in terms of Western Novelistic Criteria. Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the Comparative Literature Program. Indian University.September, 1966. p.2.
    111 ibid. p.3.
    112 Jeanne Knoerle. The dream of the Red Chamber: a Critical Study. Indiana University Press. 1972.pp.25-148.
    113 ibid., p.ⅹⅰ.
    114 Sister Mary Gregory Knoerle, A Critical Analysis of 'The Dream of The Red Chamber' in terms of Western Novelistic Criteria. Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the Comparative Literature Program. Indian University.September,1966. p.1.
    115 Jay Sailey."(Untitled Review)The Dream of the Red Chamber, a Critical Study". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol.33, No.2, (Feb., 1974). pp.298-300.
    116 Sister Mary Gregory Knoerle. A Critical Analysis of 'The Dream of The Red Chamber' in terms of Western Novelistic Criteria. Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the Comparative Literature Program. Indian University.September,1966. p.7.
    117 Jeanne Knoerle. The dream of the Red Chamber: a Critical Study. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.1972.p.ⅸ.
    118 Sister Mary Gregory Knoerle, A Critical Analysis of 'The Dream of The Red Chamber' in terms of Western Novelistic Criteria. Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the Comparative Literature Program. Indian University.September,1966. p.7.
    119 Jeanne Knoerle. The dream of the Red Chamber: a Critical Study. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.1972.p.38, 39, 52, 57, 64, 84.
    120 闫玉刚:《论反讽概念的历史流变与阐释维度》,石家庄学院学报,2005年第1期,88-92页。
    121 克里斯蒂娃:《人怎样对文学说话》,转引自罗兰·巴尔特著,李幼蒸译:《符号学原理》,三联书店,1988年,第213页。
    122 Dore J.Levy. Ideal and Actual in the Story of the Stone. Data: Columbia University press. 1999.p.Ⅹ.
    123 ibid., p.5.
    124 ibid., pp.4-5.
    125 ibid., pp.7-156.
    126 ibid., p.139.
    127 Cleanth Brooks. "Irony as a Principle of Structure". 转引自Zhu Gang.Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign language Education Press.2001.p.47.
    128 ibid., p. 158.及Andrew Placks. "Towards a critical Theory of Chinese Narrative". In Andrew Placks(ed). Chinese Narrative. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.1977.pp.309-352.
    129 Wong Kam-ming. "Point of View, Norms, and Structure: Hong-lou Meng and Lyrical Fiction". In Andrew Placks(ed). Chinese Narrative. New Jersey: Princeton University press. 1977. pp.203-226. (p.203).
    130 ibid., p.205.
    131 ibid., p.205.
    132 Cleanth Brooks."Irony as a Principle of Stucture".转引自Zhu Gang. Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign language Education Press.2001.p.47.
    133 Andrew H.Plaks. Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton and Guildford, Surrey: Princeton University Press.1976.p.86.
    134 ibid., p.7.
    135 ibid., p.8.
    136 Frederick P. Brandauer. "(Untitled Review) Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona. Archetype and Allegory in the dream of the Red Chamber".The Journal of Asian Studies.Vol. 36, No. 3., (May, 1977). pp.554-557.
    137 John C. Y.Wang. "(Untitled Review) Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona. Archetype and Allegory in the dream of the Red Chamber". Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol. 99, No. 1, (Jan.-Mar., 1979). pp.128-130.
    138 C. T.Hsia. "(Untitled Review) Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. Vol.39, No.1,(Jun., 1979).pp.190-210.
    139 Jeannie Jinsheng Yi. The Dream of The Red Chamber: an Allegory of Love. Paramus: Homa & Sekey Books. 2004.p.5.
    140 ibid., pp.126-130.
    141 ibid., pp.152-172.
    142 ibid., p.5.
    143 Wang Jing. The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and the Journey to the West. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 1992.pp.2-4.
    144 David L. Rolston. "(Untitled Review) The Story of Stone: Intertcxtuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and the Journey to the West". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol.51, No.4, (Nov.,1992). pp. 910-912.
    145 Ellen Widmer. "(Untitled Review) The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and the Journey to the West". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Vol.15, (Dec.,1993). pp.201-207.
    146 Andrew Lo."(Untitled Review) The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and the Journey to the West". The China Quarterly. No.137,(Mar.,1994). pp.282-283.
    147 Wilt Idema. "(Untitled Review) The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and the Journey to the West". Journal of the African Oriental Society. Vol. 114, No. 1, (Jan.-Mar., 1994). pp.83 85.
    148 Li Wai-yee." (Untitled Review) The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and The Journey to the West". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.54, No.2, (Dec.,1994), pp. 590-604.
    149 Ge Liangyan. "The Mythic Stone in Honglou meng and an Intertext of Ming-Qing Fiction Criticism". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol.61, No.1, (Feb., 2002). pp.57-82.
    150 ibid., p.58.
    151 ibid.
    152 ibid.
    153 ibid., p.59.
    154 Zhu Gang. Twentieth Century western Critical Theories. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign language Education Press.2001.p.129.
    155 Lucien Miller. Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona. Tuscon: The University of Arizona Press.1975.
    156 ibid.,扉页.
    157 ibid., p.17-86.
    158 ibid., p.87-180.
    159 ibid., p.181-253.
    160 Frederick R Brandauer. "(Untitled Review) Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona. Archetype and Allegory in the dream of the Red Chamber". The Journal of Asian Studies.Vol. 36, No. 3. (May, 1977). pp. 554-557.
    161 John C. Y. Wang. "(Untitled Review) Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona. Archetype and Allegory in the dream of the Red Chamber". Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol.99, No.l, (Jan.-Mar., 1979). pp.128-130.
    162 Li Wai-yee. "(Untitled Review) The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and the Journey to the West". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. Vol.54, No.2, (Dec., 1994). pp. 590-604.
    163 Wang, Jing. The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and The Journey to the West. Durham and London: Duke University Press.1992.pp.44-87.
    164 Huan Saussy. "Reading and Folly in Dream of the Red Chamber". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Vol. 9, No. 1/2, (Jul., 1987). pp.23-47.
    165 Lin Shuen-fu. "Chia Pao-yu's First Visit to the Land of Illusion: An Analysis of a Literary Dream in Interdisciplinary Perspective". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Vol. 74, (Dec., 1992). pp.77-106.(p.79).
    166 Ibid., p.106.
    167 转引自张寅德编:《叙事学研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1989年,第1页。
    168 Wong Kam-ming. The Narrative Art of Red Chamber Dream. A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. January 1974.
    169 Andrew Placks. "Allegory in His-yu Chi and Hung-lou meng". In Andrew Placks(ed). Chinese Narrative. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.1977.pp.163-202.
    170 Wong kam-ming. "Point of View, Norms, and Structure: H0ng-lou Meng and Lyrical Fiction". In Andrew Placks(ed). Chinese Narrative. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.1977.pp.203-226.
    171 Kao Yu-kung. Lyrical Vision in Chinese Narrative: a Reading of Hung-lou meng and Ju-lin Wai-shi. In Andrew Placks (ed). Chinese Narrative. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.1977.pp.227-243.
    172 见"Narratology Ⅲ: Narration and Perspective in Fiction". Poetics Today. Vol.2, No. 2, (Winter, 1981). pp.5-156.
    173 Mary Scott."The Image of the Garden in Jin Ping Mei and Hongloumeng". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews.Vol.8, No.1/2, (Jul.,1986).pp.83-94.(p.83).
    174 Lene Bech. "Flowers in the Mirror, Moonlight on the Water: Images of a Deluded Mind". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews.Vol.24, (Dec., 2002), pp.99-128.(p.99).
    175 Anthony C. Yu. "Self and Family in the Hung-lou Meng: A New Look at Lin Tai-yu as Tragic Heroine". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Vol.2, No.2,(Jul., 1980). pp.199-223.(p. 222).
    176 ibid., p.223.
    177 Marsha L. Wagner. "Maids and Servants in Dream of the Red Chamber: Individuality and the Social Order". In Robert E. Hegel & Richard C. Hessney (ed). Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.1985. pp.251-281.(p.252).
    178 Martin W. Huang. Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century Chinese Novel. Stanford: Stanford University Press.1995.p.77.
    179 ibid., p.77.
    180 Angelina C. Yee. "Self, Sexuality, and Writing in Honglou meng". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. Vol.55, No.2, (Dec., 1995). pp.373-407.(p.378).
    181 Lee Haiyan. "Love or Lust? The Sentimental Self in Honglou meng". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Vol.19, (Dec.,1997). pp.85-111.
    182 ibid.,p.85.
    183 Halvor Eifring. "The Psychology of Love in The Story of the Stone". In Halvor Eifring (ed).Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature. Boston & Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 2004.pp.271-324.
    184 Hu Ying. "(Untitled Review) Rereading the stone: Desire and The Making of fiction in Dream of the red Chamber". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol.58, No.1, (Feb.,1999). pp. 179-180.
    185 Anthony C. Yu. Rereading the stone: Desire and The Making of fiction in Dream of the red Chamber. Princeton: Princeton University Press.1997.pp.53-109.
    186 ibid., p.56.
    187 Haun Saussy." (Untitled Review) Rereading the stone: Desire and The Making of fiction in Dream of the red Chamber". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Vol.21; (Dec., 1999), pp.175-177.(p.177).
    188 ibid.
    189 Wilt L. Idema. "(Untitled Review) Rereading the stone: Desire and The Making of fiction in Dream of the red Chamber". Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol. 119, No. 2, (Apr.-Jun., 1999). pp.358-369. (p.369).
    190 Hu Ying. "(Untitled Review) Rereading the stone: Desire and The Making of fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol.58, No. 1, (Feb., 1999). pp.179-180. (p.180).
    191 此文有中英文两种版本。英文原文见C. T. Hsia. "Love and Compassion in'Dream of Red Chamber'". Criticism. V(Summer 1963)pp.262-268.中文原文见夏志清:《<红楼梦>里的爱与怜悯》,见胡文彬、周雷:《海 外红学论文集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1982年,第127 130页。
    192 C. T. Hsia. The Classical Chinese Novel. New York and London: Columbia University Press.1968.p.264.
    193 ibid., p.265.
    194 鲁迅:《绛洞花主小引》,见《鲁迅全集》第8卷,北京:人民文学出版社,1982年,第145页。
    195 Anthony C. Yu. "The Quest of Brother Amor: Buddhist Intimations in The Story of The Stone". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. Vol.49, No.1,(Jun., 1989). pp.55-92.
    196 ibid., p.60.
    197 Li Qiancheng. Fictions of Enlightenment: Journey to the West, Tower of Myriad Mirrors, and Dream of the Red Chamber. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.2004.p.ⅶ.
    198 ibid.
    199 Ann Waltner. "On Not Becoming a Heroine: Lin Dai-Yu and Cui Ying-Ying". Signs. Vol.15, No.1, (Autumn, 1989).pp.61-78. (p.74).
    200 ibid., p.78.
    201 张首映:《西方二十世纪文论史》,北京:北京大学出版社,1999年,第502页。
    202 Louise Edwards."Women in Honglou meng: Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China". Modern China. Vol.16, No.4,(Oct, 1990). pp.407-429.(p.407).
    203 ibid.
    204 ibid., p.428.
    205 Louise Edwards. "Gender Imperatives in Hongtou meng: Baoyu's Bisexuality". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR). Vol. 12, (Dec., 1990). pp. 69-81.
    206 Louise Edwards. Men and Women in Qing China: Gender in the Red Chamber Dream. Leiden and New York: Brill. 1994.p.2.
    207 paul S. Ropp. " (Untitled Rieview)Men and Women in Qing China: Gender in 'The Red Chamber Dream'".The China Quarterly. No.143, (Sep., 1995), pp. 907-908.
    208 Louise Edwards. Recreating the Literary Canon: Communist Critiques of Women in the Red Chamber Dream. Dortmund: Projekt Verlag.1995.p.1.
    209 Louise Edwards. Men and Women in Qing China: Gender in the Red Chamber Dream. Leiden and New York: Brill. 1994.p.3.
    210 Keith Macmahon. Misers, Shrews, and Polygamists: Sexuality and Male-Female Relations in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Fiction. Durham & London: Duke University Press.1995.p.ⅹ.
    211 ibid., pp.176-204.
    212 见Frank Dikotter. "(Untitled Review) Misers, Shrews, and Polygamists: Sexuality and Male-Female Relations in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Fiction". The China Quarterly. No. 148, Special Issue, Contemporary Taiwan, (Dec., 1996). pp.1392-1393.以及Jeannette L. Faurot "(Untitled Review) Misers, Shrews, and Polygamists: Sexuality and Male-Female Relations in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Fiction". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol. 55, No. 2. (May, 1996). pp. 444-445.
    213 Louise Edwards. "Women in Honglou meng: Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China". Modern China. Vol.16, No.4, (Oct, 1990). pp.407-429.(p. 407).
    214 孙康宜著,叶舒宪 译:《性别理论与美国汉学的互动研究》,《清华大学学报》,2002年增1期,55-59页。
    215 Bettina L. K.napp. Images of Chinese Women: A westerner's View. New York, Troy: The Whitston Publishing House.1992.p.ⅵ.
    216 ibid., p.158.
    217 ibid.
    218 Huan Saussy. Women's Writing before and within the Hong lou meng". In Ellen Widmer & Kang-I Sun Chang (ed). Writing Women in Late Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press.1997. pp.285-305.
    219 Wu Huang. "Beyond Stereotypes: The Twelve Beauties in Qing Court Art and the Dream of the Red Chamber".In Ellen Widmer & Kang-Ⅰ Sun Chang (ed). Writing Women in late Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1997. pp.306-365.
    220 Ellen Widmer. "Ming Loyalism and the Women's Voice in Fiction after Hongloumeng". In Ellen Widmer & Kang-Ⅰ Sun Chang (ed). Writing Women in Late Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press.1997. pp.366-396.
    221 Susan Mann. "(Untitled Review) Writing Women in late Imperial China". Pacific Affairs. Vol. 71, (Spring, 1998).pp.97-98.
    222 ibid.
    223 孙康宜著,叶舒宪译:《性别理论与美国汉学的互动研究》,《清华大学学报》,2002年增1期,55-59页。
    224 ibid.
    225 ibid.
    226 ibid.
    227 Wu Shih-Ch'ang. On the Red Chamber Dream: A Critical Study of Two Annotated Manuscripts of the Eighteenth Century.London: Oxford University Press.1961.
    228 Jonathan D. Spence. Ts'ao Yin and the K'ang-h'si Emperor, Bondservant and Master. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1966. p.ⅸ.
    229 Joey Bonner."Yu P'ing-po and the Literary Dimension of the Controversy over Hung lou meng". The China Quarterly. No.67, (Sep., 1976). pp. 546-581.
    230 Louise Edwards. "New Hongxue and the 'Birth of the Author': 'Yu Pingbo's "On Qin Keqing's Death'". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Vol. 23, (Dec., 2001). pp. 31-54.
    231 Herbert Giles. A History of Chinese Literature. New York: Grove Press INC. Originally published in 1923 by D. Appleton and Company. p.Ⅴ.
    232 ibid.,p.355.
    233 ibid.,pp.356-384.具体内容见本章“评介方式多样化阶段”的研究。
    234 Theodore de Barry. Approaches to the Oriental Classics: Asian Literature and Thought in General Education. New York and London: Columbia University Press.1958. (扉页).
    235 Yi-Tse Mei Feuerwerker. "The Chinese Novel". In Theodore de Barry (ed). Approaches to the Oriental Classics: Asian Literature and Thought in General Education. New York and London: Columbia University Press. 1958.p171-p185. (p181).
    236 ibid.,p184.
    237 Lai Ming.A History of Chinese Literature. London:Cassell & Company Lit.1964.p.332.
    238 ibid.,p.307.
    239 C.T. Hsia. "Chinese Novels and American Critics". In C.T. Hsia. C.T.Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2004.pp.30-49.
    240 C.T. Hsia. The Classical Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction. New York and London: Columbia University Press. 1968.p.1.
    241 ibid. p.245.
    242 Liu Wu-Chi. An Introduction to Chinese Literature. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press.1966.p.237.
    243 ibid.
    244 ibid.
    245 Cyril Birch. Anthology of Chinese Literature (Volume 2). New York: Grove Press.1972.p.201.
    246 ibid.,p.67.
    247 Winston L. Y.Yang, Peter Li, Nathan K. Mao. Classical Chinese Fiction: A Guide to Its Study and Appreciation Essays and Bibliographies. Boston: C. K. Hall & Co.1978.p.96.
    248 Victor H. Mair. The Columbia Anthology of.Traditional Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.1994.pp.1020-1032.
    249 ibid.,pp.1032-1035.
    250 ibid.,p.1020,1032.
    251 Victor H. Mair. The Columbia History of Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2001.p.647.
    252 ibid.,p.652.
    253 ibid.,p.655.
    254 Barbara Stoler Miller. Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective. New York & London: M.E.Sharpe. 1994.pp.ⅶ-ⅹ.
    255 Anthony C.Yu. "Cao Xueqin's Hongloumeng". In Barbara Stoler Miller(ed). Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective. New York & London: M.E.Sharpe.1994.pp.285-296.
    256 Jeannette L. Faurot. "Dream of the Red Chamber". In Ian P. McGreal (ed). Great Literature of the Eastern World. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.1996. pp.147-150.
    257 David Damrosch. The Longman Anthology of World literature (Volume D: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century). New York, San Francisco, Boston, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Madrid, Mexico City, Munich, Paris, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Montreal: Pearson Education Inc. 2004.pp.77-165.
    258 这部分论著数量较多,但对于《红楼梦》文学声誉的塑造所起的作用不大,具体书目将在附录中列出。
    259 Borge Bakken."(Untitled Review) on Chinese Views of Childhood". The China Journal, No.39, (Jan.,1998).pp.167-169.
    260 Cathy Silber. "Privacy in Dream of the Red Chamber". In Bonnie S. McDougall (ed). Chinese Concepts of Privacy (Sinica Leidensia, Vol. 55).Leiden &Boston: Koninklijke Brill NV. 2002.pp.54-80.
    261 Eugene Cooper; Zhang Meng. "Patterns of Cousin Marriage in Rural Zhejiang and in Dream of the Red Chamber". The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol.52, No.1,(Feb., 1993). pp.90-106.
    262 Mao, Tse-tung. Letter Concerning the Problems of Studies of the Dream of the Red Chamber (October 16, 1954).Chinese Law and Government ( White Plains, NY).Vol,11. No.4,(Win 1978-1979).pp.37-39.
    263 Mao, Tse-tung. Letter Concerning the Problems of Studies of the Dream of the Red Chamber (October 16, 1954). Chinese Literature (Beijing). No.11,(1977), pp.3-10.
    1 Jay Sailey. " (Untitled Review)The Dream of the Red Chamber, A Critical Study". The Journal of Asian Studies Vol.33, No.2, (Feb., 1974). pp.298-300.具体论述见本文第二章149页。
    2 David Damrosh. What is World Literature. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press.2003.p.6.
    3 C. T. Hsia. "Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture". In C. T. Hsia. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press.2004, pp.3-29.(p.14).
    4 David Damrosh. World Literature in a Postcanonical, Hypercanonical Age. In Huan Saussy(ed).Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.2006.pp.43-53.(p.48).
    5 C. T. Hsia. "Chinese Novels and American Critics: Reflection on Structure, Tradition and Satire". In C. T. Hsia. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2004. pp.30-49.(p.32).
    6 以上引文和分析见C. T. Hsia. "Chinese Novels and American Critics: Reflection on Structure, Tradition and Satire". In C. T. Xia. C. T. Xia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press.2004.pp.30-49. (p.32).
    7 ibid.,pp.38-39.
    8 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary Fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2004.p.1.
    9 Li Wai-yee."Full-Length Vernacular Fiction".In Victor H. Mair. The Columbia History of Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2001.pp.620-658.(p.652).引文原文见本文第二章178页。
    10 John L. Bishop. "Some Limitations of Chinese Fiction". The Far Eastern Quarterly. Vol.15, No.2, (Feb.,1956). pp.239-247.引文原文见本文第二章142页。
    11 C. T. Hsia. "Chinese Novels and American Critics: Reflection on Structure, Tradition and Satire". In C. T. Hsia. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University press.2004.pp.30-49. (p.36).
    12 David Damrosh. "World Literature in a Postcanonical, Hypercanonical Age". In Huan Saussy(ed). Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.2006.pp.43-53.(p44).
    13 ibid.,p355.
    14 Yi-Tse Mei Feuerwerker. "The Chinese Novel". In Theodore de Barry. Approaches to the Oriental Classics: Asian Literature and Thought in General Education. New York and London: Columbia University Press. 1958.pp.171-p185. (p.181).
    15 Lai Ming. A History of Chinese Literature. London: Cassell & Company Lit.1964.p.332.
    16 Liu Wu-Chi. An Introduction to Chinese Literature. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press.1966.p.237.
    17 C.T. Hsia. The Classical Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction. New York and London: Columbia University Press. 1968.p.1.
    18 Winston L. Y. Yang, Peter Li, Nathan K.Mao. Classical Chinese Fiction: A Guide to Its Study and Appreciation Essays and Bibliographies. Boston: C. K. Hall & Co.1978.p.96.
    19 Victor H. Mair. The Columbia History of Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.2001.p.647.
    20 Anthony C.Yu. "Cao Xueqin's Hongloumeng". In Barbara Stoler Miller(ed). Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective. New York & London: M.E.Sharpe.pp.285-296.
    21 Jeannette L. Faurot. Dream of the Red Chamber. In Ian P. McGreal(ed). Great Literature of the Eastern World. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.1996.pp.147-150.
    22 David Damrosh. World Literature in a Postcanonical, Hypercanonical Age. In Huan Saussy(ed).Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.2006.pp.43-53.(p.48).
    23 胡文彬:《红楼梦在国外》.北京:中华书局,1993年,第61页。
    24 Encyclipaedia Britannica (14th edition).Vol.5, 1964.p.639.
    25 Robert McHenry. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition ).Vol.4. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1993. p.218.
    26 ibid.
    27 Robert McHenry. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition).Vol.16. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1993. p.238.
    28 ibid.
    29 Robert McHenry. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition ).Vol.23. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1993. p.8.
    30 Andre Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting and The Manipulation of Literary Fame. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2004.p.2.
    31 Rene Wellek & Austin Warren. Theory of Literature.Harcout: Brace & World, Inc. 1956. p.49.
    32 David Damrosh. World Literature in a Postcanonical, Hypercanonical Age. In Huan Saussy(ed).Comparative Literaturein an Age of Globalization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 2006.pp.43-53.(p.43).
    33 ibid.
    34 ibid.
    35 ibid.,p.44.
    36 ibid.,p.45.
    37 ibid.
    38 ibid.
    39 ibid..
    40 ibid.,pp.45-46.
    41 ibid.,pp.44.
    42 ibid.,p.53.
    43 ibid.,p.47,49,52.
    44 New York Times. New York.N.Y.: Jun 2, 1929. pBR2.引文原文见本文第二章132页。
    45 Robert McHenry. The New Encyclipaedia Britannica (15th edition ).Vol.23. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1993. p.8.
    46 以上论述见Lawrence Venuti. The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference. New York: Routledge. 1998.pp.67-81.
    1 载《中华读书报》2003年1月29日。
    2 谢天振:《准来向世界译介中国文学和中国文化?》,《文景》,2005年第5期,20-23页。结语部分所引用的谢天振教授的观点均来自这篇文章。
    3 Gideon Toury. Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies. In Theo Hermans (ed). The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation. Beckenham:Croom Helm Ltd. 1985. pp. 16 39.
    4 李希凡、蓝翎:《三版后记·我们走过的路》,李希凡、蓝翎:《红楼梦评论集》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,第300页。
    5 李希凡、蓝翎:《三版后记·在文学思想战线上》,李希凡、蓝翎:《红楼梦评论集》,北京:人民文学出版 社,1973年,第304页。
    6 ibid.
    7 ibid.,第307页
    8 李希凡、蓝翎:《三版后记》,李希凡、蓝翎:《红楼梦评论集》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,第299页。
    9 李希凡、蓝翎:《三版后记·在文学思想战线上》,李希凡、蓝翎:《红楼梦评论集》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,第304页。
    10 Mao, Tse-tung. "Letter Concerning the Problems of Studies of the Dream of the Red Chamber (October 16, 1954)". Chinese Literature (Beijing). No. 11, (1977), pp. 3-10.
    11 Li, His-fan. "Restudying Chairman Mao's Letter Concerning the Study of the Dream of the Red Chamber". Chinese Literature (Beijing).No. 11, (1977), pp. 108-113.
    12 Yang Hsien-Yi and Yang, Gladys, A Dream of Red Mansions. Beijing: Foreign Languate Press. 1994. p. ⅳ.
    13 ibid.,p.ⅷ.
    14 李希凡、蓝翎:《三版后记·我们走过的路》,李希凡、蓝翎:《红楼梦评论集》,北京:人民文学出版社,1973年,第300页。
    15 曹聚仁:《新红学发微》,第97—99页,转引自陈炳良:《近年的红学评述》,见潘重规:《红学六十年》,台北:文史哲出版社,1974年,117-143页。
    16 吴世昌:《宁荣两府“不过是个屠宰场而已”吗?——论<红楼梦>英译本的出版说明》,《读书》,1980年第二期,78-83页。又见吴世昌:《红楼梦探源外编》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1980年,487-494页。
    17 Ibid.,p.490.
    18 Yang, Gladys. (Untitled Review) The Story of the Stone [J].Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African studies, University of London, Vol. 43, No. 3, (1980).pp. 621-622.
    19 这条评论引文原文见第一章注释,本小节所引用的关于杨译本的读者评论均来自以下网页,http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/7119006436/ref=cm_rev_next/103-6316106-1929453?ie=UTF8&customer-reviews.sort%5Fby=-SubmissionDate&n=283155&s=books&customer-reviews.start=11
    20 Gideon Toury. Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies. In Theo Hermans (ed). The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation. Beckenham:Croom Helm Ltd. 1985. pp. 16 39.
    21 Zhang Xiugui. Cliffs Notes on Dream of The Red Chamber (A Dream of Red Mansions).Lincoln, Nebraska: Cliffs Notes, Inc..1991. p. 5.
    22 Linda Ching. Story of the Stone: from Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin, Illustrated and Interpreted by Linda Ching. Honolulu: Linda Ching Publisher. 1997. p.1.
    1. Bakken, Borge. (Untitled Review) on Chinese Views of Childhood [J]. The China Journal, No.39. (Jan., 1998).pp.167-169.
    2. Bary, Wm. Teodore de. (ed). Approaches to the Oriental Classics: Asian Literature and Thought in General Education [M]. New York & London: Columbia University Press, 1959. 扉页.
    3. Bech, lene. Flowers in the Mirror, Moonlight on the Water: Images of a deluded Mind [J]. Chinese literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Vol. 24, (Dec, 2002). pp. 99-128.
    4. Benjamin, Walter. The Task of the Translator [A]. In Lawrence Venuti. The Translation Studies Reader [M]. New York: Routledge.2000.pp.15-23.
    5. Birch, Cyril. (Untitled Review) The Dream of the Red Chamber; Dream of the Red Chamber [J]. The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.18, No.33 (May, 1959). p.386.
    6. Birch, Cyril. Anthology of Chinese literature [M]. New York: Grove Press, 1972. pp. 201-258.
    7. Bishop, John L.. Some Limitations of Chinese Fiction [J]. The Far Eastern Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 2. (Feb., 1956). pp. 239-247.
    8. Bonnet Joey. Yu P'ing-po and the Literary Dimension of the Controversy over Hung lou meng [J]. The China Quarterly, No. 67. (Sep., 1976). pp. 546-581.
    9. Brandauer, Frederick P. (Untitled Review) Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona. Archetype and Allegory in the dream of the Red Chamber [J]. The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 36, No. 3. (May, 1977). pp. 554-557.
    10. Buck, Pearl S.. Chinese Novel [M]. Shanghai: South Asia.1938. p.5, p.7, p.49, p.50, p.51, p.53.
    11. Cao, Xueqin. A Dream of Red Mansions [Z]. trans. Yang Hsien-Yi and Gladys Yang. Beijing: Foreign Language Press. 1994.
    12. Cao, Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol. 1 (The Golden Days) [Z]. trans. Hawkes, David. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1973. pp.15-46, p.17, p.14, p.18, p.46, p.45, p412, p53, p197, p48, p.351, p.171, p.295, p364.
    13. Cao, Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.2(The Crab-Flower Club)[Z]. trans. Hawkes, David. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1977. pp. 17-21, p.217.
    14. Cao, Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.3 (The Warning Voice) [Z]. trans. Hawkes, David. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1978. pp. 14-20.
    15. Cao, Xueqin. The Story of the Stone Vol.4 (The Debt of Tears) [Z]. trans. Minford, J. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 1980. pp. 15-30.
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