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     本研究以地区主义与环境合作的互动关系为理论线索,将东北亚的环境安全问题纳入东亚整体的地区主义的发展进程之中予以考量。一方面,地区主义的兴起与发展为地区环境安全合作提供了理论基础与实践平台,成为环境合作的重要支撑力量;另一方面,地区环境安全领域的合作又成为东北亚地区合作的推动力量。在这种互动关系的基础上,本文进一步提出了“地区环境安全复合体”的分析框架。引入这一分析框架的主要目的是确立本文的研究思路与研究重点,即以“地区环境安全复合体”为起点,通过环境安全的制度化合作,促进地区社会的形成与发展,从而促进东北亚地区主义合作进程。为了使研究更为规范化与系统化,在本文的写作中,采用了综合性的研究方法,主要包括结构功能分析法(Structural-Functionalism Analysis)和建构主义的研究方法(Constructivism Approach)。
Since the last half of 20~(th) century, due to the expansion of human's activity and the development of industrialization, environmental degradation becomes a global issue, which threatens the ecological basis of human's survival. Scholars and policy makers have accepted the concept of environmental security gradually. The study on environmental security has also become an important branch of international security studies.
     From the perspective of international politics, contemporary environmental security studies can be divided into four categories: the first is the study on environmental securitization; the second is the study on the relationship between environmental security and conflict; the third is the ecological angle of view; the fourth is on environmental peacemaking. This dissertation belongs to the last category. As we know, the present security cooperation in Northeast Asia faces many difficulties. The main reason is that the existing security framework and the dilemmas among the major powers of this region. How to avoid or overcome these obstacles and promote regional security cooperation is an important task putting in front of scholars and policy makers.
     Northeast Asian countries are confronted with common environmental problems. With the urge of regional economic regionalization wave, the interdependence within the environmental field may lead to the tension and conflict among countries. In the sense of environment, Northeast Asia has become a "Fortune Community". Beginning from Northeast Asian environmental security, this dissertation attempts to analyze the possibilities through regional environmental security cooperation to ease security dilemmas, to build up mutual trust between countries and to be an effective way to improve regional cooperation and peace.
     The dissertation takes the interactive relationship between regionalism and environmental cooperation as a theoretical clue. On the one hand, regionalism provides theoretical basis for regional environmental cooperation; and on the other, regional environmental cooperation is the driving force of regionalism. Based on this, the author brings forward the framework of "Regional Environmental Security Complex", which also includes the amity and the enmity in the sense of environmental security. The main purpose to introduce this analysis framework into the dissertation lies in that Northeast Asian countries are able to cooperate within various levels and enhance the amity by engaging in environmental institutional cooperation, therefore it's useful to reconstruct mutual trust and push the regional cooperation into forward. In order to ensure this study more standard and systematic, the dissertation adopts comprehensive methodologies, which include Structural-Functionalism Analysis and Constructivism Approach.
     The structure of this dissertation includes six parts:
     The introduction brings forth the argumentation, and reviews of the present research evolution of environmental security.
     In recent years, environmental security research has been developing very fast; a large amount of literature has been emerged. The main contribution of these achievements lies in: they not only enrich and develop the concept of national security, but broaden the security research field. Rapid development of environmental security research breaks through traditional national security concept which is dominated by military security theoretically, and produces important influence on national security policy and practice. Security is not only from external or military threat, but also originates from internal or non-military issues. Security maintenance is not an absolute "Zero Sum" logic, but it should have a sense of "Common Security" to realize environmental security by international cooperation.
     Otherwise, within the present research, scholars pay much attention to the relationship between environment degradation and conflict, especially put the environmental issues and military intervening together. This is not benefit for the solution of environmental issues, but will provide an excuse for some countries' intervening others' domestic politics.
     In today's interdependence world, all countries have common fortune to some extent. Security should be achieved through cooperation but confrontation. So we should pay more attention to environmental security cooperation and discuss whether it can be a way to maintain and build peace. This kind of systematic research is relatively deficient, especially on the research of Northeast Asian environmental security. This situation is not matched to this region's environmental situation, and this kind of research should be strengthened. This dissertation, from the perspective of regionalism, attempts to analyze the possibility by strengthening environmental cooperation to improve common knowledge among countries, to construct international environmental regimes, to bring up cooperative habits, and to promote regional security cooperation and the process of regionalism.
     The first chapter defines the concept of environmental security and analyzes the arguments on environmental securitization. Then the author discusses the situation of environmental security research in contemporary international relations.
     The second chapter makes an analysis of Northeast Asian environmental cooperation from the theoretical perspective of regionalism. Based on the interactive relationship between regionalism and environmental cooperation, the author brings in "Regional Environmental Security Complex" as the framework for analysis.
     The third chapter mainly discusses the present situation, driving forces and the environmental policies within Northeast Asian environmental cooperation. In spite of Northeast Asian environmental cooperation has developed at multi-levels, this region's environmental cooperation still has large potential. If regional countries promote environmental issues up to a higher position of international security, the situation of Northeast Asian environmental cooperation will be largely improved. This chapter analyzes the driving forces from the angle of security, economy and society. Despite the achievements, environmental cooperation in Northeast Asia still faces some difficulties, such as the different environmental policies and goals of regional countries; these have negative influence on regional environmental cooperation.
     The forth chapter makes a survey of Northeast Asian regional cooperation from the view of environmental security, mainly discusses the actual function and path-dependence of environmental security on promoting regional cooperation. By clarifying the security dilemma and its cause, the author points out that in order to promote regional security, the region must realize the sharing of power, building-up of regional institution, and the formation of common rules and identification. In order to achieve these goals, environmental security cooperation will play an active role. Northeast Asia can be treated as a "Regional Environmental Security Complex", through institutional cooperation of environmental field, to promote mutual trust, to ease security dilemmas, and to push regional security and the process of peace.
     By summarizing of the contents and main points of the whole dissertation, the author concludes that China should clarify the environmental security policy in its regionalism strategy to promote regional environmental security cooperation and to construct a good outer environment for China's peaceful rise.
① George W. Downs, eds., "Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?", International Organizations 50, no. 3, Summer 1996, pp. 379-406.
    ② Ken Conca, "The Case for Environmental Peacemaking", in Ken Conca and Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Environmental Peacemaking, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002, pp.9-10.
    ① Emanuel Adler, "Imagined (Security) Community: Cognitive Regions in International Relations", Millennium: Journal of International Studies, June 1997, p. 249.
    ② 麦克尔·伦纳等编著:《世界报告2005:重新定义全球安全》,河北教育出版社,2005年版,第194-195页。
    ③ 新华社专访:“日本首相安倍表示要大力推动日中关系发展”,新华网.2006年11月15日。
    ④ 王逸舟:《探寻全球主义的国际关系》,北京大学出版社,第199页。
    ① 薄燕:“环境问题是安全问题吗?”,载《国际关系研究:理论·视角与方法》,文汇出版社,2002,第143-171。
    ② 有关“环境安全”的论述,参见Thomas F.Homer—Dixon, "Environmental Security and Violent Conflict—Evidence from cases", International Security, (Summer, 1994),pp.5-40; Frances Cairncross, "Environmental Pragmatism", Foreign policy (Summer, 1994), pp-35-52; Paul Warner, "Politics beyond the State: Environmental Activism and World Civic Politics", World Politics (April, 1995); Norman Myers, "What is Environmental Security", www. Envirosecurity.org, 2004; Jon Barnett, "The Meaning of.Environmental Security——Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era", Zed Books Ltd., 2001, pp.156-157.
    ① 参见 Porfiriev Bn, "The Environmental Dimension of National-security-a Test of Systems-analysis Methods", Environment manage,1992, vol.16(6), pp.735-742; Allenby Br, "Environmental Security: Concept and Implementation", International Political Science Review, 2000, vol.21(l), pp.5-21; Gareth Porter, "Environmental Security as a National Security Issue",Current History, May 1995, pp.218-222.
    ② 参见巴瑞·布赞:《新安全观》,浙江人民出版社,2003年版。
    ③ Jessica Tuchman Mathews, "Redefining Security", Foreign Affairs, Vol. 68,1989.
    ④ R. Kaplan, "The Coming Anachy", Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 273, No.2, 1994, p.58.
    ⑤ G. Dabelko and D.Dabelko, "Environmental Security: Issues of Conflict and Redefinition", Environmental Change and Security Project Report, No.1, 1995, p.9.
    ⑥ See Norman Myers, "What is Environmental Security", 2004; "Environmental Security: What's New and Different", www.Envirosecurity.org.
    ⑦ Alan Dupont, East Asia Imperiled: Transnctional Challenges to Security, Carabridge University Press, 2001, pp.13-18.
    ① Daniel Deudney, "Environmental and Security: Muddled Thinking", The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol.47, No.3, 1991,pp.23-28; Marc A. Levy, "Time for a Third Wave of Environment and Security Scholarship?", Environmental Change and Security Project, No.1, 1995, pp.44-46; Marc A. Levy, "Is the Environment A National Security Issue", International Security,1995, p.61.
    ② R. Jervis, "The Future of World Politics: Will it Resemble the Past?", International Security, Vol. 16, No.3, 1991, p.64.
    ③ Daniel Deudney, "The Case Against Linking Environmental Degradation and National Security", Millennium Vol. 19, 1990, p.461.
    ④ Hans Brayninckx, "Environmental Security: An Analysis of the Conceptual Problems: Defining the Relationship between Environment and Security", p.78.
    ⑤ Daniel Deudney, "The Case Against Linking Environmental Degradation and National Security", Millennium Vol. 19,1990, p.462.
    ① Jon Barnett, The Meaning of Environmental Security——Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era, Zed Books Ltd., 2001, pp. 156-157.
    ② 参见 United Nations, "Interim Report of the Secretary General on the Prevention of Armed Conflict", Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organization, 12 Sept. 2003; "World Report 2005: Redefining the Global Security", Institute of World Watch, 2005; "NATO Final Report: Environment and Security in an International Context", NATO, 1999; "Environment and Security: Crisis Prevention Through Cooperation", 2000; "Environmental Security: Strengthening National Security Through Environmental Protection", 1999; "Environmental Changc and Security Project Report", Woodrow Wilson Center, 2000.
    ③ 诺曼·麦尔斯:《最终的安全——政治稳定的环境基础》,上海译文出版社,2001年版,第19-20页。
    ① Thomas Homer-Dixon and Jessica Blitt, Ecoviolence: Links Among Environment, Population, and Security, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1998.
    ② 参见 J. Starr, "Water Wars", Foreign Policy, No.82, 1991, pp.17-36; Myers, Ultimate Security: The Environmental Basis of Political Stability, Washington: Island Press, 1996; Peter H. Gleik, "Water and Conflict: Fresh Water Resources and International Security", International Security, Vol. 15, No.1, 1993, pp.79-112.
    ③ Pcter M. Haas, "Constructing Environmentl Conflict from Resource Scarcity", Global Environmental Politics, February 2002.
    ④ 麦克尔·伦纳等编著:《世界报告2005:重新定义全球安全》,河北教育出版社,2005。
    ⑤ Ken Conca, "The Case for Environmental Peacemaidng", in Ken Conca and Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Environmental Peacemaking, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002, p.5.
    ① Barry Buzan, People, State and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era, Lynne Rienner, 1991, pp.19-20.
    ② 郇庆治,李萍:《国际环境安全:现实困境与理论思考》,《现代国际关系》,2004年第2期。
    ③ 有学者将环境促进和平的研究与“环境安全”的概念区别开来。理由是“环境安全”的概念过多关注了环境与冲突的关系,阻碍了环境促进和平的研究,因此应该用前者的研究框架取代后者。参见Kon Conca,"The Case for Environmental Peacemaking", in Kon Conca and Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Environmental Peacemaking, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002, p.4.笔者认为,安全包含两层含义,即“不安全”与“安全”。相应的,在安全的末端有两种形态:冲突与和平。因此,二者是不矛盾的,可以将环境促进和平的研究纳入环境安全的研究框架。
    ④ 麦克尔·伦纳等编著:《世界报告2005:重新定义全球安全》,河北教育出版社,2005。
    ⑤ Kon Conca, "The Case for Environmental Peacemaking", in Kon Conca and Geoftrey D. Dabelko, Environmental Peacemaking, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002, pp.3-4.
    ① 麦克尔·伦纳等编著:《世界报告2005:重新定义全球安全》,河北教育出版社,2005。
    ② 麦克尔·伦纳等编著;《世界报告2005:重新定义全球安全》,河北教育出版社,2005。
    ③ Harin Dokken, "Environment, Security, and Regionalism in the Asia-Pacific: is Environmental Security a Useful Concept?", The Pacific Review. Vol.14, No.4, 2001: 509-530.
    ④ 参见王逸舟:《全球化时代的国际安全》,上海人民出版社,1999年版.
    ① 参见陆忠伟:《非传统安全论》,时事出版社,2003年版,第187-213页。
    ② 张勇:《环境安全论》,中国环境科学出版社,2005年版。书中对于国内外环境安全研究的现状作了总结:把当前国内外环境安全研究划分为三种视角,(1)传统安全视角:从传统安全的视角研究环境问题对传统安全的影响;(2)狭义环境安全视角:从安全的视角研究日益恶化的狭义环境问题;(3)广义环境安全视角:从安全的视角研究生态、资源、灾害等领域的广义环境问题。参见张勇。叶文虎:《国内外环境安全研究进展述评》,载《中国人口·资源与环境》,2006年第3期。
    ③ 王义桅:《论国家安全的时代发展:环境安全的启示》,硕士论文。
    ④ 王逸舟:“生态政治的独特视野”,载《探寻全球主义国际关系》,北京大学出版社,2005年版,第203页。
    ⑤ 朱锋:《“非传统安全”解析》,载《中国社会科学》2004年第4期。
    ⑥ 厐中英:《中国与亚洲:观察·研究·评论》,上海社会科学出版社,第133页。
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    ② 张海滨:《中国的环境外交》,北京大学博士论文,1997年。
    ③ 张海滨:《东北亚环境合作的回顾与展望》,载《国际政治研究》,2000年第2期。
    ④ 路镜:《我国与他国的环境合作成政治经济润滑剂》,载《新周刊》,2005年第3期。
    ⑤ 元东郁:《东北亚地区的环境合作——权力、利益与知识的互动研究》,北京大学博士论文,2001年。
    ⑥ 陆建人,徐嵩龄:《略论中国与东亚的环境合作》,载《当代亚太》,1999年第11期。
    ⑦ 有日本学者提出,东北亚地区面临着七类非传统安全问题,依次为:环境污染、资源短缺、跨国性非法人口流动、毒品生产和交易、艾滋病和非典、国际资本迅速流动造成的金融动荡、恐怖主义.See Tsuneo Akaha,"Non-traditional
    ① Richa.d A. Falk. This Endangered Pianet, Random House,1971,p.59.
    ① Lester R. Brown, "Redefining National Security", Worldwatch Paper, Oct. 1977, pp.1-40.
    ② Jon Barnett, The Meaning of Environmental Security——Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era, Zed Books Ltd., 2001, p.38.
    ③ Norman Myers, Gaia——an Atlas of Planet Management, New York: Doubleday, 1986, p.251.
    ④ Norman Myers, Ultimate Security—The Environment Basis of Political Stability, New York: W.W. Norton, 1993,
    ⑤ United Nations "Interim Report of the Secretary General on the Prevention of Armed Conflict", Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organization, 12 Sept. 2003.
    ⑥ Jon Barnett, The Meaning of Environmental Security——Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Erc. Zed Books Ltd., 2001, p. 1.
    ⑦ 转引自陆忠伟主编:《非传统安全论》,时事出版社,第193页。
    ① 有关“环境安全”的论述,参见Thomas Homer—Dixon, "Environmental Security and Violent Conflict—Evidence from cases", International Security, (Summer, 1994),pp.5-40; Frances Caimcross, "Environmental Pragmatism", Foreign policy (Summer, 1994), pp-35-52; Paul Warner, "Politics beyond the Statc: Environmental Activism and World Civic Politics", World Politics (April, 1995); Gregory D. Foster & Louise B. Wise, "Sustainable Security: Transnational Environmental Threats and Foreign Policy", Harvard International Revicw, Fall 1999, p.20.
    ② Wendell King, "Understanding International Environmental Security: A Strategic Military Perspective Atlanta", AEPI, 2000, p.43.
    ③ Jon Barnett, The Meaning of Environmental Security——Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era, Zed Books Ltd., 2001, p.129.
    ④ Barry Buzan, People. State and Fear: An Agrnda for International Security Studies in the Post-Coid War Era, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991, p.19.
    ① Gregory D. Foster, 'Environmental Security. The Search for Strategic Legitimacy", ARMED FORCES & SOCIETY, Vol.27, No.5, Spring 2001,pp. 373-395.
    ② R. Kaplan, "The Coming Anachy", Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 273, No.2, 1994, p.58
    ① Michael Sheehan. International Security: An Anatytical Survey, Lynne Rionner Publishers, Inc. 2005, p.100.
    ② 参见王逸舟:《全球化时代的国际安全》,上海人民出版社,1999,第101-104页。张勇:《环境安全论》,北京大学博士论文,2003,第1-15页。
    ① 朱锋:《“非传统安全”解析》,载《中国社会科学》,2004年第4期。
    ① Alan Dupont, East Asia Imperiled: Transnational Challenges to Security, Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp.13-18.
    ② Alan Dupont, East Asia Imperiled: Transnational Challenges to Security, Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp.13-18.
    ③ Daniel Deudney, "The Case Against Linking Environmental Degradation and National Security", Millennium Vol. 19, 1990, p.461.
    ④ Hans Bruyninckx, "Environmental Security: An Analysis of the Conceptual Problems Defining the Relationship between Environment and Security", p.78.
    ⑤ Daniel Deudney, "The Case Against Linking Environmental Degradation and National Security", Millennium Vol. 19, 1990.
    ① Brian R. Shaw, "When are Environmental Issues Security Issues?" ECSP(Environmental Change and Security Project) Report 2, Spring 1996, http://ecsp.si.edu/ecsplib nsf.
    ① 转引自 Kim Sung-han, "Environment-Security Nexus in Northeast Asia", Paper Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, July 26-28, 2001.
    ② 参见张勇:《环境安全论》,北京大学博士论文,2003年。
    ③ Jon Barnett, The Meaning of Environmental Security——Ecoiogical Politics and Policy in the New Security Era, Zed Books Ltd., 2001, pp.156-157.
    ④ M. Shamsul Haque, "Environmental Security in East Asia: A Critical View", Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 24, No.4, 2001,p.203.
    ⑤ Dennis Pirages, "Ecological Theory and Internationai Relations", Indiana Journal of Global Studies, 1997, pp.53-64.
    ① [美]康威·汉得森(Conway W. Henderson):《国际关系——世纪之交的冲突与合作》,金帆译,海南出版社,2004,第415-417页。
    ② M. Shamsul Haque, "Environmental Security in East Asia: A Critical View", Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 24, No.4, 2001,p,211.
    ① Lorraine Elliott, The Global Politics of The Environment, Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998, p.219.
    ② 诺曼·麦尔斯:《最终的安全——政治稳定的环境基础》,上海译文出版社,2001年版,第19-20页。
    ③ 王逸舟:《论“非传统安全”——基于国家与社会关系的一种分析思路》,载《学习与探索》,2005年第3期。
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    ② 王义桅:《论国家安全的时代发展:环境安全的启示》,复旦大学硕士论文,第5页。
    ③ Richard H. Ullman, "Redefining Security", International Security, vol.8, No.1, 1983, p.133.
    ① Malin Gunnarsson, "Regionalism and Security——Two Concepts in the Wind of Change", pp. 185-188.
    ② [美]康威·汉得森(Conway W.Henderson):《国际关系——世纪之交的冲突与合作》,金帆译,海南出版社,2004,第413页。
    ① 李智:《全球化时代的国际思潮》,新华出版社,2003年版,第202-204页。
    ② 解振华:《国家环境安全战略报告》,中国环境科学出版社,2005年版,第3-5页。
    ① 解振华:《国家环境安全战略报告》,中国环境科学出版社,2005年版,第3-5页。
    ② Andrew Hurrell, "International Political Theory and the Global Environment", in Ken Booth and Steve Smith(eds.), International Relations Theory Today, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995, p.136.
    ① 麦克尔·伦纳等编著:《世界报告2005:重新定义全球安全》,2005年版,第3页。
    ② 朱锋:《“非传统安全”解析》,载《中国社会科学》,2004年第4期。
    ① 王逸舟:《国际关系研究的若干问题》,载《欧洲研究》,2006年第3期。
    ② 陆忠伟主编的《非传统安全论》一书中,将非传统安全分为经济安全、金融安全、能源安全、环境安全、水资源安全、民族分裂问题、宗教极端主义、恐怖主义、文化安全、武器扩散、信息安全、流行疾病、人口安全、毒品走私、非法移民、海盗问题和洗钱问题;在布赞的《新安全论》一书中,则将安全视为一个包括军事安全、环境安全、经济安全、社会安全和政治安全的整体。
    ③ 朱锋:《“非传统安全”解析》,载《中国社会科学》,2004年第4期。
    ④ See Tsuneo Akaha, "Non-traditional Security Cooperation for Resionalism in Northeast Asia", a paper based on the talk at Waseda University, Tokyo on November 27, 2003.
    ① 王逸舟:《全球化时代的国际安全》,上海人民出版社,1999年,第121页。
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    ① Anil Markandya and Kirsten Halsaaes, Climate Change and Sustcinable Development—Prospects for Developing Countries, Earthscan Publications Ltd., 2002, p.70.
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    ② Lyuba Zarsky, "The Domain of Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia", paper prepared for the Sixth Annual International Conference Korea and the Future of Noetheast Asia: Conflict or Cooperation?, Proland State University, 1995.
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    ② 资料引自《中国环境年鉴》,1999、2000年版。
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    ③ Interview with governmental official, Japan Environmental Agency, Tokyo, Japan, December 17, 1997.
    ④ R. Maddock,1994.如UNCED秘书长斯特明(Maurice Strong)预测要扭转当时的生态趋势大约需要1250亿美元, 日本许诺将承担其中的30%的份额。通过一系列的政策和措施,里约大会证明了日本环境政策的巨大成功。
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    ① 金熙德:《日本政府开发援助》,社会科学文献出版社.,2000年版,第88-89页.日本子1992年6月制定了《ODA大纲》,提出了“ODA四原则”,其中“把环保和开发结合起来”作为四原则之一。
    ② [日]《日本经济新闻》,1998年11月2日。
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    ⑤ 在1994年12月公布的《环境基本计划》中,日本政府强调在国际环境合作中国际机构、地方政府和民同团体合作重要性.参见[日]《环境白皮书》日本环境厅,1996年,第311-343页。
    ⑥ "The Direction of International Environmental Cooperation", Report of Central Environmontal Council of Japan, July 2005, p.10.
    ⑦ 据日本环境省的统计,1994年至2003年间,环境领域的援助已经占到日本ODA总数的29%。
    ① "The Direction of International Environmental Cooperation", Report of Central Environmental Council of Japan, July 2005, p.4.
    ② "The Direction of International Environmental Cooperation", Report of Central Environmental Council of Japan, July 2005, p.9.
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