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The urban riverfront area is becoming more and more vigorous in China. The urban riverfront area also becomes the hot spot in the landscape plan and design. But many plans or design neither respect the nature, nor meet the demand of the human and the historical culture. This will not only destroy the frail ecological environment in the district, but also greatly destruct the city humanities environment. So the imminent mission is to enhance the biodiversity of the urban riverfront area and to reach the goal of humanity and to continue the culture of the city through the landscape plan and design.
    For the perspective of the landscape plan and design of riverfront area, this paper will mainly discuss the nature conservation and humanity in the landscape plan and design. After discussing the construction history and the present situation of domestic and foreign riverfront area, it summarizes the significance and proposes the plan and design methods by the philosophy of respecting the nature and humanity. Finally the paper takes the South of Xining district riverfront landscape plan and design as an example and explores the practical application based on this field.
    The paper comprises two chapters, the first one is about the historical research and realistic problem, the second one is about the method and practice and prospect.
    In the former chapter, it points out the realistic problems in the landscape plan and design of urban riverfront area in China, i.e. lacking the respect to the nature and humanity, and also explains the reason. Then the ecology method and the humanities idea is discussed, which are used in the progress of regulating waterways and the overseas riverfront construction in the ancients. Then it summarizes the methodology and principles of ecological humanity design and points out the essence of these plans and designs.
    After it summarizes the essential factors of the riverfront plan and design as well as the plan design
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