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With the creation and consolidation of the socialist market economic since 1990s in China, the intermediary bodies are blossoming in the economic field. The emergence and development of these intermediary bodies are playing increasingly important role in deepening the reform of democratic economy of China, which influences the reform of educational adminitration a lot as well. Nowadays, the government's role has to be made some changes to adapt the trend of this reform. The requirement of democratic decision-making in the field of education makes the importance of the intermediary bodies increasingly identified by the educaitonal experts, researchers and decision-makers. In addition, one of focuses of educational research in the world has changed to the study on teachers and teacher education since 1980s, no countries paid little attention to the good policies on improving the qualities of teachers. Professionalizing teaching has been prevailing all over the world, which needs professional bodies providing s
    upport and management. As a result, the study of intermediary bodies influencing policies on teachers will be significant both to the prosperous teacher education and administration of China and the richness of the theory and practice of teacher policy.
    I. Context of the study
    Research on intermediary bodies influencing teacher policy is not done casually but is under specific context of theory and practice that attracts researcher's attention.
    As far as academic context is concerned, researches have been revolved on the study of teacher policies since 1990s in the world and a great number of reports in the field are about improving teaching and teacher education and training professional teachers. In the United States, the issues on teacher education and administration have become the key words in the debates on educational policy in each states from the mid of 1990s. Many documents show that regional orgnizations, professional bodies and various interest groups played an important role in formulating the teacher policies. However, that is not the case in China. Policy research is just in its infancy and the study of teacher policy hasn't made any achievement. As the exsisting documents as are concerned, most articles on teacher policy are about reprinting and citing policy text, explaing and analyzing or discussing the effect of the policy implementation. Little attention is paid to the process of formulating teacher policy, and those non-governm
    ental influencing factors such as social groups or other intermediary boides in particular. This remains a question for discussion for scholars
    and all those interested in it.
    In the view of existent situation, the system of policy-making in planned economy times has become outdated and the new market economy results in many different voices of interest groups, which asks for a new kind of system of policymaking and non-governmental force would play more important role. Reform of transfering system leaves room of cultivating and developing intermediary bodies so as to help accomplishing democratic policy-making in our country. Training professional teachers have become the objective in China and more attention is paid to the professional groups, which support teacher's development in their career. It is the requirement of teacher's professionalism and democratic policy-making at the chaning time that make it possible for researchers to study intermediary bodies.
    II. Problems the dissertation would solve
    The dissertation is aimed to discuss three questions as follows: Why do we study the intermediary bodies influencing teacher policy? How about the situation of the intermediary bodies influencing teacher policy abroad? How to develop or improve the intermediary bodies influencing teacher policy in China?
    III. Framework of the study
    The dissertation includes three parts, eight chapters. The first part consisting of first two chapters is mainly concerned with the definitions, which involve in the concepts of intermediary bodies in the field of economy and educa
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