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For decades, foreign language teaching focuses on teaching knowledge and skill, ignoring the important role of affective communication between students and teachers and the important effect of affective factors. However, according to the research both at home and abroad, cognition and affect are the two important aspects.“When both are used together, the learning process can be constructed on a firmer foundation.”Nowadays, the elementary education is facing a great reform. In the new situation, the implementation of New National English Course Standard sets the new request to the foundation stage of EFL, whose contents and goals include five aspects: skill, knowledge, affect, strategy, and culture. More attention should be paid to not only the learners but also learners’affect. One of the enlightenment of New National English Course Standard is to realize the importance of affect in the foreign language learning. As for the affective goals of National English Course Standard, the research provides some thoughts on how teachers can help students establish positive affect in the course of teaching. Compared with the other subjects, foreign language learning has a close relation with affect. So affect becomes one of the targets of New National English Course Standard.
     Affective aspects to effective language teaching both at home and abroad have been studied for a long time. However, there are many differences, even in the definition and intention. According to the research and practice, training learners to realize their affect can make learners promote interests and strengthen language-learning motivation, resulting in effective language learning. According to New National English Course Standard, this thesis tries to research the main affective factors that influence foreign language learning, analyzing the content and effect of affective factors in EFL. The thesis will also research into how to arouse and train the positive affective factors of learners.
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