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Science and Technology has great affects on human daily lives, for almost all the goods we need have been altered by Science and Technology. The more Science and Technology we have, the more power we get to change the nature, and the more implications we can find in Science and Technology, which interest us to study the importance of Science and Technology in economy.
     If we include Science and Technology in our economic research, and analyze the problem from the relationship between Science and Technology and those essential questions in economics, it is quite clear that Science and Technology determines a series of fundamental economic factors, directly or indirectly. Thus Science and Technology is topic both in modern economics and Marxism economics. Science and Technology determines the level of productive forces, which is the fundamental topic in economics.
     The dominance among Science and Technology with productive forces, production mode, in production, together with the relationship among distribution, determines that the development in Science and Technology cause not only economics development, but also corresponding development in economic level, economic structure, and basic economic relationship. Science and Technology dominate production factors. The labor is just the combination of Science and Technology and human who participate in production and production tools consists of Science and Technology and physical factors, and thus the former two become the productivity. According to history, in a quite long time, there was little change in tools used in production, but productive forces developed greatly. If we exclude those factors that did not change, we are confirmed that the reason for these changes is the great development in Science and Technology. The rapid changes in productive forces can be reflected through the working objects, which enable human to change objects not only at the outer level, but also at the inner level, even the atomic level. Science and Technology determines productive forces, which causes the changes in production mode, and the combination of factors, and even the relative position of factor owners, which in turn alters distribution relationship. It is convenient to study the combination relationship among factors through production mode which also reflects the combination relationship among factors. In agriculture, it is possible to reach the conclusion that Science and Technology are determinant in production mode and dominant in agricultural production mode through the analysis of the changes in agricultural production mode in the progress of agriculture development, because there are obvious causal relationship and edge between Science and Technology. From these conclusions and the similarity in the relationship between different production modes, it is certain that there are similar development tracks in industry.
     Economic development modes are corresponding to the development mode of Science and Technology, which can be divided into‘leaping development’and‘circular development’with constant Science and Technology. Leaping development comes from leaping technology and capital accumulation. Circular development involves only capital accumulation, because Science and Technology remain constant. Although Science and Technology remain constant and only capital is accumulating, Science and Technology is still accumulating. Once creative technology appears, development can leap into a higher level. These two development modes together become a complete economic development circulation.
     Economic development modes determine there is similarity in economic theories. Equilibrium theories and developments theories are all under the assumptions that technology remains constant, which reflects the relationship among factors and product under equilibrium. Advances in Science and Technology lead to leaping development. In Schumpeter’s theory, creative activities are the only reason for economic development. Leaping development and circular development are two parts of a continuous development, which become the basis of supply theory and demand theory.
     By using input-output coefficients, characteristics of different technology and development can be found. Comparing these coefficients, the direction of can be confirmed. Including the former two, together with profit-normalization, and the relationship between each input and total inputs, a economic model which determined by a certain level of technology can be established. The coefficient, reflect the changes in technology and production mode, uncover the changes in which leaping development of Science and Technology cause leaping economic development.
     The new creation of this paper lies in that Science and Technology are not excluded from economics, but on the contrary, are the determinant factor of economic development. Comparing those laws in production mode and major economic relationships, we can divide economic development into two phrases: leaping development and circular development, which become a complete progress of economic development. Different phrases of development correspond to different economic theories. By comparing the coefficients in different input-output models statically, it is concluded that the leaping changes in technology leads to the model of economic growth.
    ①(Ramgey , F.P. 1928,“A Mathematieal Theory of Saving”,Economic jourmal ,Dec. ,543-559)
    ②(Cass,David,1965,“Optimun Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation”,Review of Economic Studies, 32(July),233-240.)
    ①(Koopmans, Tjalling C。,1965,“On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth,”In the Econometric Approach to Development Planing , Amsterdam ,North Holland ,1965.)
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