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Urban Design is an integral conception and arrangement for the formation of cities and spatial environment, as well as the whole process which penetrates the urban planning. Thru the communication and coordination during the process, the deliberation of urban design expects that the development projects while focusing on the business profit could consider the enhancement of the whole environmental quality of open space, public activities and urban landscape.
     In the early phase, Taipei's Urban Design Review mainly operated to compensate for the absence of flexibility and insufficiency in the regulations of building management. In recent period, it turns to lead the encouragement of cooperative urban development between government and private sectors. Today, business profit is the top priority for developers. They are very likely to devastate the whole environmental landscape due to their self-interest. The Urban Design Review is the only way to diminish the damage of environmental ecology to the minimum extent thru the strict supervision.
     Launching from the viewpoint of the values for Taipei's urban development, this research focuses on the exploration of Taipei's Urban Design Review and its contents. It is assessed whether the mechanism can elaborate the function on supervising the environmental quality and assure that the urban development advances side by side with the promotion of urban living quality.
     Due to the objects of the Urban Design Review contain residences, office buildings, business complex, schools, hospitals, parks, historical spots, etc.,…, each category has its distinctive usage and functions. Therefore, the emphasis on the Urban Design Review for each category has differences because of case attribute. This research sorts out the main issues concerned in each category. Moreover, this research breakdowns the spotlight of the Urban Design Review into nine value constructs, which are: 1. aesthetics of visual landscape, 2.presevation of culture and history, 3.improvement in environmental quality, 4.humanity as base, 5. energy conservation and green architecture, 6.public safety, 7.public transportation, 8. public arts, 9.unique formation of urban. The feature for each construct is described in details.
     The results of this research include:
     1. the assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the deliberation and the future directions for improvement;
     2. the proposition for the key points of the Urban Design Review in each category based on case attribute from 600 examples as the reference for the future review of urban design
     3. the analysis of bad examples of urban design in Taipei.
     4. the development of nine value constructs for the contents in the Urban Design Review as well as the discussion with examples.
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