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Pain is an unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder. Acute-pain is important for the survival of human being, but chronic-pain has lost signal function and left only suffering. Chronic-pain affected the day life of old ages in nursing home, so it is meaningful and helpsychological factorsul to probe into psychological factors of chronic-pain and attempt to relax chronic-pain of old ages with psychological means. This study aims at improving the life of old ages of chronic-pain in nursing home.
     The dissertation is composed of six parts. The first part introduces the theories and study progress of pain, relative studies of pain psychology and old ages pain. The second part put forward the question and introduces my exploring process that accounting why qualitative study method is selected.The thir part introduces the ways of subject-selection, data-collection and coding. The fourth part introduces the psychological factors of old ages in nursing home. The fifth part introduces a case study of psychological treatment.The sixth part discussess the study method, impersonal factors that affect psychology of old ages and the pain of body and suffering of mind.
     This study selected 10 chronic-pain old ages as study subjects by using methods of qualitative study such as involving observation, informality interview and semi-structured interview to intensively collect the information of old ages in nursing home. Data analysise indicates that anxiety , dumps and so on are the main components of chronic-pain of old ages; faith and self- anticipation affect the sense and therapy of chronic-pain of old ages; the sense of going down the drain and stimulation- monotony intensify the chronic-pain of old ages; reasonless attribution affect the chronic-pain cognise of old ages. old ages adopt different strategies such as seeking help, cowering, and positive dealing. Hence the senses and therapy results of chronic-pain of old ages are different.
     This study selects a subject to carry through a case study of psychological treatment. Through pain-education project, the old man is led to recognize pain correctly and attribute rationaly. The old man is also helped to be positive to dealing with chronic-pain. Pain-diary, breath-relax training, attention-training, image-training and so on help the old man to improve the sense of controlling and lighten the sense of helplessness. The endeavor of adjusting negative emotion and removing loneliness for the old man is impenetrated in the whole process of psychological treatment. The result is satisfactory for the old man's claiming that the pain is lightened. So the psychological treatment is effective.
     This study takes for that respecting and understanding old ages, building up the sense of selfe-value, lightening the sense of loneliness, improving the sense of controlling for the old man could lighten the sense of chronic-pain throurh system of strobe. Body pain interacted with mind suffering. We should care not only old ages' body but also their psychological health.
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