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The 21st is an information time. The competitions among Chinese construction enterprises become more and more violent because of the information quantity rapidly increase with the whole world economy development and the supply enterprises over the demand ones in construction market. The construction total contractors enterprises are forced to carry on their management based on information technology. The core competence of construction total contractors enterprises can be enhanced by information technology. However, most of the construction total contractors enterprises informatization in China are in the initial stage and develop slowly. Due to lack of the study on the construction total contractors enterprises informatization the enterprises are short of success experience. How to begin the construction total contractors enterprises informatization, how to evaluate the level of the construction total contractors enterprises informatization, how to avoid the investment risk of the construction total contractors enterprises informatization and how to solve the barrier of the construction total contractors enterprises informatization are the questions that the construction total contractors enterprises informatization leaders meet with. There is much more demand on information technology in big size construction total contractors enterprises because their scale is huge and the management scope is large and the degree of information concentration is high. So it is much more significance to study on the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization.
     Based on these things the paper is focused on improving the level of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization and studying the stage of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization. The paper evaluates the level of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization and puts forward the forewarning system of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization. The content and innovation of the paper are below:
     1. The paper puts forward the stage of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization based on studying on the enterprises informatization inside and outside the country and integrating with the change rule and the status of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization. The stage of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization can be set apart three stages: the elementary stage (IT is only used in construction total contractors enterprises department), the middle stage (IT is only used in construction total contractors enterprises), the high stage (IT can be used among construction total contractors enterprises and some related to construction total contractors enterprises). It is not only in keeping with the Ministry of Construction call of dividing construction total contractors enterprises informatization but also promoting the aims and procedures of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization. The paper sets up theoretically the frame of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization and establishes the base on the stage evaluation of the construction total contractors enterprises informatization.
     2. The paper brings forward the evaluation indexes systems of the construction total contractors enterprises informatization based on studying on the other enterprises evaluation indexes systems and research some construction total contractors enterprises informatization on the spot. The paper classifies the evaluation indexes systems of the construction total contractors enterprises informatization to two sorts, the one is basic indexes and the other is efficacy indexes. They all have three rank indexes. Then the paper advances the calculation way of these indexes reference with others data and the management status of the construction total contractors enterprises.
     3. Based on study all weigh solving way the paper puts forward the combination weigh solving way. It is not only the subjective merits (the Analytic Hierarchy Process) but also the objective ones (the Entropy). This way provides a scientific method to solve weigh for the basic indexes scores of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization. Because some indexes are grey and qualitative using the grey multi-hierarchy comprehensive evaluation to solve this kind of problem is fit. The paper provides to use the Principal Component Analysis to select and optimize the indexes. The evaluation indexes system can be more scientifically if we use it.
     In a word, the paper refers large number of theories and methods (including system science theory, information science theory, and management science theory, and the analytic hierarchy process and the entropy, and the grey multi-hierarchy comprehensive evaluation) to finish the study. The paper builds up a frame which is the evaluation frame of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization, and one system which is the evaluation system of the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization. The paper’s fruits are of straight direction and application value to the big size construction total contractors enterprises informatization.
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