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詹姆斯·阿灵顿·赖特(James Arlington Wright,1927-1980)被誉为二十世纪美国最伟大的抒情诗人之一,伟大的描写自然的诗人。继庞德那代诗人之后,詹姆斯·赖特是又一位从中国古典诗歌中吸取丰富营养并取得巨大成就的美国诗人。他将惠特曼的自由诗体与中国古典诗歌特有的情感体验与审美意识相结合,开创独具特色的诗风,超越了西方二元对立的诗学观念。为当代美国诗歌的创作增添了心物一体感受世界的中国智慧,为其发展创造了新的可能性。
     本篇论文以詹姆斯·赖特早期形式主义诗歌特点与二元论的诗学观念为参照,以其对中国古典文献的解读及对中国古典诗歌的总体认知为基础,阐明中国意象的艺术观念与意象构建方式改变了他对西方诗歌"image"1的习惯性认识,分析其中后期作品中蕴含的"deep image"与“诗歌是条通道”的诗学观念与中国古典诗歌的内在关联性,论证"deep image"为“意象”的对等词。反驳国内外将詹姆斯·赖特称为"imagist"诗人的论断。证明詹姆斯·赖特诗歌作品与中国古代诗人和诗歌作品在情感和文本之间发生内在情感呼应,将情景交融,借景抒情等中国诗歌观念引入诗歌中,在一定程度上修正了美国诗歌中现代主义理念与新批评形式主义理论造成的诗歌去人性化倾向及高度形式化的个人主义表现观念。
James Arlington Wright, praised as a great nature poet, is referred as one of the most eminent lyrical poet in the history of the20th American poetry. After Pound's generation, James Wright also established himself as a superb p oet by way of absorbing great classical Chinese poetry. With the mixture of Whitmaneque free verse and unique emotional experience and aesthetic sensibil ity of Chinese poets, he initiated in poetry creation his own idiosyncrasy whi ch ushered in the wisdom of Chinese monism to the contemporary American poetry and explored new possibilities for its development.
     On the basis of analysis of his initial poetic characteristics, the poetic duali ty and his holistic cognition of Chinese classics and poetry, this dissertation ai ms to illustrate how James Wright changes the trite ideas about "image" in W estern poetic tradition under the influence of the perception and modality of i magery in Chinese poetry. The author will demonstrate the immanent correlatio n between his theory of "deep image" and new conception of "Poetry is a pas sageway" and make out the words "deep image" should be the equivalence of Chinese imagery, and the author will confute the general idea home and abro ad James Wright is a heir to Imagist Poetry. The author will also elucidate ho w James Wright echoes Chinese poets'emotional experience as embodied in th eir poetry,and introduces the conceptions of fusion of emotions and scenes, em otional expression by way of describing scenes to his poetry writing. To some extent, such an echoing rectifies the tendency in contemporary American poet ry of dehumanization and highly formalized individualist presentation caused b y modernist and New Critical formalist theories.
     Through the close reading of his poems,the author will focus on the analy sis of how James Wright employs the skills borrowed from Chinese poetry of imposition and leaping of images, understatement and the breaking of the bou ndaiy of time and space and on expounding how he successfully fulfills the C hinese aesthetic sensibility in the personal state of mind and develops his own spatial sense of the balance of Yin and Yang by using Chinese scatter perspe ctives in observing and perceiving the world around. The author will also be bent on illustrating the way James Wright fuses Whitmaneque free verse with Chinese aesthetic modality of perception of the world in the impersonal state o f mind and on clarifying the way he realizes " Metempsychosis " in the psych ological unconsciousness of emotional experience. Hence some prominent poeti c cases of intuitively experiencing the external world. The author will further r efute the popular idea home and abroad James Wright is a neo-surrealism.
     In reference to his understanding and interpretation of Chinese cultural etho s, the author will make clear the intertextuality between James Wright's poems and Chinese texts as to further illustrate how he transplanted Confucian ecolo gical ethics in his nature poems. With regards to his great achievements, his p oems provide contemporary American literature with outstanding cases for the ecological criticism and studies. And then the author will point out that James Wright assimilates Mencius' political ideas about "Wang" and hegemony" in h is political pomes, which are excellent examples of reflecting and condemning American government's policies. The author will elaborate on James Wright's i mplied political ideal for solitude, his attitudes of "transcendental bliss","non-i nterferenCe","equality of objects" and Zen illumination toward life, all of wh ich are shaped under the influence of Taoism and Buddhism as to clarify how he fuses American Transcendentalism with Chinese oneness in response to su ch ultimate questions as life and death, the way to man's utmost freedom and make clear his cosmological belief of "entrust his life to mountains" toward death. In this sense, James Wright virtually transcendences the Western ontolo gical duality and gets access to the realm of mind in which his personal life merges into the universe and he realizes the artistic dream for the integration of poetic, internal and external worlds. Consequently, his poems partly clear a way the permeant pessimism in American poetry creation and bring new imagi nation and optimism for its possibilities.
1 引自钟玲《简朴与诚挚:》,《第三届美国文学与思想研讨会论文选集‘文学篇》,单德兴主编,台北:“中央研究院”欧美研究所,1993年,第268页。
    2 Kenneth Rexroth:American Poetry in The Twentieth Century.New York: Herder and Herder.1971,p174。
    1 钱林森:《光自东方来》,银川:宁夏人民出版社。2004前言第3页。
    1 Orr.Ironwood 17. Tuscon.p3。汉语翻译来自《诗探索》2013年第二辑理论卷,第4页。
    2 Peter Stitt, Frank Graziano, ed. James Wright: The Heart of the Light. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P411.
    3 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982 pp105-12O. James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990。是《绿墙》(The Green Wall, 1957)、《圣犹大》(Saint Judas,1959)、《树枝不会折断》(The Branch Will Not Break, 1963)《我们在河边相聚好吗》(Shall We Gather at the River, 1967)《两个公民》(Two Citizens, 1973)《致开花的梨树》(To a Bossoming Pear Tree, 1977)和《此次旅程》(This Journey, 1982)等诗集的合集。
    1 彭予:《二十世纪美国诗歌——从庞德到勃莱》,开封:河南大学出版社,1995年,第456页。
    2 赵毅衡:《诗神远游——中国如何改变了美国的现代诗》,上海译文出版社,2003年,第320页。
    1 钟玲:《中国诗与美国梦》,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2003年,第139页。
    2 张子清:《二十世纪美国诗歌史》,吉林教育出版社,1995年,第728页。
    3 朱徽:《中美诗缘》,四川人民出版社,2008年,第277页。
    1 Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, electronic edition.
    2 张法:《中西美学与文化精神》北京:北京大学出版社1994第21-22页。
    1 (德)胡戈.弗里德里希著,李双志译:《现代诗歌的结构》,南京:译林出版社,2010,第62页。。
    2 赵一凡等:《西方文论关键词》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2010年,第655页。
    1 李朋义:《西方文论关键词》,北京:外研社,2006年,第684-685页。
    2 朱立元、李钧:《二十世纪西方文论选》,北京:高等教育出版社,2003年,第265页。
    1 关于抑扬格声音模式的特点,来自于首都师范大学徐健顺老师的中国诗词吟诵课教学内容。
    2 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection:The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005,p21汉语为笔者翻译。
    1 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, p63汉语为笔者翻译。
    2 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990,p9汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 张法:《中西美学与文化精神》,北京:北京大学出版社,第25页。
    1 James Wright Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press. 1982. p154汉语为笔者自译。
    2 朱立元、李钧:《二十世纪西方文论选》,北京:高等教育出版社,2003年,第259页。
    3 朱立元、李钧:《二十世纪西方文论选》,北京:高等教育出版社,2003年,第260页。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p35汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p25汉诗为笔者自译。
    James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990,p7汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Stitt, Peter: James Wright and Rober frost: debts and diversions. Victoris,B.C: Enghish Literary. P91.
    1 David Kinsley. Ecology and Religion: Ecological Spirituality in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New Jersey: Englewood cliffs, 1995, p105本段汉语为笔者自译。
    2 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press. 1990,p14汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990,p65汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,1990, p84汉诗为张文武译。
    1 张文武:《詹姆斯·詹姆斯.赖特诗选20首》http://site.douban.com/107782/widget/articles/120787/article/10025754/
    1 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2O05, p89汉语为笔者自译。
    2 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, p43.
    3 Peter Stitt, Frank Graziano, ed. James Wright: The Heart of the Light. The University of Michigan Press,l982.pp138-139汉语为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press. 1982. p227汉语为笔者自译。
    2 Ted Genoways. ed. "Robert Bly and James Wright: A Correspondence" Virginia: Virginia Quarterly Review. pp1O9-110本段文字汉语为笔者翻译。
    1 李宜燮、常耀信:《美国文学选读》,天津:南开大学出版社,1991年,第126页。
    2 彭予:《二十世纪美国诗歌》,开封:河南大学出版社,1995年,第2页。
    3 李宜燮、常耀信:《美国文学选读》,天津:南开大学出版社,1991年,第282页。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p82汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 智识型诗歌是指,讲求智识的、形式严整的抒情诗。逃脱人类的中庸状态,背离惯常的物象与俗常的情感,放弃受限制的可理解性,以期让诗歌成为独立自主、指向自我的构成物,它只依赖于语言,而不依赖于对世界的摹写、对感情的某种表达。胡戈.弗里德里希(德)《现代诗歌的结构》。第129-130页。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982. p285汉语为笔者自译。
    2 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982. p227.汉语为笔者自译。
    1 James Bresly."James Wright'sThe Branch Will Not Break" The American Poetry Review Vol.No.2 March
    1 Frank Graziano. Peter Stitt. ed. iames wright a profile. Durango:Logbridge-Rhodes, 1988.P13..
    3 朱立元、李钧:《二十世纪西方文论选》,北京:高等教育出版社,2003年,第266页。
    2 Frank Graziano, Peter Stitt. ed. james wright a profile, Durango: Logbidge-Rhodes, 1988. P 13..
    1 李壮鹰:《中国诗学六论》,济南:齐鲁出版社,1989年,第33页。
    1 吴筠:《玄纲论》,百度文库http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=r5dcuR4DTNiF bSgYSdlAql88s-gxbiwNgosU1VT
    2 安乐哲著,彭国翔译《自我的圆成:中西互镜下的古典儒学与道家》,河北人民出版社,2006年,第39页。
    3 安乐哲著,彭国翔译《自我的圆成:中西互镜下的古典儒学与道家》,河北人民出版社,2006年,第87页。
    4 安乐哲著,彭国翔译:《自我的圆成:中西互镜下的古典儒学与道家》,河北人民出版社,2006年,第75页。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990. p371汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 据詹姆斯.赖特夫人回忆,这首诗是这对夫妇某次外出郊游情景的描摹。詹姆斯.赖特夫人在回忆丈夫的一篇文章中,回忆说,他们去纽约后,住在明尼瓦斯卡湖附近,那里景色宜人,他们常常绕湖散步。这首诗就作于一次湖边漫步之后。(James wright a profile P113)
    1 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990. p137汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Achilles Fang: "InstituteRhymeprose on Literature The Wen-Fu of Lu Chi (A.D.261-303)", Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.14, No.3/4 (Dec.,1951), pp.527-566, Harvard-Yenching Institute, p536.
    2 Achilles Fang: "InstituteRhymeprose on Literature The Wen-Fu of Lu Chi (A.D.261-303)", Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.14, No.3/4 (Dec.,1951), pp.527-566, Harvard-Yenching Institute, pp531-532.
    3 英文见詹姆斯.赖特手稿。
    1 Achilles Fang: "InstituteRhymeprose on Literature The Wen-Fu of Lu Chi (A.D.261-303)", Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.14, No.3/4 (Dec.,1951), pp.527-566, Harvard-Yenching Institute, p531.
    2 Achilles Fang: "InstituteRhymeprose on Literature The Wen-Fu of Lu Chi (A.D.261-303)", Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.14, No.3/4 (Dec.,1951), pp.527-566, Harvard-Yenching Institute, p544
    3 见詹姆斯.赖特手稿。
    1 潞潞:《准则与尺度》,北京出版社,2003年,第131-133页。
    2 潞潞:《准则与尺度》,北京出版社,2003年,第133-134页。
    1 贺拉斯著、杨周翰译:《诗艺》,人民文学出版社出版社,1962年,第137页。
    1 贺拉斯著、杨周翰译:《诗艺》,人民文学出版社出版社,1962年,第154-155页。
    2 贺拉斯著、杨周翰译:《诗艺》,人民文学出版社出版社,1962年,第156-157页。
    2 贺拉斯著、杨周翰译:《诗艺》,人民文学出版社出版社,1962年,第141页。
    1 刘勰:《文心雕龙》,大众文艺出版社,2009年,第1页。
    1 叶嘉莹:《汉魏六朝诗讲录》,河北教育出版社,1997年,第422页
    1 Mcleod, Dan. "The Chinese Hermit in the American Wilderness". Tamkang Review 18 (1983-1984). P169.
    2 见詹姆斯.赖特教学资料二十二。
    3 Peter Stitt, Frank Graziano, ed. James Wright: The Heart of the Light. The University of Michigan
    2 李白被发配贵州而非云南。
    3 Kevin Stein. James Wright: The Poetry of a Grown Man. Ohio University Press. P55
    1 韩经太:《从抒情主体的心态模式看古典诗歌的美学特质》,《文学遗产》,1987年第六期,第7页。
    2 来自詹姆斯·赖特手稿。
    2 M.H.Abrams: A Glossary of Literary Terms,外语教学与研究出版社,p197.
    3 David C.Daugherty.James Wright.Boston:Twayne Publishers.1987 p50.
    1 David C.Daugherty.James Wright.Boston:Twayne Publishers.1987 p50.汉语为笔者翻译。
    1 李振华、杨广育:《最新牛津高级英汉双解词典》,太原:山西人民出版社,1991年,第1202页。
    2 李振华、杨广育:《最新牛津高级英汉双解词典》,太原:山西人民出版社,1991年,第508页。
    3 李振华、杨广育:《最新牛津高级英汉双解词典》,太原:山西人民出版社,1991年,第937页。
    4 李振华、杨广育:《最新牛津高级英汉双解词典》,太原:山西人民出版社,1991年,第1791页。
    1 Ted Genoways. ed. "Robert Bly and James Wright A Conespondence" Virginia: Virginia Quarterly Review.p105汉语为笔者翻译。
    2 王佐良:《王佐良文集》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1996年,第648页。
    3 Robert Bly, William Duffy, ed. The Fifties. Connecticut East Hartford,1958,pp36-38.汉语为笔者翻译。
    1 Robert Bly, William Duffy, ed. The Fifties. Connecticut: East Hartford, 1958, p39
    2 Ted Genoways. ed. "Robert Bly and James Wright: A Correspondence" Virginia: Virginia Quarterly
    1 Ted Genoways. ed. "Robert Bly and James Wright A Correspondence" Virginia: Virginia Quarterly Review.pp119-120.汉语为笔者翻译。
    1 李壮鹰:《中国诗学六论》,临沂:齐鲁出版社,1989年,第64页。
    1 David Smith,ed. The Pure Clear Word. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. P95.
    1 David Smith,ed. The Pure Clear Word. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. P81.
    1 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orlean: Ally Press.1991.PP13-14汉语为笔者自译。
    2 董继平:《罗伯特.勃莱诗文选》,重庆:《红岩》,2002(5),第123-129页。
    1 Robert Bly, ed. Talking All The Morning. University of Michigan Press, p58.汉语为笔者自译。Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005. p163.
    2 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright.
    1 Frank Graziano, Peter Stitt. ed. james wright a profile, Durango: Logbridge-Rhodes,1988. pp92汉语为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982 pp105-120,汉语为笔者自译。
    2 Orr.Ironwood 17. Tuscon P4, P5,P15汉语翻译来自《诗探索》2013年第二辑理论卷,第8、9、15页。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press. 1982.P274.
    2 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press. 1982.P274.
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P276汉语为笔者自译。
    2 Orr.Ironwood 17. Tuscon P4, P5,P15汉语翻译来自《诗探索》2013年第二辑理论卷,第13-15页。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P123.
    1 吴思敬编《诗探索》2013年 第二辑 理论卷,第16页。
    2 宗白华:《美学散步》上海人民出版社1981第41页。
    1 Kern Stein. The Poetry of a Grown Man:Constancy and Transitionin in the Work of James Wright.Athens:Ohio University Press P57
    2 Orr.Ironwood 17. Tuscon P20.
    1 苏珊·朗格:《情感与形式》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,第8页。
    2 苏珊·朗格:《情感与形式》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,第9页。
    3 苏珊·朗格:《情感与形式》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,第10页。
    4 吴思敬编《诗探索》2013年第二辑理论卷,第20-21页。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982. P127.
    1 (明)王廷相撰,王孝鱼校点:《王廷相集》,北京:中华书局,2009年,pp502-503
    2 (德)卫礼贤、(瑞士)荣格:《金花的秘密》,合肥黄山书社,2011年,第14页。
    1 英文原文见第一章第二节
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p122汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 (德)卫礼贤、(瑞士)荣格:《金花的秘密》,合肥黄山书社,2011年,第25页。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P P 138-139.
    1 张再林、燕连福:《从经验到体验现代西方哲学的彻底经验主义走向》,豆丁网:http://www.docin.com/p-238140403.html
    2 厄内斯特·费诺罗萨著、埃兹拉·庞德编,赵毅衡译:《作为诗歌手段的中国文字》,《外国诗论译丛》,第154-156页。
    3 厄内斯特·费诺罗萨著、埃兹拉·庞德编,赵毅衡译:《作为诗歌手段的中国文字》,《外国诗论译丛》,第153-157页。
    1 叶维廉:《比较诗学》,台湾:东大图书公司,1983年。
    1 陈良运:《周易与中国文学》百花洲文艺出版社,2010年。第327-334页。
    2 陈良运:《周易与中国文学》百花洲文艺出版社,2010年。第327-334页。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P P 138-139汉语为笔者翻译。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.p221.
    1 StephenStepanchey. American poetry since 1945. New York, Harper & Row.1965. pp177-178.
    2 James Wright, William Duffy, Robert Bly. The Lion's Tail and Eyes. The Sixties Press.1962.P5汉语为笔者翻译。
    1 赵执信,翁方纲著。陈迩冬点注《谈龙录石洲诗话》北京市:人民文学出版社,1981第5页
    1 Robert Bly, "A Wrong Turning in American Poetry" Choice 3 P14
    2 Robert Bly, "A Wrong Turning in American Potry" Choice 3(1963) pp33-47
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982. pp 133.
    2 Robert Bly. "A Wrong Turning in American Poetry" Choice 3 PP33-47
    3 Donald Hall, ed The Contemprary American Poetry London: Richard Clay Ltd introduction P24.
    1 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990. p119.汉诗为王佐良译。
    1 Various,Arthur Waley.tr A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems. London: Chiswick press.1918. P151.
    1 Orr.Ironwood 17. Tuscon P118.
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P148.
    2 初入峡有感,笔者注。
    3 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.PP 147-149.
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown:Wesleyan University Press.1990, p181汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Witter Bynner: The Jade Mountain. Alfred A. Knopf.1929.
    1 Frank Graziano, Peter Stitt. ed. james wright a profile, Durango: Logbridge-Rhodes, 1988.P120.
    2 Frank Graziano, Peter Stitt ed. james wright a profile, Durango: Logbridge-Rhodes, 1988.p.121.
    1 Frank Graziano, Peter Stitt. ed. james wright a profile, Durango: Logbridge-Rhodes,1988. p.121.
    2 Frank Graziano, Peter Stitt. ed. james wright a profile, Durango: Logbridge-Rhodes,1988. pp.119-120.
    3 张文武:《詹姆斯·詹姆斯.赖特诗选20首》。http://site.douban.com/107782/widget/articles/120787 /article/10025754/
    1 Frank Graziano, Peter Stitt. ed. james wright a profile, Durango: Logbridge-Rhodes,1988. p120.
    1 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, p293.
    2 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p156汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Kenneth Rexroth:One Hundred Poems From The Chinese James Laughlin.1959. p13.
    1 Kenneth Rexroth: One Hundred Poems From The ChineseJames Laughlin.1959.p34.
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.l990,p137.
    2 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orleans: Ally Press.1991.P17.
    1 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orlean: Ally Press.1991.P23.
    2 Kenneth Rexroth: One Hundred Poems From The Chinese. James Laughlin. 1959.
    3 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990.P135汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orlean: Ally Press.1991.p18-19.
    2 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orlean: Ally Press.1991.p14
    3 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, p269.
    4 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A-wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, p270.
    5 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, pp270-271.
    1 Orr.Ironwood 10. Tuscon P69汉语为笔者自译。
    1 Lu you, Clara M. Candlin, tr. The Rapier of Lu. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, W. p43.
    1 李宜燮、常耀信:《美国文学选读》,天津:南开大学出版社,1991年,第284页。
    1 李宜燮、常耀信:《美国文学选读》,天津:南开大学出版社,1991年,第282页。
    1 Peter Stitt, Frank Graziano, ed. James Wright: The Heart of the Light. The University of Michigan Press.1982.p157-158.汉诗为笔者自译。
    2 Peter Stitt, Frank Graziano, ed. James Wright: The Heart of the Light. The University of Michigan Press.1982.p159.
    1 韩非子著,陈奇献校注,《韩非子集释》(上册)。上海人民出版社,1974 p368
    1 骆寒超:《传统汉诗的语言策略及其实践》,《中国文学古今演变研究论集》,上海古籍出版社,2005.年,第98页。
    1 Interview with Robert Bly.来自网络:http://www.robertbly.com/int_3.html
    2 Kern Stein. The Poetry of a Grown Man:Constancy and Transitionin in the Work of James Wright.Athens:Ohio University Press P56
    1 Peter Stitt, Frank Graziano, ed. James Wright: The Heart of the Light. The University of Mchigan Press.1982.p160.
    1 宗白华:《美学散步》上海人民出版社1981第89页。
    2 宗白华:《美学散步》上海人民出版社1981第83页。
    3 《什么是散点透视》百度知道:http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=ugyeJW9zrIorn9qpBNPV8PeOXAJtyVIF IPgCOLmC8vcDYBEkZHdEi8vERtEHT2bf4XQ3ywdVSCD1LCK_nWppO_
    1 来自poetry foundation詹姆斯.赖特的朗读资料http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Wright_Poetry_Festival
    1 卡洛琳.M.布鲁墨:《视觉原理》,北京:北京大学出版社,1987年,第89-91页。
    2 杨岂深、龙文佩:《美国文学选读》(第二册),上海译文出版社,1987年,第130页。
    1 曾慧:《论中国诗歌对詹姆斯·詹姆斯.赖特<树枝不会折断>的影响》中南大学2013P71
    2 Peter Stitt, Frank Graziano, ed James Wright: The Heart of the Light. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P159.
    1 黄琪:《殷璠<河岳英灵集>“兴象”的概念论析》重庆师范大学学报2012年第2期,第91页。
    2 黄琪:《殷璠<河岳英灵集>“兴象”的概念论析》重庆师范大学学报2012年第2期,第91页。
    3 叶维廉:《比较诗学》,台湾:东大图书公司,1983年,第100页。
    1 转引自李壮鹰:《中国诗学六论》,济南:齐鲁出版社,1989年,第65页。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p8汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 王佐良:《王佐良文集》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1996年,第648页。
    2 钱钟书:《七缀集》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2002年,第17页。
    3 James E.Breslin."James Wright's The Branch Will not Break" The American Poetry Review,Vol.11 No.2 P39
    1 (清)王夫之:《古诗评选》上海市:上海古籍出版社第217页2011
    2 陈鼓应:《庄子今译今注》注译,中华书局,1984,第92页。
    3 Chuang Tzu, Herbet A. Giles: Chuang Tzu, London: Bernard Quaritch press. 1889. P32.
    1 里普斯:《移情作用、内摩仿和器官感觉》,《西方古今文论选》,1984年,第409页。
    1 布勒东《超现实主义宣言》
    2 吴思敬编《诗探索》2013年第二辑理论卷,第33页。
    1 Mark Andrew Baker:James Wright's Quest for Voice and Redemption: Western Poetics Conventions Meet George Trakl and Tao De Jing Ohio: University of Dayton,1993, p70.
    2 James Wright Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P180.
    4 James Wright Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P194.
    (?) James Wnght Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press. 1982.P180.
    1 David Smith,ed. The Pure Clear Word. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. P87.
    1 Meng Zi, James Legge,tr. The Chinese Classics Taipei:Smc Publishing INC. 1991. pp130-131.
    2 Meng Zi, James Legge,tr. The Chinese Classics Taipei:Smc Publishing INC. 1991. pp130-131.
    1 《新旧约全书》,南京:中国基督教协会,1994年,《旧约》第1页。
    2 David Kinsley. Ecology and Religion: Ecological Spirituality in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New Jersey: Englewood cliffs. 1995, p103本段汉语为笔者自译。
    1 (日)池田大作、(英)阿汤因比著,荀春生等译《展望2l世纪》,北京:国际文化出版公司,1997年,第31页。
    2 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2005, p230.
    1 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p283汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Kevin Stein James Wright: The Poetry of a Grown Man.Athens:OhioUP,1989.p61
    1 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection:The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2005.
    2 Elizabeth Dodd:"Green place: James Wright's Development of a Biocentric Aesthetic", Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 2006. p23.
    3 Anne Wright: Bly and Wright: A Passionate Poem. Great River Review press. pp71-72.
    4 Kevin Stein.James Wright: The Poetry of a Grown Man.Athens:OhioUP,1989p49.
    5 Elizabeth Dodd:"Green place: James Wright's Development of a Biocentric Aesthetic", Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. 2006. P22.
    1 Meng Zi, James Legge,tr. The Chinese Classics Taipei:Smc Publishing INC.1991. PP194-195.
    2 Meng Zi, James Legge,tr. The Chinese Classics Taipei: Smc Publishing INC.1991. PP418-419.
    3 (意)马基雅维利,方华文编译:《君主论》,陕西人民出版社,2006年,第97-98页。
    1 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, pp34-35汉语为笔者自译
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p129汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Meng Zi, James Legge,tr. The Chinese Classics Taipei: Smc Publishing INC.1991. Pp294-295.
    1 (美)克利斯朵夫·拉斯奇著,陈红雯、吕明译:《自恋主义文化》,上海文化出版社,1988年,第3-4页。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p147汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Malay, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Letters Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,2005, p229,汉语为笔者自译。
    1 Chuang Tzu, Herbet A. Giles: Chuang Tzu. London: Bernard Quaritch press.1889. P.48.
    1 王博:《庄子哲学》北京:北京大学出版社。2004第29页
    1 Chuang Tzu, Herbet A. Giles:Chuang Tzu. London: Bernard Quaritch press. 1889. P5.
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p133汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P169.
    2 Chuang Tzu, Herbet A. Giles: Chuang Tzu. London: Bernard Quaritch press. 1889. P11.
    1 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p361汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 陈鼓应:《庄子今注今译》,北京:中华书局,2006年,第32页。
    2 冯友兰:《中国哲学简史》,北京大学出版社,2006年,第15页。
    3 Chuang Tzu, Herbet A. Giles: Chuang Tzu. London: Bernard Quaritch press.1889. P12汉语为笔者自译。
    4 括号处为笔者注。
    1 Chuang Tzu, Herbet A. Giles: Chuang Tzu.introduction. London: Bernard Quaritch press. 1889.P XX汉语为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p4汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Various,Arthur Waley.tr: A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems. London: Chiswick press. 1918. P74.
    2 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p297.汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p122汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p123汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletowa: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p179.汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 铃木大拙著,林宏涛译:《禅学入门》,台湾:商周出版,2009年,第20页。
    2 铃木大拙著,林宏涛译:《禅学入门》,台湾:商周出版,2009年,第21页。
    1 铃木大拙著,林宏涛译:《禅学入门》,台湾:商周出版,2009年,第23页
    1 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990,p141汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orlean: Ally Press.1991.P20汉语为笔者自译。
    2 Harolde McCarthy. "Poetry, Metaphysics, and the Spirit of Zen" Philosophy East and West, Vol.1, No.
    1 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p143汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orlean: Ally Press.1991.p26.
    2 James Wright Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982.P161.
    3 张法:《中西美学与文华精神》,中国人民大学出版社,2010年,第258页。
    1 James Wright Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982. p.
    2 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p20汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 James Wright Collected Prose. The University of Michigan Press.1982. P152汉语为笔者自译。
    2 James Wright Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990,p142汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Tao Chien, William Ackertrs: T'ao The Hermit:Sixty Poems by Tao Ch'ien. Thames & Hudson London, New York.1952. P28.
    2 Robert Payne, tr. The White Pony: An Anthology of Chinese Poetry From the Earliest Times to the Present DayNewly Translated London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. pp138-139.
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990, p369汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 Robert Payne, tr. The White Pony: An Anthology of Chinese Poetry From the Earliest Times to the Present Day Newly Translated London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. p138.
    1 James Wright. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990,p363汉诗为笔者自译。
    1 李宜燮、常耀信主编:《美国文学选读》,天津:南开大学出版社,1991年,第124-125页。
    2 Robert Bly. Remembering James Wright. Orlean: Ally Press.1991.p10.
    1 William S.Saunders. James Wright:An Introduction Ohio: Tufts University 1979 P4
    2. 陈去病:《诗学纲要》,南京:东南大学,1927年。
    5. 范况:《中国诗学通论》,北京:商务印书馆,1930年。
    64.吴筠:《玄纲论》,百度文库:http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=r5dcu R4DTNiF_bSgYSdlAql88s-gxbjwNgosU1VT
    29.《什么是散点透视》百度知道:http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=ugveJW9zrIom9qpBNPV8PeOX_A JZtyVlF_IPqCOLmC8vcDYBEkZHdEi8vERtEHT2bf4XQ3ywdVSCDILCK_nWppO_
    10.张文武:《詹姆斯·詹姆斯·赖特诗选20首》,http://site.douban.com/107782/widget/ articles/120787/article/10025754/
    (1)詹姆斯·赖特的教学笔记(the classics of the far east)
    (2)the Chinese program
    1. Wright, Anne and Malay, Saundra Rose, eds. A wild Perfection: The Selected Lett ers Of James Wright. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2005
    2. Neruda, Pablo. Twenty Poems. Translated by James Wright and Robert Bly. Madison Minn.:Sixties Press; London: Rapp and Whiting, 1968.
    3. Orr,ed Ironwood 17. Tuscon 1977
    4. Storm, Theodor. The Rider on the White Horse, Translated by James Wright. New Y ourk Signet, 1964.
    5. Trakl, George. Twenty Poems of Georg Trakl. Translated by James Wright, John Kno eplfe, and Robert Bly. Madison, Minn.: Sixties Press, 1961.
    6. Vallejo, Cesar. Twenty Poems of Cesar Vallejo. Translated by John Knoepfle, James Wright and Robert Bly. Madison, Minn.: Sixties Press, 1962.
    7. Wright, James. Above the River. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.1990
    8.--The Branch Will Not Break. Middletown, Conn.:Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1963.
    9. Collected Poems. Middletown, Conn.:Wesleyan Univ. Press,1971.
    10. Collected Prose. Edited by Wright, Anne. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1983.
    11.--The Green Wall. New Haven, Conn.:Yale Univ. Press; London: Oxford Univ. Press,1957.
    12.--Leave It to the Sunlight. Durango, Cob.:Logbridge-Rhodes, 1981.
    13.--Moments of the Italian Summer. Takoma Park, Md.:Dryad Press, 1976.
    14.--A Reply to Matthew Arnold Durango, Cob.:Logbridge-Rhodes, 1981.
    15.--Saint Judas. Middletown, Conn.: Weslcyan Univ. Press,1959.
    16.--A Secret Field. Edited by Wright. Anne. Durango, Cob.: Logbridge-Rhodes, 1985
    17. Shall We Gather at the River. Middletown. Conn.:Wesbevan Univ. Press.1968.
    18.--The Summers of James and Anne Wright. New York:Sheep Meadow Press, 1981.
    19.--This Journey. New York: Vintage Books, 1982.
    20.--To a Blossoming Pear Tree. New York:Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1977.
    21. Two Citizens. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1973.
    22. Wright, James, Robert Bly, and William Duffy. The Lion's Tail and Eyes. Madison, Minn.:Sixties Press, 1962.(二)美国国内研究詹姆斯·赖特的文献
    1. Altieri, Charles. Enlarging the Temple: New Directions in American Poetry in the 196 O's Lewis burg, Pa.: Bucknell Univ. Press, 1979.
    2. Altieri, Charles. "Objective Image and Art of Mind in Modern Poetry." PMLA 91(197 6): 101-14
    3. Altieri, Charles.Self and Sensibility in Contemporary American Poetry. Cambridge:Cam bridge Univ Press, 1984.
    4. Andre, Michael. "An Interview with James Wright. " Unmuzzled Ox I (n.d.):3-18
    5. Andre, Michael. "Levertov, Creeley, Wright, Auden. Ginsberg, Corso, Dickey:Essays a nd Later views with Contemporary American Poets. " Dies. Columbia Univ, 1974
    6. Atlas, James. "Yelping and Hooting:Some Developments in Contemporary American P oetry " London Magazine, April 1974, pp.15-32.
    7. Barnstone, Willis. "The Impact of Poetry in Spanish on Recent, American Poetry" In S panish Writers of 1936: Crisis and Commitment in the Poetry of the Thirties and For tier. Edited by Jamie Ferran and Daniel P. Testa. London: Tamesis, 1973, pp.137-4 1
    8. Berg, Stephen, and Robert Mezey, eds. Naked Poetry. Indianapolis:Bobbs Merrill, 1968
    9. Berke, Roberta. Bounds Outs of Bounds: A Compass for Recent American and British Poetry, New York:Oxford Univ. Press, 1981.
    10. Bernard F. "From Here We Speak." The Old Northwest: A Journal of Regional Life Le tters 2 (1976): 37-44.
    11. Bernard F. "The Universality of James Wright." Society for the Study of Mid Eastern Literature Newsletter 10, no.3 (1980):26-28.
    12. Birkerts, Steven. "James Wright's'Hammock':A Sounding" Agni Review 21 (Spring 1 953) 121-35.
    13. Blakely, Roger. "Form and Meaning in the Poetry of James Wright, "South Dakota 25. no.2 (Summer 1987):20-30.
    14. Bloom,Harold. "The Dialectic of Romantic Poetry in America." The Southern Review 7 (1971):140-75.
    15. Bly, Robert. "American Poetry: On the Way to the Hermetic." Books Abroad 46 (197 2):17-24
    16. Bly, Robert. "James Wright." Cafe Solo 2 (1970): 6-9.
    17. Bly, Robert. "A Note on James Wright." Ironwood 10 (1977): 64-65.
    18. Bly, Robert. Talking All Morning Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1980.
    19. Bly, Robert. "The Work of James Wright." The Sixties 8 (Spring 1966): 57-78. (Listed under "Crunk," pseudonym of Robert Bly.)
    20. Bly, Robert. "A Wrong-Turning in American Poetry." Choice 3 (1963): 33-47.
    21. Bly, Robert, ed. leaping Poetry: An Idea with Poems and Translations. Boston:Beacon Press,1975.
    22. Bly,Carol. "James Wright's Visits to Odin House." Ironwood 10(1977): 33-37.
    23. Breslin, James E. "James Wright's The Branch Will Not Break," American Poetry Revie w 11, no.6 (March April 1982): 139-46.
    24. Brooks, Cleanth. "Poetry since the Wasteland." The Southern Review 1 (Summer 1965): 87-500
    25. Butcher, Edward. "The Rise and Fall of James Wright." Georgia Review 28 (Spring 19 74): 257-68.
    26. Button, Walter. American Free Verse: The Modern Revolution in Poetry. New York:N ew Directions Books, 1973.
    27. Cambon, Glauco. The Inclusive Flame: Studies in American Poetry. Bloomington:India na Univ. Press 1965
    28. Cambon, Glauco. Recent American Poetry. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press,196 2.
    29. Carrol, Paul The Poem in Its Skin. Chicago: Follett Publishing Company, 1968.
    30. Coles, Robert "James Wright: One of Those Messengers." American Poetry Review 2, n o.4 1973.36-37.
    31. Craves,Michael. "Crisis in the Career of James Wright." The Hollins Critic 22, no.5 (Dec.1985): 1-9.
    32. Craves,Michael. "Look at the Ceremonial Range of James Wright." Concerning Poetr y 16, no.2 (1983):43-54.
    33. Dikey, James. Babel to Byzantium: poets and Poetry Now. New York: Farrar, Straus, a nd Girous,1967
    34. Dikey, James. "In the Presence of Anthologies." Sewanee Review 66 (Spring 1958): 29 4-314
    35. Dikey, James.Spinning the Crystal Ball: Some Guesses at the Future of American Poetr y. Washington D.C.:Library of Congress, 1967.
    36. Dikey, James. The Suspect in Poetry. Madison, Minn.:Sixties Press, 1964.
    37. Ditsky, John. "James Wright Collected: Alterations on the Monument." Modern America n Studies 2 (1972):252-59.
    38. Ditsky, John. "The Skeptical Poetry of James Wright." Contemporary Poetry: A Journal of Criticism no. 2(1977):4-10.
    39. Donald Hall,ed The Contemprary American Poetry London:Richard Clay Ltd
    40. Duffee, Madelin "James Wright's Early Poems: A Study in 'Convulsive' Form," Moder n Poetry Studies 2 (1970):241-51.
    41. Duffee, Madelin "That Vacant Paradise," Ironwood 10 (1977):13-20.
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    74. Kinnell, Gaiway. "Poetry, Personality, and Death." Field 4 (Spring 1971).
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    2O.Kenneth Rexroth.One Hundred Poems from the Chinese.New York: A New Deriction Boo k,1956.
    21.Lu Yu, Clara M. Candlin, tr. The Rapier of Lu. London:John Murray, Albemarle Street.
    22.Martin, William Alexander Parsons, Chinese Legends And Lyrics.Shanghai: Kelly &Wal sh, Limited,1912
    23.Meng Zi, James Legge,tr. The Chinese Classics Taipei:SMC PUBLISHING INC. 1991.
    24.Robert Morrison.Translations From The Original Chinese.East India Company's Press, 18 15.
    25.Roger Soame Jenyns. Selections From The Three Hundred Poems Of The T'ang Dynasty. London:John Murray,1940.
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    27.Ts'ai,TingKen.Chinese Poems In English Rhymes.Chicago: the University of Chicago Pres s,1932.
    28.Victor William Williams Saunders Purcell. The Spirit Of Chinese oetry.Shanghai, Kelly& Walsh.Ltd.1929.
    29.William John Bainbrige Fletcher. Gems Of Chinese Verse.Shanghai: Commercial Press, It d, 1919.
    30.William John Bainbrige Fletcher. More Gems Of Chinese Poetry Shanghai:Commercial P ress, LTD,1925.
    31.Witter Bynner, Kiang Kang Hu, tr.The Jade Mountain, A Chinese Anthology:Being Thr ee Hundred Poems of The T'ang Dynasty(618--906), New York, Alfred A.Knopf, Inc.1 929.

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