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The turmoil in US subprime mortgage market in2008, and the subsequent global financial crisis brought profound changes to the world economy. Once again, the OTC financial derivatives, regarded as a trigger for this financial crisis, received a storm of criticism. Among all risks that OTC financial derivatives may expose to, the default risk raised by the credit risk of the counterparty is of the most importance, and may have great influence not only on risk management of market participants, but also on systematic risks of the OTC financial derivatives market. Thus introduction of a legally valid mechanism ensuring performance is regarded as necessary groundwork for the healthy development of the OTC derivatives market.
     This article takes the legal mechanisms ensuring performance of OTC financial derivatives contracts as main research object. Focused on the Credit Support Arrangement (CSA), the most representative bilateral mechanism ensuring performance and Central Counterparty (CCP), a systematic mechanism ensuring performance, this article tries to provide with a thorough analysis of the legal structure of both mechanisms, and the legal interpretation for these financial innovations.
     As a widely-used bilateral mechanism ensuring performance in international derivatives market for nearly two decades, CSA has received wide recognition and is adopted into legislation in many jurisdictions, including EU member states. Moreover, CSA annex to the ISDA Master Agreements became an indispensable part of OTC financial derivatives transactions. CSA provide feasible solutions for market participants to manage risk exposure by means of bilateral contract relationship, either with a pledge based CSA or with a title transfer based CSA. Essentially CSA is a variable credit support arrangement based on the delivery of assets, originated from basic principles of civil law, while skillfully adapted to meet the actual needs of financial practice. The CSA has been introduced into China for a while, however the conflicts between Chinese law and CSA should not be neglected. An in-depth study on possible solutions to ensure the validity of CSA under Chinese law is still needed.
     CCP, the hottest topic in this post-crisis era, became an important measure to be adopted in almost all OTC financial derivatives reform roadmaps announced by countries and international organizations. Based on legal concepts such as Contract Novation and Multilateral Netting, CCP has been regarded as has unparalleled systematic advantages over the bilateral counterparts. With the use of CCP, the bilateral default risks will be transferred to CCP through contract novation, while the market risk exposure will be significantly reduced through multilateral netting. The Lehman Brothers case demonstrated the advantages CCP Mechanism might bring, where the CCPs played an important role in the smooth settlement of influenced transactions.
     As a member of G20group, China promised to adopt CCP clearing in standardized OTC financial derivatives transactions. The foundation of Shanghai Clearing House in late2009marked the efforts Chinese authorities made in fulfilling such promise. A further study in the default risk prevention and control scheme and legal structure taken by major international CCPs will afford useful reference to the improvement of CCP mechanism in China.
11 转引自刘燕《企业重大金融衍生交易损失事件研究》,发表于《清华法学》2010年第1期。参见T.C.Hu, Hedge Expectation:Derivative Reality and the Law and Finance of the Corporate Objective,73 Tex L.O Rev.985. (1995)
    12 陈晗著:《金融衍生品:演进路径与监管措施》第281页;中国金融出版社。
    4 陈晗著:《金融衍生品:演进路径与监管措施》第273页:中国金融出版社。
    15 中国银行业监督管理委员会令2011年第1号《银行业金融机构衍生产品交易业务管理暂行办法》第三条。
    16 Aristotle, Politics, trans. Benjamin Jowett, vol.2, The Great Books of the Western World, book 1, chap.11, p.453.亚里士多德的《政治学》(Politics). Benjamin Jowett.卷2,'The Great Books of the Western World册1、11章、453页。
    17 格林斯潘在2005年5月5口参加芝加哥联储会议时的一段发言:"Perhaps the most significant development in the financial markets over the past ten years has been the rapid development of credit derivatives."转引自巴曙松、牛播坤等著: 《2010年全球金融衍生品市场发展报告》北京大学出版社2010年第123页。
    18 中国银行业监督管理委员会令2011年第1号《银行业金融机构衍生产品交易业务管理暂行办法》第四条。
    19 薛智胜、马淑亚《我国金融衍生品发展的法律困境解析》,载于《法学杂志》2008年第4期。该文章认为:金融衍生品具有许多物权特征。金融衍生交易依交易的场所不同,可以分为场内交易和场外交易。场内交易是标准化的交易,期货合同、期权合同已不再是买卖双方交易的凭证,而是代表一种“资产”,成为客户买卖的对象,即交易的标的,客户对其享有一定的支配权。这是因为金融衍生品具有一定的现实经济利益,成为一种财富的象征。场外交易中的互换合同等也逐渐出现了标准化趋势,一些国际组织推出许多交易范本以供当事人参考。此外,鉴于债权的相对性,从严格意义上讲,债权应当不具有让与性。但是金融衍生品却具有让与性,买方可以在最后到期日之前随意处分其享有的权利,而无须经过债务人的同意。
    20 江平主编《中华人民共和国合同法精解》,中国政法大学出版社,1999年3月版,第150页。
    1 Henry T. C. Hu, Hedge Expectation:" Derivative Reality" and the Law and Finance of the Corporate Objective,73 Tex. L. Rev.985,996.
    22 ISDA主协议(2002年版)第6条(e)(v)款:"Such amount is payable for the loss of bargain and the loss of protection against future risks".
    23 2008年台上字第2543号。转引自刘燕、楼建波《金融衍生交易的法律解释——以合问为中心》,载于《法学研究》,2012年第1期。
    24 同上.
    25 《优先发展场内金融衍生品市场》 陈晗 《中国金融》2009年第15期。
    6 根据ISDA组织2011年12月21日公布的最新统计结果。ISDA's Market Analysis is based on information published every six months by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), as well as information from LCH.Clearnet's SwapClear (LCH) and TriOptima. ISDA supplements these sources with information on the col lateral ization of exposures.
    28 [美]斯蒂芬·G.切凯蒂:《货币、银行与金融市场》,郑振龙译,北京大学出版社2007年版,第91页。
    29 刘燕、楼建波《金融衍生交易的法律解释——以合同为中心》,载于《法学研究》,2012年1期。
    30 李永军著:《合同法》,中国人民大学出版社2005年版,第320页。
    2 NYCSA Paragraph 1 (b):All references in this Annex to the "Secured Party " will be either party when acting in that capacity and all corresponding references to the "Pledgor" will be the other party when acting in that capacity.
    33 NYCSA Paragraph 2:Each party, as the Pledgor. hereby pledges to the other party, as the Secured Party, as security for its Obligations, and grants to the Secured Party a first priority continuing security interest, lien on. and right of Set-Off against all Posted Collateral.
    34 Stec, R.Fiducia in an Emerging Economy, W:E.Cooke(ed.):Modem Studies in Property Law, vol.2,Hart Publishing, Oxford(2003) 43.转引自 Ivan P. Mangatchev, "Financial Collateral Arrangements under Directive 2002/47/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 June 2002.
    35 In fiducia cum creditore contracta the fiduciant (secured debtor) transferred the ownership to the fiduciary (secured creditor) on condition that he would transfer it back when the debt was paid.
    36 参见江平、米健:《罗马法基础》,184页,北京,中国政法大学出版社,1991。
    37 谢邦宇主编:《罗马法》,229页,北京,北京大学出版社,1990。
    38 ECSA Paragraph 5 "Transfer of Title, No Security Interest, Distributions and Interest Amount" (a) "Transfer of Title "-"each party agrees that all right, title and interest in and to any Eligible Credit Support, Equivalent Credit Support, Equivalent Distributions or Interest Amount which it transfers to the other party under the term of this Annex shall vest in the recipient free and clear of any liens, claims, charges or encumbrances or any other interest of the transferring party or of any third person. "
    39 ECSA Paragraph 5 "Transfer of Title, No Security Interest, Distributions and Interest Amount" (b)"No Security Interest"-"Nothing in this Annex is intended to create or does create in favour of either party any mortgage, charge, lien, pledge, encumbrance or other security interest in any cash or other property transferred by one party to the other party under the terms of this Annex. "
    40 Directive Article 3:"Member States shall not require that the creation, validity.perfection, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of a financial collateral arrangement or the provision of financial collateral under a financial collateral arrangement be dependent on the performance of any formal act."
    42 NYCSA Paragraph 13 Elections and Variables (g) (ii) Use of Posted Collateral " [that party/those parties] will not be permitted to......"
    44 NYCSA Paragraph 8(a)(iv) "the right to liquidate any Posted Collateral held by the Secured Party through one or more public or private sales or other dispositions with such notice, if any, as may be required under applicable law".
    45 NYCSA Paragraph 8(a)(iii) "the right to Set-off any amounts payable by the Pledgor with respect to any Obligations against any Posted Collateral or the Cash equivalent of any Posted Collateral held by the Secured Party."
    46 ECSA Paragraph 6 Default "If an Early Termination Date is designated or deemed to occur as a result of an Event of Default in relation to a party, an amount equal to the Value of the Credit Support Balance, determined as though the Early Termination Date were a Valuation Date, will be deemed to be an Unpaid Amount due to the Transferor for purposes of the Section 6(e)."
    47 Look Chan Ho "The Financial Collateral Directive's Practice in England". Published version in [2011] Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 151.
    8 彭鹏《欧盟<金融担保协议指令>及其2009年修订述评》,载于《金融法苑》总第八十辑。
    49 宁敏《国际金融衍生交易法律问题研究》中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第149页。
    50 The commission to the council and the European parliament:Evaluation report on the Financial Collateral Arrangements Directive (2002/47/EC).转引自彭鹏《欧盟<金融担保协议指令>及其2009今年修订述评》载于《金融法苑》2010年总第八十辑。
    51 涂德君《全球金融危机后的场外金融衍生品市场变革》,载于《中国货币市场》2010年07期。
    52 关于《匹兹堡峰会领导人声明》,参见:www.G20.gov,最后浏览日期2011年12月1日。
    53 参见欧洲议会RECULATION (EU)No 648/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositorie.http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2012:201:0001:0059:EN:PDF。
    54 FSB:Report Implementing OTC Derivatives Market Reforms (FSB 2010 Report), http://www.financialstabilityboard.org/publications/r_101025.pdf
    55 Requirements for Mandatory Clearing. https://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD374.pdf
    56 Capital requirements for bank exposures to central counterparties, 可参见:http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs227.pdf
    57 CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs).
    58 Margin requirements for non-centrally-cleared derivatives.
    59 FSA Reviews of Counterparty Cedit Risk Management by Central Counterparties:Finalised Guidance.可参见 http://www.fsa.gov.uk/static/pubs/guidance/fg12-03.pdf
    0 见2012年7月巴塞尔委员会公布的‘"Capital requirements for bank exposures to central conterpaities"《银行对中央对手方风险敞口的资本要求》第1页。
    61 李梅静:《清算安排中的中央对手方机制研究》,载于《中国货币市场》2006年9月。
    62 袁国际《期货结算法律问题研究》法律出版社第49页。
    63 李新周琳杰《中央对手方机制防范系统性金融风险研究》,载十《财贸经济》2011年第10期。
    64 王斌《关于期货合同的法律探讨》,载《法律科学》1996年第1期,第55页。转引自袁国际前书第51页。
    65 张金忠、李京生主编:《期货法前沿问题案例研究》,中国经济出版社2001年版,第5页。转引自转引自袁国际前书第51页。
    66 参见:阙波《国际金融衍生产品法律制度研究》华东政法学院2000年博士学位论文,第68.69页;徐毅《我国期货市场结算风险管理研究》,中国科学技术大学2007年博士学位论文,第44页等。
    67 Central Counterparties:Development, Cooperation and Consolidation, DTCC Oct.2000
    68 何宝玉著:《英国合同法》,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第199页。
    69 史尚宽著:《债法总论》,荣泰印书馆1978版,第674页;转引自李永军著:《合同法》,法律出版社2003年版,第412页。
    70 陈自强著:《无因债权契约论》,中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第345页。
    71 [美]A·L·科宾著,王卫国、徐国栋等译,《科宾论合同》,中国大百科全书出版社1998年版,第595页。
    72 参见何宝玉著:《英国合同法》,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第278—280页。
    73 See CBOT Rulebook, Chapter 8 Rules 804:Upon such substitution, each clearing member shall be deemed to have bought the contracts from or sold the contracts to the Clearing House, as the case may be. and the Clearing House shall have all the rights and be subject to all the liabilities of such member with respect to such transaction."
    74 参见CME Rulebook 8F005 " The Clearing House shall substitute itself as the counterparty to each party to the original transaction at the time of guarantee. "
    75 参见LCH General Regulation 3 "Novation" (a):"Upon registration of an original contract by the Clearing House, such contract shall be replaced by novation (without prejudice to the Clearing House□s rights to effect furiher novation under paragraph (b) below) by two open contracts, one between the seller and the Clearing House as buyer, as principals to such contract, and one between the buyer and the Clearing House as seller, as principals to such contract. Each open contract shall be subject to the Regulations including the restrictions on the Clearing House□s obligations and liabilities set out in the Regulations (including, without limit, Regulation 22 and Regulation 39) and otherwise on the same terms as the original contract replaced by such open contracts ". 76 See SGX-DC Clearing Rules, Chapter 7 Rules 7.04.1
    77 See Clearing Rules and Procedures of HKCC, Chapter Ⅲ Rules 309.
    78 参见《证券结算系统的风险控制与管理》,载中登公司《工作研究》2002年第10期。
    79 Bank for International Settlement, Settlement Risk in Foreign Exchange Transactions, at 63.
    80 参见《证券结算系统的风险控制与管理》,载中登公司《工作研究》2002年第10期。
    81 See Report on Netting Schemes, P17.转引自袁国际《期货结算法律问题研究》第113页。
    82 参见台湾地区“民法典”第400条。
    83 唐波等著:《金融衍生品市场监管的法律规制——以场外交易为研究重点》北京大学出版社2012年。第71页。
    84 唐波等著:《金融衍生品市场监管的法律规制——以场外交易为研究重点》北京大学出版社2012年,75页。
    85 唐波等著:《金融衍生品市场监管的法律规制——以场外交易为研究重点》北京大学出版社2012年,第77页。
    86 "Central Clearing of OTC Derivatives-Protection of Cleared Swaps Customer Contracts and Collateral" by Shinichi Yoshiya of Duke University School of Law. P14.
    87 Collateral posted by end-users in support of cleared swap trades will be "segregated" on the books and records of both the FCM and the DCO from the rights and obligations of the FCM and DCO and from those of non-cleared swap customers.
    88 陈晗《金融衍生品:演进路径与监管措施》中国金融出版社,2008年版,第435页
    89 巴曙松、牛播坤等著《2010年全球金融衍生品市场发展报告》北京大学出版社,2010年版,第241页。
    90 巴曙松、牛播坤前引书第204页。
    91 巴曙松、牛播坤前引书第213页。
    96 中国人民银行终止净额问题研究课题组《场外金融衍生产品交易的终止净额制度在我国破产法上的适用问题》,收录于《<中国银行间市场金融衍生产品交易主协议>释义》中国金融出版社2008年6月。
    98 载于《中国金融》2008年第6期,收录于《<中国银行间市场金融衍生产品交易主协议>释义》中国金融出版社2008年6月。
    99 《担保法》第六十五条第一款。
    100 《物权法》第二百一十条第二款第一项。
    101 曹士兵《中国担保制度与担保方法——根据物权法修订》中国法制出版社2008,第301页。
    102 本文关于保证余性质与特征的相关观点均引自笔者公开发表的论文《商业银行保证金账户的法律性质与风险防范措施》,载于《金融论坛》2009年第12期。
    103 陶修明、蒋纪平《金融创新业务中的相关担保法律问题》,载于《金融危机之后律师商事业务的新探索—北京律师论坛·商事业务卷》,北京大学出版社2010年版。
    104 黄松有主编,最高人民法院物权法研究小组编著:《中华人民共和国物权法条文理解与适用》,人民法院出版社2007年版,第646页。
    05 曹士兵:《中国担保制度与担保方法》,中国法制出版社 2008年版第316页。
    06 王利明:《物权法研究》,人民大学出版社 2007年12月第2版第625页。
    8 孙鹏,王勤劳《流质条款效力论》,载于《法学》2008年第1期。
    109 刘全雷《金融衍生产品主协议在我国商业银行的应用研究——以ISDA与NAFMII主协议为框架》,中国社会科学院2011年博士学位论文。
    110 张听、李曙光《关于完善我国场外金融衍生产品交易履约保障机制的报告》,该报告为2009年11月中国人民银行与亚洲开发银行联合召开的关于中国金融衍生相关研讨会的会议资料。
    111 蒋纪平、冯博娟《转让式履约保障机制利弊解析》,载于2009年第9期《信息导刊(中国债券)》。
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