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     通过对扎龙湿地藻类植物群落结构调查发现,扎龙湿地藻类植物种类繁多,群落组成较为复杂。本论文共鉴定藻类植物354个分类单位,隶属6门8纲21目33科80属,其中绿藻门11科36属148种,硅藻门10科24属119种,蓝藻门6科11属45种,裸藻门2科5属38种,甲藻门3科3属3种,金藻门1科1属1种。定量分析结果显示,藻类植物平均细胞密度为12.71×106个·L-1,硅藻门细胞密度最大,占藻类植物细胞密度的49.6%,其次为绿藻门和蓝藻门,分别占藻类植物细胞密度的26.2%和15.0%,且空间变化明显,排污区(17.51×106个·L-1)>实验区(12.66×106个·L-1)>缓冲区(11.92×106个·L-1)>核心区(11.14×106个·L-1);藻类植物优势种包括梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana),普通小球藻(Chlorellavulgaris),旋转囊裸藻(Trachelomonas volvocina),菱形藻(Nitzschia)等。
     基于主成分分析方法对扎龙湿地理化因子进行了分析。理化因子对环境变量的关系,前二个排序轴对环境变量的解释量达73.2%。运用典范对应分析对藻类植物属种与理化变量进行分析,得出前两轴总氮、总磷、高锰酸钾指数、电导率、酸碱度、浊度和叶绿素a这7个理化变量对物种数据解释率为50.2%,特征值分别为0.464和0.343。总磷、电导率、酸碱度对藻类植物属种分布影响较大,梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana),箱形桥弯藻(Cymbella cistula),华丽星杆藻(Asterionella formosa),普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris),旋转囊裸藻(Trachelomonasvolvocina)等对环境变量的响应较为明显。
Zhalong Wetland is located in the west of Heilongjiang province, the southeast ofQiqihar city, moving downstream from the branches of Nenjiang River, Wuyuer Riverand Shuangyang River. Without clear riverway, it features permanent and seasonallimnetic swampland due to the river overflowing. It was authorized as national naturalconservation area in1987, ranked as international significant wetland directory in1992.As well reserved wetland ecological system in the north of China of the same latitude, itis the most complete, original and open, where a lot of ancient species are preservedperfectly in the natural gene pool and it is one of the ideal perching and growing placefor migratory birds and precious waterfowl. According to the type of land utilizationand the feature of ecological environment in Zhalong wetland, a comprehensive andsystematic investigation has been made for spatial distribution of phytoplanktoncommunity structure of Zhalong Wetland, using the traditional analysis method onphytoplankton and multivariate statistics to analyze the impact on phytoplanktondistribution with physicochemical index and the response to environmental factors.Meanwhile, geostatistics and Monte-Carlo methods have been used to estimate spatialdistribution and forecast health risk of the heavy metal content in the surface water ofZhalong Wetland. Aiming to offer phytoplankton information and reference for theresearch on Zhalong Wetland aquatic ecosystem, a method of combining phytoplanktonand physiochemical index has been applied to assess water nutrition status in ZhalongWetland provides scientific reference for a further study on the sustainability, protectionand establishment of management measures of wetland living resources and which, isvery valuable to early warning of the aquatic eutrophication in Zhalong Wetland.
     After the investigation of phytoplankton community structure in Zhalong Wetland,it is found that there are a wide range of phytoplankton and complicated communitycomposition in this area. In the paper, there are354phytoplankton taxa being identifiedwith6divisions,8classes,21orders,33families80genera wherein Chlorophyta11families,36genera,148species, Bacillariophyta10families,24genera,119species,Cyanophyta6families11genera45species, Euglenophyta2families,5genera,38 species, Pyrroptata3families,3genera,3species, Chrysophyta1family,1genus,1species. It reveals in the quantitative analysis result that the average cell density ofphytoplankton is12.71x106L-1, wherein Bacillariophyta takes up49.6%as the largestcell density, Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta taking the second and the third placerespectively26.2%and15.0%with obvious spatial change. Discharge area(17.51×106L-1)>experimental area(12.66×106L-1)>buffer zone(11.92×106L-1)>corearea(11.14×106L-1). The dominant species include Cyclotell meneghiniana, Chlorellavulgaris, Trachelomonas volvocina and Nitzschia.
     The environmental factors in Zhalong Wetland have been analyzed based on themethod of principal component analysis. The first two ordination axes explain73.2%according to the physicochemical factors to the environmental variation. By theexample correspondence analysis, the7environmental variations, namely, total nitrogen,total phosphorus, potassium permanganate index, conductivity rate, pH value, turbidityand chlorophyll a, explain50.2%to species data, and characteristic value is0.464and0.343respectively. Total phosphorus, conductivity rate and pH value have a big impacton species distribution of phytoplankton, whereas some respond distinctively toenvironmental variation, namely, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Cymbella cistula,Asterionella formosa, Chlorella vulgaris and Trachelomonas volvocina.
     The analysis on spatial distribution of heavy metal concentration of the surfacewater in Zhalong Wetland by means of geography statistics method and on thecorrelation among heavy metals determines the source of heavy metal, including3origins: first, industrial and living pollution, such as farm products processing,paper-making industry, domestic wastewater and domestic waste discharge, such asfeces and cells; second, organic fertilizer pollution, such as pesticide and chemicalfertilizer; third, traffic pollution, such as traffic emission. Based on Monte-Carloanalysis on the sensitivity of heavy metals in the surface water, it is concluded that Crconcentration should be controlled to lower the carcinogenic risk to human being. It canalso be concluded through data analysis and health risk forecast that the carncinogenicrisk in Zhalong Wetland is lower than the maximum acceptable annual risk level,5.0×10-5, and lifetime acceptable risk level,3.5×10-3, recommended by ICRP.
     The water status in Zhalong Wetland has been comprehensively assessed by meansof phytoplankton cell density, diversity index, biological indicator and comprehensive nutrition status index. The data of phytoplankton, in which cell density is7×106~27.9×106, oligotrophic status11.1%, mesotrophic status88.9%, manifests that the waterin Zhalong Wetland belongs to mesotrophic status. In light of the diversity ofphytoplankton, Shannon-Weaver diversity index lies between1.26and2.96, Margalefdiversity index between0.79and3.47, in which the oligotrophic status takes up2%,slight contamination type32%, moderate contamination type56%, heavy contamination10%. The data shows that most of the Zhalong water belongs to moderatecontamination type. Indicated species of α-moderate contamination area and β-moderatecontamination area take majority amount in phytoplankton of Zhalong Wetland. In linewith comprehensive nutrition status index, in Zhalong Wetland mesotrophic takes up53.9%, eutrophy47.1%. The mesotrophic status takes a majority part in thecomprehensive nutrition index and the water stays in a moderate contamination status.
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