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     浸润性乳腺癌是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤,在全球范围占女性癌症的23%。乳腺癌发病率仍在逐年升高,严重危害世界女性健康。化学治疗是治疗乳腺癌的主要手段之一,但是癌细胞的对化疗药物的多药耐药(multidrug resistance, MDR)严重影响化疗药的有效性。多药耐药是指在药物诱导后,肿瘤对一系列结构、靶点和作用机制不同的药物均产生了耐药性。
     P-糖蛋白(P-glycoprotein, P-gp)是由多药耐药基因1(MDRl)编码,是最重要的药物转运蛋白,是恶性肿瘤原发性和继发性耐药的主要原因,与细胞内药物浓度及耐药程度密切相关。目前报道显示许多抗肿瘤药物,包括多柔比星、紫杉醇等均为P-糖蛋白的作用底物。MDR1基因在人体恶性肿瘤中广泛表达,约50%的乳腺癌的多药耐药与P-糖蛋白的过表达相关。即使在低表达的肿瘤,治疗后也可产生P-糖蛋白的高表达,恶性肿瘤化疗后P-糖蛋白表达率高达88%。多药耐药导致化疗失败、肿瘤转移、患者生存期缩短以及肿瘤治疗成本的显著增加。对于P-gp高表达的恶性肿瘤,可使用MDR1逆转剂,以提高肿瘤细胞对化疗药物的敏感性。目前经常应用化学合成的抑制剂以增加肿瘤细胞的敏感性,但是在达到有效浓度时也具有较大的毒性。这促使人们更深入地研究MDR1的表达调节机制。
     研究表明MDR1的表达主要由类固醇和异生素受体(steroid and xenobiotic receptor, SXR)的调节。SXR是一种细胞核受体(nuclear receptor, NR),核受体的转录调节作用需要和多种共激活因子协同完成。与相应配体结合后,经过一系列复杂的过程,核受体会募集几种不同的共激活因子到靶基因的启动子区,形成转录激活复合物。共激活因子有的通过蛋白质-蛋白质的相互作用行使功能,能够促进或抑制其它共激活因子或特定的转录元件的募集;有的可通过酶活性来催化相关蛋白的翻译后修饰。在核受体介导的转录调节中,翻译后修饰起着重要的作用,具有酶活性的共激活因子的翻译后修饰在配体触发的转录调控中是必不可少的。在SXR对MDR1的调控中,SXR与相应药物配体结合后,在p160蛋白家族介导下,激活定位于MDR1基因启动子的异生素反应元件(xenobiotic-response elements, XREs),启动MDR1的转录。在这个过程中,P160共激活因子家族直接与核受体结合,是募集其他共激活因子的重要支架。但是目前仍不清楚具体还有那些共激活因子参与了SXR对MDR1的转录激活过程,这尚需深入研究。
     精氨酸甲基化是一种近年发现的转录后修饰,由蛋白精氨酸甲基转移酶(protein argininemethyltransferase, PRMTs)家族催化。在哺乳动物体内,迄今共发现11个PRMTs家族成员;根据酶催化产物的结构,可将PRMTs分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两大类。Ⅰ型PRMTs (PRMT1, PRMT4, PRMT3和PRMT6)形成非对称二甲基精氨酸,而Ⅱ型酶催化形成对称性二甲基精氨酸。PRMT4又称为共激活相关精氨酸甲基化转移酶1(coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase1, CARM1),最初是在酵母双杂交筛选发现的,是p160共激活因子家族的结合蛋白。后来研究逐渐发现CARM1在细胞内具有多方面的功能,特别在控制细胞周期和生存方面。CARM1能够甲基化组蛋白和多种非组蛋白,是多种核受体转录激活的共激活因子,也可以共激活其它多种转录因子。
     目前关于CARM1在恶性肿瘤中的表达情况的研究并不多,已有报道CARM1在前列腺癌和大肠癌中高表达并且与预后差的指标有关。少数研究报道了CARM1在人乳腺癌组织的异常表达。但是目前的研究存在矛盾之处。El MessaoudiS检测了81例乳腺癌组织的CARM1mRNA表达水平,发现CARM1在组织学三级的乳腺癌中显著升高。但是也有研究表明在ER阳性和无淋巴结转移的乳腺癌中,CARM1的表达与肿瘤的组织学分级之间呈负相关性。还有研究报道CARM1过表达仅见于少数乳腺癌患者(27%)。上述研究提示CARM1是一个可能是影响乳腺癌进展和预后的重要因素。然而,这些研究只研究了少数病例或者只研究CARM1在乳腺癌特殊亚型中的表达。目前还不清楚CARM1表达与临床病理特征,分子分型和预后之间的关系。
     1.采用免疫组织化学链霉菌抗生物素蛋白-过氧化物酶复合物法Streptavidin-Peroxidasecomplex method)检测247例未经治疗的原发性乳腺浸润性癌组织中CARM1、ER、PR、HER2、p53、Ki-67指数和MDR1的表达情况,并分析了CARM1的表达与乳腺癌临床病理特征、常用分子指标和分子亚型之间的关系,同时分析了CARM1与和MDR1之间的相关性。
     2.以本实验室培养的乳腺癌敏感细胞系MCF-7和多药耐药细胞系MCF-7/ADM为研究对象,用RT-PCR和Western Blot方法分别检测CARM1及MDR1/P-gp的mRNA和蛋白表达情况。
     4.哺乳动物表达质粒pSG5.HA-CARM1和pSG5.HA由Michael R. Stallcup教授(美国南加利福尼亚大学)惠赠.将CARM1全长DNA经限制性内切酶酶切后,插入到pEGFP-C1质粒中,得到重组质粒pEGFP-C1-CARM1。经过限制性内切酶切和测序鉴定,确保插入正确后,通过细菌培养大量扩增。
     5.分别转染CARM1干扰质粒载体和外源性过表达质粒至多药耐药细胞和敏感细胞中;经过48h培养,采用RT-PCR检测各实验组细胞中CARM1mRNA和MDR1mRNA的表达情况,应用Western blot检测CARM1蛋白和P-糖蛋白表达情况,应用MTT法检测各组细胞对阿霉素的半数细胞抑制浓度(IC50)和相对耐药指数(RR)的改变,评价CARM1基因沉默和外源性过表达后对乳腺癌细胞的多药耐药性的影响。
     1.免疫组化:CARM1染色可见于细胞核和细胞浆。与其周围良性上皮相比,腺癌的表达显著增高。CARM1过表达与以下指标显著相关:低发病年龄、较高的组织学分级、雌激素受体(ER)和孕激素受体(PR)阴性、HER2和p53过表达、以及高Ki-67指数。在乳腺癌的分子亚型中,HER2亚型中CARM1表达率最高(69.6%),其次是luminal B亚型(59.6%)和TN亚型(57.1%),luminal A亚型的表达率最低(41.3%)。在乳腺癌组织中,MDR1/P-gp表达率为45.7%,CARM1的表达与MDR1/P-gp表达呈显著正相关。
     3.转染后48h,收集细胞,应用半定量RT-PCR检测转染pSUPER-siCARM1的耐药细胞中CARM1和MDR1mRNA的表达情况,结果显示:CARM1干扰组的CARM1及MDR1mRNA水平均较对照组(转染非靶向性siRNA)明显降低;Western blot同样显示,CARM1和MDR1/P-gp的蛋白表达水平在CARM1干扰组细胞中显著低于对照组细胞;MTT法检测癌细胞对阿霉素的耐受性,发现CARM1干扰组细胞对阿霉素的IC50明显降低,相对耐药指数显著下降,明显逆转了癌细胞的耐药性。
     5. CARM1可调控MDR1/P-gp介导的乳腺癌细胞多药耐药,可能是潜在的可预知乳腺癌化疗敏感性的指标,可能有助于个性化治疗,并为逆转多药耐药的提供新的靶点。
     Worldwide, invasive breast cancer is the most common cancer in female and accounts for23%of female cancers. the incidence rate is still increasing year by year. Chemotherapy is one of the primary means in breast cancer treatment. However, the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs is decreased in case of the multidrug resistance (MDR) of cancer cells. The multidrug resistance refers to that when a kind of tumor become resistant to one drug, it would also become resistant to other anti-cancer agents which even have different structures,target sites, or mechanisms.
     The P-glycoprotein (P-gp), encoded by multidrug resistance gene1(MDR1), is the most important drug transporters. P-gp is a major cause of primary drug resistance, and is closely related with drug concentration and drug resistant degree in cancer cells. It is reported that many anticancer drugs, such as doxorubicin and paclitaxel, are all substrates of P-gp. MDR1gene is widely expressed in human malignancies and covers about50%of multidrug resistances in breast cancer. Even tumors with low P-pg expression would produce a high level of P-glycoprotein after treatment. P-glycoprotein expression rate is up to88%after chemotherapy in malignant tumors. MDR is one of the major reasons which causes failure of chemotherapy, tumor metastasis, shortened survival, and increased costs of cancer treatment. Chemical syntheses of inhibitors are used in P-gp overexpression malignancies in order to increase the sensitivity of chemotherapeutic drugs in tumor cells and prolong clinical remission. However, chemical drugs at therapeutic concentrations often causeundesired toxicity.It is necessary to furtherresearchthe mechanism of MDR1/P-gp expression and regulation.
     Recent studies have revealed that the nuclear receptor, steroid and xenobiotic receptor (SXR), is the master transcriptional regulators of MDR1gene expression.In the transcriptional regulation of nuclear receptors, manycoregulators are needed and the coregulators play critical roles in regulating chromatin conformation and regulating the recruitment and activation ofRNApolymerase Ⅱ. The nuclear receptors can recruit several different coactivators to the promoter region of target genes after binding with ligands. Some coregulators function by protein-protein interactions, forexampleby facilitating or inhibiting recruitment of other coregulators or specific components of the transcription machinery. Other coregulators are enzymes that catalyze posttranslational modifications to histones, nuclear receptors, other coregulators, and components of signal transduction pathways. Thus, posttranslational modifications of many components of the basal and regulatory transcription machinery also play major roles in nuclear receptor-mediated transcriptional regulation. As for SXR, after binding to a variety of xenobiotics, it can activate the xenobiotic-response elements (XREs), which locate in the MDR1gene promoter, and stimulates transcription. P160family is involved in this process andcan bind directly to SXR. P160family functions as a scaffoldto recruit other coactivators. However, it still remainsunknownwhatelse factors are involved in activation and regulation of SXR/MDR1pathway.
     Methylation of histones by protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) is increasingly being acknowledged as an important aspect for the dynamic regulation of gene expression. The11mammalian PRMTs fall into two predominant classes, based on the types of methylarginine products they produce. Type Ⅰ enzymes (PRMT1, PRMT3, PRMT4/CARM1, PRMT6, and PRMT8) form monomethylarginine and asymmetric dimethylarginine, and type Ⅱ enzymes (PRMT5, PRMT7, and FBXO11) form monomethylarginine and symmetric dimethylarginine. PRMT4, namely coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase1(CARM1) is initially identified as a SRC-2bindingprotein in a yeast two-hybrid screening. There are increasing evidences indicate CARM1plays pleiotropic roles in cell proliferation and survival.
     Some researchers had investigated the expression of CARM1in many kinds of malignant tumors. Aberrant expression of CARM1has been linked to human breast cancer tissue in a few reports; however, current studies are contradictory and incomplete. The mRNA level of CARM1was found to be elevated in grade3breast tumors in a cohort of81human breast carcinomas of various types. While another study demonstrated there was inverse correlation between CARM1expression and tumor grade in ER+and LN-breast cancer cases. Kim YR et al reported CARM1overexpression was noted only in small number of breast cancer patients (27%). All these reports suggest CARM1is an important factor involved in progression and may affect prognostication of breast cancer. However, many of these studies were limited either by low n values of breast cancer patients or by a special tumor type. It still remains unclear whether CARM1expression is correlated with clinicopathological features, molecular subtype and prognosis.
     CARM1functions as a coactivator for many nuclear receptors, such as the estrogen receptor (ER), androgen receptor (AR), the glucocorticoid receptor, and the thyroid receptor. However, it is still unknown whether CARM1is involved in the transcriptional regulation of MDR1. The regulation of SXR on MDR1requires the anticipation of p160protein family. While CARM1has been showed to be a coactivator of p160family, all members of p160family are natural substrates of CARM1. In summary, because CARM1activation plays an important role in the transcriptional regulation of nuclear receptor and p160, we presume that CARM1might be involved in the transcriptional activation of MDR1; probably through SXRpathway. It is necessary to investigate the correlation between CARM1, SXR and MDR1and the possible mechanism. This might contribute to understand the reversal of multidrug resistance and might provide new potential therapeutic targets.
     In this study, we first examined expression of CARM1, ER, PR, HER2, p53, Ki-67index and MDR1in247cases of untreated primary invasive ductal carcinoma by immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, We detected the expression of CARM1in the breast cancer cell lines MCF-7and the multidrug resistant subline MCF-7/ADM. The results showed a higher expression of CARM1and MDR1/P-gp on both mRNA and protein levels in MCF-7/ADM cells, compared with the sensitive MCF-7cell lines.These results suggested the potential roles of CARM1in the development of multidrugresistance in breast cancer cells.Therefore, in this study, we proposed that the silencing of CARM1by plasmid-mediated expression of small interference RNA (siRNA) might result in the down-regulation of MDRl/P-gp, and thus reverse multidrug resistance in MDR cells. Anda full-length cDNA of CARM1mediated by plasmids was also transfected into MCF-7to investigate whetherexogenous overexpression of CARM1would improve drug resistance.
     1. We examined the expression of CARM1, ER, PR, HER2, p53, Ki-67index and MDR1by immunohistochemistry of streptavidin peroxidase complex method. Then, we analyzed the relationship between CARM1, the clinical pathological characters, universal molecular markers and molecular subtypes respectively, as well as the correlation between CARM1and MDRl/P-gp.
     2. Using RT-PCR and Western blot, we examined the expression of CARMl in breast cancer cell lines MCF-7and the multidrug resistant subline MCF-7/ADM.
     3. Small hairpin siRNA sequences targeted at CARM1and negative controls, non-targeting siRNAs sequences, were designed and synthesized as64oligonucleotides. After annealed, they were cloned into the pSUPER. neo+GFP expression vector respectively. After comfirmed by enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing, the recombinant plasmids were amplified in bacteria and extracted subsequently.
     4. The mammalian expression plasmid of pSG5.HA-CARM1was generously provided by Michael R. Stallcup (University of Southern California). We constructed pEGFP-C1-CARM1by insertion of CARM1which was cut out from pSG5.HA-CARM1with EcoRIinto pEGFP-C1plasmids. After comfirmed by enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing, the recombinant plasmids were amplified in bacteria and extracted subsequently.
     5. The MDR cells ADM were transfected with pSUPER-siFZDl and pSUPER-siNotarget respectively. And sensitive cells MCF-7were transfected with pEGFP-C1-CARM1.After another48h culture, mRNA and protein expression of CARM1and MDRl/P-gp were examined by RT-PCR and Western blot. MTT assay was used to assess the effect of CARM1silencing and exogenous overexpression of CARM1on ADM and MCF-7cells respectively to doxorubicin.
     1. In invasive breast cancer tissues, CARM1expression was increased in invasive breast cancer cells compared with adjacent benign epithelium.The increased expression was observed in the cytoplasm and/or the nucleus Nuclear CARM1expression was associated with a younger age at diagnosis; multi-center origin or multiple tumors; a higher tumor grade; a higher rate of HER2, p53, and Ki-67expression; and a lower rate of ER and PR expression. We also found that the rate of CARM1expression was significantly different among different molecular subtypes of breast cancer. We showed that in the HER2subtype, the nuclear expression of CARM1was the highest (69.6%), followed by the luminal B (59.6%) and basal type (57.1%). The luminal A type showed the lowest percentage of cells with CARM1nuclear expression (41.3%). As to MDR1, the percentage of P-Gpexpressing was45.7%, and the expression of CARM1was positively related to that of P-gpexpression.
     2. In MCF/ADM cells, CARM1was found to havehigher mRNA and protein levels in relation to MDRl/P-gp expression, compared with the sensitive cell line MCF-7.
     3. The effects of CARM1interferencein ADM were verified by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The level of CARM1and MDR1mRNA was down-regulated significantly in comparison with the control.Western blotanalysesindicated that CARM1and MDRl/P-gp were down-regulated in response to CARM1interference. MTT assay showed thatIC50value of doxorubicin wasdecreased remarkably after CARM1interferencein ADM cells.
     4. The effects of CARM1exogenous overexpression in MCF-7cells were verified by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The level of CARM1mRNA was up-regulated significantly in comparison with the control, while MDR1mRNA was notalterednotably.Western blotanalysesindicated that CARM1wasup-regulated afterexogenous overexpression of CARM1, whileMDR1/P-gp was not altered significantly. MTT assay also showed MCF-7IC50valueof doxorubicin did not changeremarkably in response to CARM1exogenous overexpression.
     1. CARM1expression was increased in invasive breast cancer cells compared with adjacent benign epithelium. Nuclear CARM1expression was associated with a younger age at diagnosis; multi-center origin or multiple tumors; a higher tumor grade; a higher rate of HER2, p53, and Ki-67expression; and a lower rate of ER and PR expression. All of these predictors were clinicpathologic parameters that correlate with poor prognosis. We also found that the rate of CARM1expression was significantly different among different molecular subtypes of breast cancer.
     2. In invasive breast cancer tissues, the expression of CARM1was positively related to that of MDR1. CARM1was also overexpressed in the multidrug resistant breast cancer cells, consistent with MDR1/P-gp expression.
     3. In the multidrug resistant breast cancer cells, the silencing of CARM1decreased MDR1expression and reversed the multidrug resistance. It was indicated that CARM1was involved in the regulation of MDRl/P-gp.
     4. The exogenous overexpressionofCARMl in breast cancer sensitive cells did not change MDR1/P-gp expression and function.These resultssupportedthe hypothesis that CARM1might be a secondary coactivator in SXR/MDR1pathway.
     5. CARM1can modulate multidrug resistance through regulating the MDR1,probably through SXRpathway.CARM1is possible to be identified as a new molecular marker to predict multidrug resistance for personalized treatment and new latent target for MDR reversing in breast cancer cells.
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