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杧果(Mangifera indica L.)反季节生产中胚胎败育机理的研究
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杧果(Mangifera indica L.)又称芒果,是世界著名的热带水果。海南省的三亚市及其周边是我国最典型的热带地区。正常季节下,三亚一带的杧果在每年4~5月上市,应用反季节生产技术后,杧果采收期提前到2~3月份,经济效益显著提高。但是,产生了大量的胚胎败育果实,降低了果实的商品率,已经成为杧果反季节生产中主要的问题之一。本研究以海南省主要的杧果栽培品种‘金煌’为材料,从催花对杧果生理生态的影响入手,研究了反季节生产中花器官的变化,对中途败育的胚胎从细胞学、激素、多胺和分子水平上研究了其与正常胚胎的差异,探索胚胎败育的原因,并采取措施,提高胚胎正常果实的比例。主要研究结果如下:
     5、通过对果实中自由态多胺(PAs)含量与胚胎败育关系研究发现:腐胺(Put)是杧果PAs的主要组成部分。败育胚胎的腐胺、亚精胺(Spd)、精胺(Spm)的含量以及(Spd+Spm)/Put、Spm/PAs的比值均小于胚胎发育正常果实,且差异显著。在胚胎败育的关键时期,胚胎正常果肉中Put、Spd的含量升高的幅度大于胚胎败育的,但是(Spd+Spm)/Put、Spm/PAs与胚胎败育果实果肉相比下降,这些因素与胚胎败育有关;果肉中Put含量维持在高水平的时间较长, Spm含量及其Spm/PAs比值在40d后急剧升高为胚胎正常发育的果实在体积上超过败育的起到重要的作用。
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) has been considered a famous tropical fruit in the world.Sanya city of Hainan province and its surrounding areas are located in the typical tropical areawhere mango fruit are usually harvested from April to May every year, but may also beharvested in advance from February to March by application of off-season productiontechnology, which contribute to a high economic benefit. However, the production of highratio of embryo aborted fruit seriously decreased the commodity rate of mango fruit, and ithas become the one of the main problems during the off-season mango cultivation. In thisstudy, the main cultivars ‘Jinhuang’ mango was used as experimental materials to investigatethe effect of the flowering on the physiological ecology in mango, to study on the change ofthe floral organ in off-season production, to study embryo abortion of the difference on themidway with normal embryos from cytology, hormone, polyamines and molecular levels, toexplore the reasons of embryo abortion, and to take measures to improve the ratio of theseed-fruit. The main results are presented as follows:
     1. The flowering efficacy was evaluated after spraying different concentrations of ethephon,potassium nitrate and its mixure with cytokinin. The results showed that the highconcentrations of ethephon reduced the chlorophyll contentes and the net photosynthetic rate.All treatments enhanced the content of the leaves zeatin and ratio of ZR/ABA, resulting in afaster flowering, which is associated with the increased C/N ratio in the leaves first. On theother hand, the effect of high concentrations of ethephon and potassium nitrate treatment isobviously earlier than that in low concentration induce, the various treatments reduce the ratioof hermaphrodite flower and the ratio of embryo normal fruit (big fruit containing seeds).
     2. On the off-seasonal mango production, the stamens of ‘Jinhuang’ cultivar was shownas the degeneration, the significant difference has been observed in development of anther inwhich the bigger anther possessed the more pollen quantity with higher maturity, and only afew sac pollen showed the degeneration, the pollen be in live was still account for76.9%. Inthe female gametophyte, ovule appeared malformation, shrinking deformation and ovaryshowed growth sometimes in flat, there was similarity phenomenon around the conductingtissue cells in the embryo sac nuclear during fracture. When the megaspore developed in stage of eight nucleolus, there was a phenomena that the synergids, polar nuclei or antipodals insame or different ovules degenerated, all those factor might affect the fertilization of theovule.
     3. Djacent was polygonal, its vacuole was small and cell wall was twist with theosmiophilic deposits accumulated. The central cell bigger than normal, the proplastids wasfew,nutrients loss of activity, which affected the development of embryos and procambiumformed, the endosperm cells cannot be sustained division and development were the reason ofthe embryo stoped developing and induced abortion.
     4. The relationship between the endogenous hormones level and embryo abortion ‘Jinhuang’ mango fruit at early development stage was investigated. The results showed that thefruit embryo abortion was finished within30d, indicating20~30d could be critical periodfor embryo development. The difference in size between embryo normal and abortion fruitmainly depended on the fruit flesh; the IAA, ABA contents in embryo aborted were higherthan those in the seed at the initial stage, but the lower contents of GA_3and ZT were observed,compared to those in the normal embryo. In contrast to seed fruit, the lower GA_3contentswhile higher ZT, IAA and ABA levels were existed in embryo abortion fruit pulp. Moreover,the higher contents of GA_3and ZT and lower ABA level were favorable to normal embryodevelopment. The decreased ZT, enhanced ABA contents as well as lower(GA_3+IAA+ZT)/ABA ratio in embryo comparing with those in pulp were important factors leading to embryoabortion. During fruit development, with the embryo aborted, the lower ratio of(GA_3+IAA+ZT)/ABA in embryo and pulp were the important reasons resulting in small size in seedlessfruit.
     5. The relationship between the polyamines and embryo was studied by analyzing the freepolyamine content in mango fruit. The result showed putrescine was the predominantpolyamine in the three fractions, Put, Spd, Spm and (Spd+Spm)/Put were lower in embryoaborted fruit than those in normal embryo, and Spd showed significant difference betweenthem. Put and Spd contents increased to higher values in pulp than those in aborted one,the ratios of (Spd+Spm)/Put and Spm/PAs were lower than those in seedless fruit,all of thefactors involved in the embryo abortion.Put contents in pulp was maintained at higher levelfor a relatively long time, Spm contents and Spm/PAs raised sharply after40days fruit set andmaintained constant increase in embryo normal fruit, which could play an important roles inthe development period of the embryo normal fruit exceed than seedless fruit in size.
     6. Using subtractive suppression hybridization to investigate the difference in genesexpression involved in the process of embryo abortion. Two cDNA libraries from normal seedand aborted seed embryos of ‘Jinhuang’ mango were established to obtain one thousand five hundred and seventy-two high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs), among which1092were obtained from the normal seed tester library and480from the aborted seed tester library.In normal seed tester library, ESTs were comprised of783unigenes, including147contigsand636singletons in contigs; there were297singletons in gene ontology (GO) indicatedcoverage of a broad range of GO categories in the borted seed tester library. Seven candidategenes from different categories were selected for semi-quantitative PCR analysis. Five ESTs(MaAGA、MaSAS、MaAP2、MaERFand MaMADS) were up-regulated in normal embryotissues compared to aborted embryos among them,and the expression of MaMADS inaborted embryos was significantly down-regulated.
     7. Spraying with low concentrations of spermine, Calcium chloride and urea alternation10days after bloom significantly improved the ratio of seeded fruit. Low concentrations ofspermine and urea had a significant effect on improving the seeded fruit ratio in ‘Jinhuang’variety.
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