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Since American scholar Joseph Nye created the concept of “soft power” in thelate1980’s,“soft power” has become the research focus of Chinese and foreignscholars in international relations and international strategy. With the gradualdevelopment and maturation of the soft power theory, the research about soft power isextending and expanding from theoretical analysis to the empirical application, andrising to the height of the national strategy. As the largest developing country anddeveloped country in the world, China and the United States not only pay closelyattention to the national security and economic development, but also emphasize theupgrading of the national soft power to promote the coordinated development of softpower and hard power, in order to achieve their national interests and strategicpurposes more effectively. Because of the different stages of development and thedifferent national characters, Chinese and American soft power strategies are showinga great deal of difference at all levels. In view of this, this paper will take theinternational strategic framework as longitude and regard the soft power theory as theweft, and attempts to compare Chinese and American soft power strategy form theaspects of strategic decision-making, strategic cognition, strategic resources, strategicintention, strategic path, strategic assessment and strategic planning. Also the sevencontents are composing the framework and the core content of this article.
     In the first chapter, I will analyze the strategic value of soft power from theperspective of the international strategic decision-making. First of all, I will analysisthe strategic significance of soft power to the rise of great powers by the historicalmethod. And then discuss the important elements of soft power strategy, includingstrategic environment, national identity and national interests, and build a completesoft power strategy on these bases.
     In the second chapter, I will compare Chinese and American differentunderstanding on the connotation of soft power from the perspective of strategiccognition. Firstly, I will make a specific analysis the various elements of soft powertheory, including the origin, content, development, significance and limitations, andso on. Secondly, I will compare different understanding of China and the UnitedStates on the connotation of soft power. And then analyze Chinese and Americancognitive differences to the strategic value of soft power.
     In the third chapter, I will compare Chinese and American core elements of softpower from the perspective of strategic resources. The elements of soft power containmany factors, but culture, values and the international institution are the core elementsof soft power. China and the United States have different resources advantages, sothey are showing the characteristics in the three core elements of soft power.
     In the fourth chapter, I will compare Chinese and American soft power strategypurposes from the perspective of strategic intent. Although both China and the UnitedStates are implementing the soft power strategy, because of the different strategicculture and strategic tradition, national identity and international status, and historicaland cultural differences, they have the different goals on soft power strategy.
     In the fifth chapter, I will compare Chinese and American soft power carrierfrom the perspective of strategic path. The differences of strategy means based on thedifferences of strategic objectives. America's soft power strategy performances theexport-oriented characteristic, aimed at “shaping a new otherness”, focusing onassimilation; while China's soft power strategy shows the introverted, aimed at“shaping a new self”, focusing on influence.
     In the sixth chapter, I will compare Chinese and American soft power strategyeffectiveness from the perspective of strategic assessment. Historical analysis is thebasic method for International Strategic Studies. Firstly, we should inspect the historical process of Chinese and American soft power construction. And then, eachstrategic means is in order to achieve strategic objective. However, the standard to testa good or bad strategy is based on its strategic utility. The Assessment of Chinese andAmerican soft power strategy effectiveness is consisting of the charisma of domesticpublic, the recognition between the two countries and the attractive of the twocountries in the world.
     In the seventh chapter, I will analyze the strengths and weaknesses in the processof Chinese and American soft power constructions from the perspective of strategicadvice. Compared with American powerful soft power, the construction of China'ssoft power is still in its infancy. Drawing from the experience and enlightenment ofAmerican soft power construction, combined with China's own characteristics toanalyze the current problems in the construction of soft power, and to find theappropriate solution is the top priority of China's soft power constructing.
     Overall, the United States has great soft power, not only for the wealth of softpower resources, but also for the ability of transforming the resources to the influence.We should reflect and learn from its experience and enlightenment. In the case ofChina, the construction of soft power is still in primary stage. To take the soft powerconstruction to the height of the national strategy is not only the essential requirementof the peaceful development strategy, but also the objective demand of the era ofglobalization. In the background of globalization and institutionalization, the successof any country or not depends not only on its own military and economic strength, butalso on the soft power represented by culture, institutions and values, and on nationalpolicy whether to allow other countries feel their views are respected, their interestsare concerned about. To some extent, the future competition is the competition of softpower, soft power’s advantages will determine the features of the21st century, alsohave a profound impact to every country. This paper will assess objectively about the differences and development trend in the process of Chinese and American soft powerconstruction, with a view to provide useful experience and inspiration of Chinese softpower construction and the implementation of soft power strategy.
①关于世界转型的权力转移、问题转移和范式转移,详见门洪华:《权力转移、问题转移与范式转移——关于霸权解释模式的探索》,载《美国研究》2005年第3期,第7—34页。所谓权力转移(Power Shift):即行为体及其权力组成发生了巨大变化,大国兴衰,即发展中大国崛起,“金砖国家”尤其是中印崛起举世瞩目,美国主导力下降;国家集团化,特别是欧盟、东盟通过联合影响世界格局和地区格局,成为近年来大国战略设计必须纳入的新要素;国家的传统主导地位受到挑战,地区组织、全球组织等非国家行为体均力图分享部分权力。权力转移导致具有重大战略意义的问题转移(Problem Shift):生存不再是国家惟一的关注核心,发展和繁荣在国家战略中的重要性进一步提升;意识形态竞争不再像冷战期间那么剧烈,而是退居幕后,全球性问题激增,国际议程愈加丰富;安全趋于泛化,非传统安全上升为国际议程的主导因素之一。权力转移和问题转移导致了国际关系的范式转移(Paradigm Shift):国家间合作变得至关重要,进而推动了国际关系民主化,国际治理的理念得到加强;国家之间的权力关系不再完全是零和游戏,乃至会出现共赢,而国家间基于共同利益的合作具有更基础性的作用。
    ①Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“The Changing Nature of World Power”, Political Science Quarterly, Volume105,Issue2,1990; Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, Fall1990.
    ②Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. New York: Basic Books,Inc., Publishers,1990.pp.31-32.
    ③Joseph S. Nye, Jr.&William A. Owens,“Americans Information Edge”, Foreign Affairs, March/April1996;Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“Redefining the National Interest”, Foreign Affairs, July/August1999, p.24.
    ①Robert O. Keohane&Joseph S. Nye,“Power and Interdependence in the Information Age,” ForeignAffairs, Fall998, pp.87-88; Joseph S. Nye,“The Power We must Not Squander,” New York Times,January3,2000.
    ③这一阶段,约瑟夫·奈还发表了一系列文章,来阐述9·11后美国的力量与外交政策。2002年,他在《亚太研究》(Asia Pacific Review)春季号上发表了《信息革命与美国的软实力》(The InformationRevolution and American Soft Power)一文;2002年,他在《经济学家》(The Economist)发表《当新罗马帝国遇到新野蛮人》(The New Rome Meets the New Barbarians)一文;2002年在《国际事务》
    (International Affairs)上发表了《美国国家利益和全球公共物品》(The American National Interest andGlobal Public Goods)一文;2003年在《外交》(Foreign Affairs)上发表《伊拉克战争之后的美国实力与战略》(U.S. Power and Strategy after Iraq)等等。
    ④Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go ItAlone, New York: Oxford University Press,2002, pp.8–11; Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“Limits of AmericanPower,” Political Science Quarterly, Vol.117, No.4(Winter,2002-2003), pp.545-559.
    ①Joseph S. Nye, J r., Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, New York: Public Affairs,2004, p.2, p.11.
    ③此为2004年罗伯特·杰维斯对约瑟夫·奈的专著《软力量:世界政坛成功之道》写书评时所指出。转引自金筱萍:《美国学术界文化软实力研究综述》,载《科技进步与对策》2010年第17期,第158页。另外对软实力持怀疑和否定态度的学者及著作还有:Yanzhong Huang, Sheng Ding,“Dragon’s Underbelly:AnAnalysis of China’s Soft Power”, East Asia,2006, pp.22–44; Alexandre Bohas,“The Paradox ofAnti–Americanism: Reflection on the Shallow Concept of Soft Power”. Global Society,2006,20(4),pp.44-58.
    ①在此之前,约瑟夫·奈也曾发表过文章对中国和日本的软实力进行了论述。Joseph S. Nye Jr.,“The Riseof China’s Soft Power”, The Wall Street Journal Asia, September29,2005; Joseph S. Nye Jr.,“The SoftPower of Japan”, Gaiko Forum: Japanese Perspectives on Foreign Affairs, Summer2004, p3-8.
    ②Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“Think Again: Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, February2006.
    ③Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“A Smarter, More Secure America”, CSIS Commission onSmart Power, http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/071106_csisssmartpowerreport.pdf.
    ④Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Power to Lead, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2008.p35.
    ⑤Joseph S. Nye, J r., The Future of Power, Public Affairs2011, pp.154-158.
    ①Takeshi Matsuda, Soft Power and Its Perils: U.S. Cultural Policy in Early Postwar Japan andPermanent Dependency, Stanford University Press,2007.
    ②James Steinberg,“Real leaders do soft power: Learning the lessons of Iraq”, The WashingtonQuarterly, Sep2008.
    ③Yasushi W, Mc Connell D., Soft Power Super powers: Cultural and National Assets of Japan and theUnited States. New York: M. E. Sharpe,2008. p10.
    ①Louis Klarevas,“Greeks Bearing Consensus:Suggestions for Increasing Greece’s Soft Power in theWest.” Mediterranean Quarterly,2005; Josef Joffe,“How America Does It”, Foreign Affairs, New York, Vol.
    76. Sep1997; Josef Joffe,“The Perils of Soft Power”, New York Times Magazine, May14,2006.
    ②Louis Klarevas,“Greeks Bearing Consensus:Suggestions for Increasing Greece’s Soft Power in theWest.” Mediterranean Quarterly,2005; Josef Joffe,“How America Does It”, Foreign Affairs, New York: Vol.
    76. Sep1997; Josef Joffe,“The Perils of Soft Power”, New York Times Magazine, May14,2006.
    ③Yanzhong Huang, Sheng Ding,“Dragon’s Underbelly:An Analysis of China’s Soft Power”, East Asia,2006,23(4), pp.22–44; Alexandre Bohas,“The Paradox of Anti–Americanism: Reflection on the ShallowConcept of Soft Power”. Global Society,2006,20(4).
    ④Takeshi Matsuda, Soft power and its perils: U.S. cultural policy in early postwar Japan and permanentdependency.(Stanford University Press,2007); Jonal Ginden, Kristen,“Benevolence or Intervention:Spotlighting US Soft Power”, Weld January,2007(2); Peng Er Lam,“Japan’s Quest for Soft Power:Attraction and Limitation”, East Asia,2007(24), pp.349–363.
    ①C. F. Bergsten, C. Freeman, N. Lardy, D. Mitchell,“Soft Power in Chinese Foreign Policy”, seehttp://www.theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=7505.
    ①Joshua Kurlantzick, Charm offensive: How China's soft power is transforming the world, YaleUniversity Press,2007.
    ②对中国软实力建设研究的文章有:Jehangir S. Pocha: The Rising “Soft Power” of China and India; DavidCapie: Beijing Unhends in Quest of “Soft Power:; Bloomberg: China Uses “Tai Chi” Diplomacy to BuildSoft Power; Philip Bowring: China’s Soft Power; Joshua Kurlantzick: China’s Charm: Implications ofChinese Soft Power; Joseph S. Nye: The Rise of China’s Soft Power; Esther Pan: China’s Soft PowerInitiative; Joshua Kurlantzick: Will China Wield “Soft Power” in Asia; David Stanway: China Flaunts ItsSoft Power; New York Times: Beijing Gains “Soft Power” Training African Diplomats; Joshua Kurlantzick:China’s Latest Export: Soft Power; Joshua Kurlantzick: Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power IsTransforming the World; Drew Thompson: China’s Soft Power in Africa: From the “Beijing Consensus” toHealth Diplomacy; James F. Paradise: Can China’s Soft Power Offensive Succeed?,Jocelyn Chey: TheGentle Dragon; Alan Hunter: China: Soft Power and Cultural Influence; Weekly tandard: China’s View ofAmerican “Soft Power”; Joshua Kurlantzick: China’s Soft Power Successes; Sameer Lalwani: ChinaRises as US Soft Power Declines: Recalling the Uses of Trade and Civilians; Will Wachter: TheLanguage of Chinese Soft Power in the US; Jehangir Pocha: China Plays Hardball with Soft Power;Liang:“Beauty Diplomacy”: Buttressing China’s Soft Power Arsenal? Christine Susanna Tihin:Indonesian Relations with China: Playing it Hard, Soft or Smart? ABC: Soft Power: Influencing the Worldwith a Chinese Touch.参见田建明:《中国软实力战略研究》,《吉林大学博士学位论文》,2010年4月。
    ①Hongying Wang,“Chinese Conception of Soft Power and Its Policy implications”, in Wang Gungwu andZheng Yongnian(eds), China in the New International Order, London:Routledge, Forthcoming.转引自刘相平:《对软实力之再认识》,载《南京大学学报》2010年,第150页。
    ②Soft Power in Asia:Results of a2008Multinational Survey of Public Opinion,China Still Lags theUnited States in Soft Power in Asia, See:http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/Files/Studies_Publications/POS/POS2008/Soft_Power_in_Asia.aspx.
    ②“战略”作为一个与战争密切相关的概念,在古代东西方都已经出现。在西方,“战略”(strategy)一词源自于希腊语中的“strato”,其含义为军队。战略观念也最早产生于政治、经济和文化较为发达的古希腊地区。例如修昔底德在其名著《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》一书中就提出了有关战略的思维。大约公元580年,拜占庭将军和皇帝毛里斯(Maurice,539-602)曾著有Strategikon,意为“将军之学”。1777年法国人梅(Maizeroy,1719-1780)在其著作《战争理论》一书中首次使用“战略”一词,并将其界定为“作战的指导”,这即为“战略”一词的起源。到了19世纪,随着战争规模的空前扩大,“战略”与“战术”也实现分离。因此军事理论家都倾向于从与战术比较的角度来定义战略。克劳塞维茨(Carl von Clausewitz)在其传世著作《战争论》指出:“战术是在战斗中使用军队的学问,战略是为了战争目的运用战斗的学问。”由此可以看出,战略是指导战争全局的谋略。到了19世纪末,日本人将西方的“strategy”一词翻译为汉语“战略”,后经中国留日学生传入国内。中国人在《左传》中就已经直接使用“战略”一词。西晋历史学家司马彪在公元3世纪更是以其为书名而著《战略》,是中国历史上第一部以战略为名的著作,可惜该书已散佚。先进保存最为完整的且以战略为名的只有明代茅元仪所著的《廿一史战略考》三十三卷。而战略作为概念使用,最早出现在南北朝时期的《宋书》“授以兵经战略”之中。在二十五史中,战略作为一个词汇,一共出现过8次,分别是《宋书》1次,《宋史》1次,《明史》1次,《清史稿》5次。详见钮先钟:《西方战略思想史》,广西师范大学出版社2003年版,第2-3页;李少军:《国际战略学》,中国社会科学出版社2009年版,第5页。
    ③John M. Collins, Grand Strategy: Principle and Practices, Annapolis, Maryland: naval institute press,1973, p. xx.全、价值观念和国家战略利益等。”虽然这一定义强调了国家安全的核心地位,但又不仅仅局限于国家安全,同时也强调达成国内战略与国际战略的总体协调,以维护并拓展国家战略利益,服务于国家的总体战略目标。详见门洪华:《构建中国大战略的框架:国家实力、战略观念与国际制度》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第41页。
    ①Richard C. Snyder, H.W. Bruck and Burton Sapin, eds., Foreign Policy Decision Making, New York:Free Press of Glencoe,1962, p.90.
    ④Herbert Alexander Simon, Administrative behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Process inAdministrative Organization, New York: Macmillan Co.,1947.
    ①Frederic S. Pearson and J. Martin Rochester, International Relations, New York: McGraw-Hill,1998,pp.222-223.
    ②Joseph S. Nye,“Transnational and Trans-governmental Relational”, in G.L. Goodwin and A. Linklater,eds., New Dimensions in World Politics, London: Croon Helm,1975, p.36.
    ①Sidney Verba,“Assumptions of Rationality and Non-Rationality in Models of the International System”,in J. N. Rosenau, ed., International Politics and Foreign Policy, New York: Free Press,1969, p.225.
    ②Michael D. Young and Mark Scharfer,“Is There Method in Our Madness? Ways of Assessing Cognitionin International Relations”, Mershon International Studies Review, Vo.42,1998. pp.63-64.
    ④Richard C. Snyder, H. W. Bruck and Burton Sapin, eds., Foreign Policy Decision Making, New York:Free Press of Glencoe,1962, p.98.
    ①Frederic S. Pearson and J. Martin Rochester, International Relations, New York: McGraw-Hill,1998,pp.227-229.
    ⑥Richard C. Snyder, H. W. Bruck and Burton Sapin, eds., Foreign Policy Decision Making, New York:Free Press of Glencoe,1962, p.104.
    ①Christopher Hill and Edmond Derr, The Old Good Cause, New York,1969, p.355.
    ③Joseph S. Nye, J r., The Future of Power, Public Affairs,2011.pp.46-51.
    ⑤Robet M. Crawford, Regime Theory in the Post-Cold War World: Rethinking Neoliberal Approach toInternational Relational, Dartmouth: Dartmouth Publishing Company,1996, p.53.
    ③Peter J. Kazenstein, Introduction: Alternative Perspectives on National Security, in Peter J.Kazenstein(ed), The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics, New York:Columbia University Press,1999, p.2.
    ④Frederic S. Pearson and J. Martin Rochester, International Relations, New York: McGraw-Hill,1998,pp.177-178.
    ⑤Sidney Verba,“Assumptions of Rationality Non-Rationality in Models of International System”, inRosenau, J.N. ed., International Politics and Foreign Policy, New York: Free Press,1969, p.225.
    ①Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“The Changing Nature of World Power”, Political Science Quarterly, Volume105,Issue2,1990, pp177-192;Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, Fall1990, pp153-171.
    ②Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. New York: Basic Books,Inc., Publishers,1990.pp.31-32.
    ③Joseph S. Nye, Jr.&William A. Owens,“Americans Information Edge”, Foreign Affairs, March/April1996;Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“Redefining the National Interest”, Foreign Affairs, July/August1999, p.24.
    ④Robert O. Keohane&Joseph S. Nye,“Power and Interdependence in the Information Age,” ForeignAffairs, Fall998, pp.87-88; Joseph S. Nye,“The Power We must Not Squander,” New York Times,January3,2000.
    ②Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go ItAlone, New York: Oxford University Press,2002, pp.8–11;Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“Limits of AmericanPower,” Political Science Quarterly, Vol.117, No.4(Winter,2002-2003), pp.545-559.
    ③Joseph S. Nye, J r., Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, New York: Public Affairs,2004, p.2, p.11.
    ②Louis Klarevas,“Greeks Bearing Consensus:Suggestions for Increasing Greece’s Soft Power in theWest.” Mediterranean Quarterly,2005; Josef Joffe,“How America Does It”, Foreign Affairs, New York:,Vol.76. Sep1997; Josef Joffe,“The Perils of Soft Power”, New York Times Magazine, May14,2006.
    ③此为2004年罗伯特·杰维斯对约瑟夫·奈的专著《软力量:世界政坛成功之道》写书评时所指出。转引自金筱萍:《美国学术界文化软实力研究综述》,载《科技进步与对策》2010年第17期,第158页。另外对软实力持怀疑和否定态度的学者及著作还有:Yanzhong Huang, Sheng Ding,“Dragon’s Underbelly: AnAnalysis of China’s Soft Power”, East Asia,2006,23(4),pp.22–44; Alexandre Bohas,“The Paradox ofAnti–Americanism: Reflection on the Shallow Concept of Soft Power”, Global Society,2006,20(4).
    ①Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“Think Again: Soft Power”, ForeignPolicy, February,2006.
    ②Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“A Smarter, More Secure America”, CSIS Commissionon Smart Power, http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/071106_csisssmartpowerreport.pdf.
    ③Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Power to Lead, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2008.p35.
    ④Joseph S. Nye, J r., The Future of Power, Public Affairs2011.
    ①Takeshi Matsuda, Soft Power and Its Perils: U.S. Cultural Policy in Early Postwar Japan andPermanent Dependency. Stanford: Stanford University Press,2007.
    ②James Steinberg,“Real leaders do soft power: Learning the lessons of Iraq”. The WashingtonQuarterly, Sep2008.
    ③Joseph Nye Jr., Soft Power: the Means to Success in World Politics,2004, p.11.
    ②Robert A. Dahl,“The Concept of Power,” Behavioral Science, Vol.2, No.3July,1957, p.203.
    ①Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“The Changing Nature of World Power”, Political Science Quarterly, Volume105,Issue2,1990, pp177-192;Joseph S. Nye, J r.,“Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, Fall1990, pp153-171.
    ②Robert O. Keohane&Joseph S. Nye,“Power and Interdependence in the Information Age,” ForeignAffairs, Fall998, pp.87–88.
    ③Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It
    Alone, New York: Oxford University Press,2002, pp.8–11;
    ①Joseph S. Nye, J r., Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, New York: Public Affairs,2004, p.2, p.11.
    ②Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“Think Again: Soft Power,” Foreign Policy, February2006, p.24.
    ④Sheng Ding, the Dragon's Hidden Wings: How China Rise with Its Soft Power, Lanham, MD: LexingtonBooks,2008, pp.23-39.
    ①Sheng Ding,“Analyzing Rising Power from the Perspective of Soft Power: a new look at China's rise tothe status quo power”, Journal of Contemporary China,2010, pp.271-272.
    ①Joseph Nye and Wang Jisi,“the Rise of China’s Soft Power and its Implications for the United States”,see Richard Rosecrance and Gu Guoliang (ed), Power and Restraint: A shared Vision for the U. S.–China Relationship, Public Affairs,2009, p24.
    ①Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Soft Power: the Means to Success in World Politics, Public Affairs,2004, p.5.
    ③对国际制度和信息作为软实力来源的论述的文章和著作:Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Bound to Lead: TheChanging Nature of American Power, New York:Basic Books,1990, pp.33-34;Joseph S. Nye, Jr., TheParadox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone, New York: OxfordUniversity Press,2002, pp45-47; Robert O.Keohane, Joseph S. Nye Jr.,“Power and interdependencein the Information Age”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.77, Issue.5(Sep/Oct.,1998), pp.89-90.
    ④Joshua Kurlantzick,“China’s Charm: Implications of Chinese Soft Power”, Policy Brief, No147, June2006, p.111.
    ⑤The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, East Asia Institute, Soft Power in Asia: Results of a2008Multinational Survey of Public Opinion.2008.
    ⑥Committee on Foreign Relations:“China’s Foreign Policy and Soft Power in South America, Asia, andAfrica”. April,2008, p.3.
    ①Zewail, Ahmed,“Science, not Hollywood or Starbucks, is America's best soft power”, Christian ScienceMonitor,6/28/2010, p1.
    ③Jacob J. Lew,“Positioning the State Department to Achieve the Obama Administration’s ForeignPolicy Goals”, The Ambassadors Review, Spring2009, pp.9-11.
    ④Joseph Nye and Wang Jisi,“the Rise of China’s Soft Power and its Implications for the United States”,see Richard Rosecrance and Gu Guoliang (ed), Power and Restraint: A shared Vision for the U. S.–China Relationship, Public Affairs,2009, p24.
    ①Wang Hong-ying, Lu Yeh-Chung,“The Conception of Soft Power and Its Policy Implications: AComparative Study of China and Taiwan”, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.17,2008, pp.428-430.
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    ①Richard Pells, Not Like Us: How Europeans Have Loved, Hated, and Transformed American Culturesince World War II, New York: Basic Books,1997, p.33.
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    ②Hebert, Communications and Cultural Domination, New York: International Arts and Sciences Press,1990, p.9.
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