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New media achieves not only technology innovation, but also affects human economic activities, social structure and cultural patterns at a deeper level. This paper talks about audience participation in new media era from a cultural perspective. Participatory culture is not just about audience participating in the new media environment, and publishing their own work. Participatory culture is a complex field, covering technical, social discourse, including the new roles of the audience, the process of cultural production, and various participants in a dynamic link. This article does not think that consumers have become producers, control the whole information age. That is an overly romantic idea, formed by a number of popular discourses, but not truly happening.
     This paper talks about features of audience participation in the new media era. By discussing the meanings and contents, this paper thinks that the power of media culture is the core issue of participatory culture. With help of political economy and cultural studies, this paper explores theoretical and practical difficulties in participatory culture field.
     On the one hand, for further study of audience participation behavior, this article places the experience and behavior of the audience in their personal lives and social context, focuses on their own experience with the text. On the other hand, this paper articulates the overall media ecology and the audience.In other words, this paper attempts to interpret how audience participating in and consuming new media and gain inspiration from their own point of view. It is not one-dimensional cheer of promotion of individual freedom by new technology. While describing the individual empowerment participatory culture bring about, this paper discusses the power operation in the same time.
     This paper argues that due to technology developments, new media have gained the imago of turning the former consumer of corporate media content from dupe into hero, mastering the new means of production and actively participating in the creation and distribution of-mostly digital-artifacts. And indeed, the new technologies have led to an emerging participatory culture where audience participating significantly in the production and distribution of the cultural industry goods. Recently, popular discourses are embracing the phenomenon of producing users, labeling them Pro-Ams, professional amateurs, and describing their production logic as Wikinomics. The emerging participatory culture constitutes a converging of different participants and old and new media practices into a field where the distinctions between user and producer is increasingly blurred, and a lot of power are conflicting with each other, including commercial power, political power,and so on.
     The rise of participatory culture has brought traditional media opportunities and challenges. Traditional media needs to locate itself accurately on the basis of an open platform for content creation, to attract the audience's collective wisdom and to keep new complementary relationship with the audience. Furthermore, Traditional media should use advantages of social media for reference to inspire audience participation. Only in this way, traditional media can gain sensitivity and diversity in the dissemination of content and turn challenges into opportunities to achieve leapfrog development.
     Thus, in the field of participatory culture of the new media era, it is not enough to only emphasize participation. Cultivating participatory culture needs supports from various social forces. On government level, policy should commit to make media environment more suitable for the development of social justice, community autonomy and cultural diversity. Meanwhile, we should strengthen the new media morality, and carry out new media literacy education.
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    ② Lev Grossman. "Time's Person of the Year:You". Time.13th December 2006.
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    ③互联网协会:《2005-2006中国WEB 2.0发展现状与趋势调查报告》,网络下载地址:http://www.internetdigital.org/report/web20_report_intro.pdf.
    ②国内一些学者及业界人士将"Social Media"翻译为“社会化媒体”,本文认为不妥。原因在于:首先,社会媒体是与大众媒体相对的一个概念,大众媒体名为“大众”,实际上大众参与程度很低,更多地处于一种被传播的被动状态,而社会媒体是指社会上每个个体都能够参与的媒体;其次,社会化(socialization)是社会学领域的关键概念之一,有着特定的内涵,指由自然人到社会人的转变过程。“社会化媒体”一词容易将此类媒体首先与社会化联系起来思考,引发有关“此类媒体在社会化过程中发挥着特殊作用,因而被冠以社会化媒体”这样的想象。基于上述原因,本文将"Social Media"译为“社会媒体”。
    ①苏健华:《WEB 2.0发展介绍》,《资讯社会研究》,2007年7月。
    ①Participatory Culture,国内也有学者将其称为参与文化(参见:李月莲:《Web 2.0的“参与文化”与艺人裸照风波》,《传媒透视》,2008年第3期),或参与性文化(参见:宦成林:《21世纪学习技能:新媒体素养初探》,《开放学习》,2009年第10期)。
    ② Henry Jenkins.Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten:Fan Writing as Textual Poaching, Critical Studies in Mass Communications,5,2 (June 1988):85-107.
    ① Henry Jenkins,Textual Poachers:Television Fans and Participatory Culture, New York: Routledge,1992
    ③ Henry Jenkins,Textual Poachers:Television Fans and Participatory Culture,New York: Routledge,1992,p.28.
    ④Henry Jenkins. Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Digital Cinema, Media Convergence, and Participatory Culture. In Rethinking Media Change:The Aesthetics of Transition.Cambridge:MIT Press,2003.
    ② Henry Jenkins.Convergence Culture:Where Old and New Media Collide.NYU Press; 2008.
    ③2006年10月,由美国麦克阿瑟基金会(MacArthur Foundation)发表。
    ④Henry Jenkins. Katie Clinton. Ravi Purushotma. Alice J. Robison. Margaret Weigel. Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture:Media Education for the 21st Century. Foundation Reports On Digital Media And Learning下载地址:www.digitallearning.macfound.org/atf/cf/%7B7E45C7E0-A3E0-4B89-AC9C-E807ElB0AE4E%7 D/JENKINS_WHITE_PAPER.PDF.
    ②具体可参见:Deuze, M. (2008). Corporate Appropriation of Participatory Culture. In:Carpentier, N., Livingstone, S. (eds.), Participation and Media Production:Critical Reflections on Content Creation, pp.27-40.Newcastle upon Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishers.
    ③参见:Mirko Tobias Schaefer:Bastard Culture! User Participation and the Extension of Cultural Industries, Utrecht:Utrecht University 2008.
    ⑤李月莲:《Web 2.0的“参与文化”与艺人裸照风波》,《传媒透视》,2008年第3期
    ②李月莲:《Web 2.0的“参与文化”与艺人裸照风波》,《传媒透视》,2008年第3期。
    ①在论及新媒体时代信息传播的新模式时,丹尼斯·麦奎尔(Denis McQuail)曾提到一种“中心通常没有经过个人同意或了解就直接进行信息的累积”的登录模式。登录模式中,“中心要求并接收来自周边参与者的信息(通常参与者本身并不知道)”,受众在一种下意识的层面参与至信息内容的塑造和扩展。而这种参与和生产并没有得到相关企业的任何回报或正式承认。麦奎尔认为,尽管登录模式在历史上已有出现,但由于计算机化和电讯传播的发展,登录行为已经广泛扩展。
    ② Mirko Tobias Schaefer:Bastard Culture! User Participation and the Extension of Cultural Industries, Utrecht:Utrecht University 2008.
    ③ Jenkins 1992; Green, Jenkins, Jenkins 1998;Jenkins 2006a,2006b; Jenkins et al.2006.
    ①Henry Jenkins.(2001).Convergence? IDiverge·TechnologyReview, June.P93.
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    ② Bruns, Axel (2007) Produsage:Towards a Broader Framework for User-Led Content Creation. In: Creativity and Cognition:Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI conference on Creativity & cognition,13-15 June 2007, Washington, DC..
    ①Henry Jenkins. Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Digital Cinema, Media Convergence, and Participatory Culture. In Rethinking Media Change:The Aesthetics of Transition.Cambridge:MIT Press,2003.
    ① Henry Jenkins, Textual Poachers:Television Fans and Participatory Culture, New York: Routledge,1992, p.33.
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