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     1.试验所选6种暖季高秆能源植物从2009年4月至2009年11月在富营养长塘中均能适应水生环境并快速生长,其中芒草(Miscanthus (sp.))和香根草(V. zizanioides)的生物量干重较大,分别是3.2kgm-2和2.34kgm-2,并且对富营养水体中磷提取以及固碳能力的表现优于茭草(Z. caduciflora)、再力花(T.dealbata)和菖蒲(Acorus calamus);绿苇(Phragmites (sp.))对富营养水体中硫提取接近芒草;芒草、茭草和再力花的氮提取能力较大。在16天的静态试验表明6种植物浮床对总氮、氨氨、氮氧化物和总磷浓度和处理时间呈负指数形式衰减,平均去除率分别为50.3%,59.4%,82.4%和86.5%,显著高于对照(P<0.05)。
     2.通过对4种冷季能源草从2009年12月至2010年4月在华家池长塘和临安尾水两种水环境中的生长情况分析,发现营养盐浓度较高的临安尾水环境中,能源草生物量比华家池长塘生物量高21.7%。在营养盐浓度低的华家池长塘中能源草根系长度增加18-66%、分蘖数增多40-75%。不同能源草种类间,高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)生物量最高,显著高于高原(Lolium perenne Plateau),在华家池长塘中对水体氮、磷的提取量分别为43.32g m-2和6.15g m-2,在临安尾水中对氮、磷的提取量分别为48.55gm-2和7.94gm-2,是优良的富营养水体修复种质资源。通过高羊茅和固定化微生物(反硝化聚磷菌)相互作用对富营养水提的净化效应分析,结果表明接种固定化微生物增强了生态浮床对氨氮、硝态氮、总氮、总磷和正磷酸磷的去除,对氨氮、硝态氮、总氮、总磷和磷酸盐磷的去除率分别为86.32%、93.60%、90.12%、72.09%和84.29%。对氮和磷的去除速率分别为137mg m-2d-1、16.0mg m-2d-1,因此冷季能源草复合生态浮床在冬春季节具有良好的应用前景。
     3.通过对5种高秆草本能源植物和4种木本柳树在1/4Hogland营养液90天的生物量积累的分析发现,柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)、香根草和芒草的生物量显著高于绿苇和芦竹(Arundo donax),与旱柳、蒿柳、杞柳、杂交柳(簸萁柳×杞柳)4种柳树的生物量相当;经分析这三种草本能源植物具有较高的净光合速率、最大净光合速率、光饱和点。经过15天的污水处理,9种植物的PSII最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学量子效率(ΦPSII)和叶绿素荧光的光化学猝灭系数(qP)均有所下降,但是没有达到显著水平(P<0.05);而且柳枝稷、香根草和芒草ΦPSII下降幅度明显低于其它植物,说明它们对污水的耐性较强。对人工配制的污水的净化效果分析,发现柳枝稷、芒草对总氮和总磷的去除率均达到70%以上。经相关分析,总氮去除率与水体中细菌、反硝化菌数量以及植物生物量、植物叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用率、光饱和点和最大净光合速率显著相关。磷的去除率与水体中细菌数量、植物叶片净光合速率、光饱和点和最大净光合速率显著相关。因此,柳枝稷、香根草和芒草具有较高的光合能力,通过生物量的快速积累,以及促进水体中细菌特别是反硝化菌的生长,达到高效修复的目的。
     4.通过对高羊茅和9种水生植物(凤眼莲、水浮莲、黄花水龙、钱币草、水鳖、狐尾藻、梭鱼草、美人蕉和再力花)化学组分分析表明,地上部粗蛋白含量在128-255g kg-1之间,达到于禾本科牧草干草质量特级标准(农业部行业标准NY/T728-2003);除锌元素之外,Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn均能满足禽类和牲畜的需求;痕量重金属元素植物的积累Cu>Pb>Cr>As,低于美国国家研究委员会和我国饲料卫生标准,能够保证动物饲料的安全,是良好的动物饲料原料。
     5.通过对生长于浮床之上6种暖季高秆能源植物生物质分析,发现香根草、芒草粗纤维、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量均超过330g kg-1、700g kg-1和380g kg-1;上部纤维素含量和半纤维素之和均在600g kg-1左右,均显著高于菖蒲和再力花;而且酸性洗涤木质素的含量与之相反,是良好的生物质原料,而且不占用耕地、不会引起粮食安全的风险。
From the latter half of the last century, there has been increasing concern regarding the elevated nutrient status and the eutrophication of rivers and lakes. One of the most widespread examples of pollution is eutrophication due to inputs of large quantities of inorganic nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, to freshwater rivers, lakes, streams and reservoirs. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the two major influencing factors on water eutrophication. Therefore, removing N and P in water is an effective approach to mitigating and preventing eutrophication. Due to inability of reduction of N and P by conventional wastewater treatment systems, other appropriate measures should be taken to lower the impacts of nutrient pollution. Ecological engineering for the removal of pollutants at low cost is an emerging field dedicated to the design and construction of sustainable ecosystems that provide a balance of natural and human values. Constructed wetlands occupies a large area of lands, which is a limiting resource in countries such as China where human population density is high. Floating bed technique can be an alternative tool. Restoration using floating, floating-leaf, emergent and submersed hydrophytes is considered crucial to regulating lake biological structure, as aquatic plants limit algal growth by competing for nutrients and sunlight and can also increase herbivorous fish biomass by providing food and refuge. However, plant biomass must be removed periodically from the water bodies to maintain purification efficiency. If not harvested, the nutrients that have been incorporated into the plant tissue may be returned to the water during the decomposition processes. On the other side, rapid population growth coupled with limited cultivable land also causes serious problems maintaining a steady supply of food. Ecological treatment systems have been demonstrated to have significant potentials for both wastewater treatment and resource recovery. There are many potential economic opportunities for the use of plant biomass associated with hygrophytes. They could be dried and used as a food source for domestic animals and the food value could partially offset the cost of harvesting, if the plants were also grown and removed for nutrient abatement purposes. The plants produced on floating islands can be harvested and subsequently used as animal feeds, or even human food, or be processed into biogas, bio-fertilizer and bio-materials. People begin to realize the importance of ecological technology for water remediation due to excellent performance, minimal capital cost and ecological benefit. However, the majority study concentrated on remediation of aquatic plants in warmer condiations. There is no report about the remediation of bioenergy plants and their resource utilization. As a result, the present study was mainly concentrated on screening tall plant type of bioenergy plants in warmer seasons and perennial bioenergy grasses species in cold seasons that could not only adapt to grow well on floating beds but also with high nutrients removal efficiency, studying their biomass production and nitrogen, phosphorus reduction during the growth period, investigating the relationship between plant biomass production and nutrients removal efficiency, aiming at determine plant characters that associated with its purification capacity, and assessing the biomass as animao feed and bioenergy feedstock. The results showed:
     1. Field study on the response of6tall bioenergy plants in eutrophic water revealed that they could all adapt the aquatic environment. Among six tested plant species grown on floating beds in the field experiment, Chinese silvergrass (Miscanthus (sp.)) and vetiver(Vetiveria zizanioides) had greater dry biomass and were3.21kg m-1and2.34kg m-2, respectively. Chinese silvergrass and vetiver had greater phosphorus phyto-uptake carbon sequestration. The sulfur phyto-uptake of green reed (Phragmites (sp.)) was near to Chinese silvergrass. Chinese silvergrass, fewflower wildrice(Zizania caduciflord) and alligator flag(Thalia dealbata) had greater nitrogen phyto-uptake. The average removal efficiency for total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen and total phosphorus by six standing plant species were respectively50.3%,59.4%,82.4%and86.5%, during a16-day experiment on floating beds. Chinese silvergrass was most promising plant species for biomass production and nutrient removal grown on eutrophic water with floating beds.
     2. It was found that root length and tillers of four tall bioenergy grasses in Hujiachi pond were greater than those in effluent of Linan municipal wastewater treatment plants. The differences of total biomass were not significant during the four tested months. However, the biomass of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) was significantly greater than perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne Plateau) and had greater nitrogen phyto-uptake and phosphorus phyto-uptake. After determining the feasibility of using floating beds of tall fescue inoculated with denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms (DPAOs), it was showed that tall fescue floating beds inoculated with DPAOs accomplished greater removal of NH4+-N, NO3--N, TN and ortho-phosphorus (ortho-P) after20-day treatment. The average removal rates were86.32%,93.60%,90.12%,72.09%and84.29%, respectively for NH3-N, NO3-N, TN, TP and ortho-P. The removal rates of nitrogen and phosphorus were up to137mg m-2d-1and16.0mg m-2d-1, respectively.
     3. After cultured in1/4Hogland solution for90days, the biomass of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), vetiver and Chines silvergrass were significantly greater than green reed and giantreed, and were comparable to four willow species. This was related with their greater net photosynthetic rate (Pn), the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Amax) and light saturation point (LSP). Moreover, the maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII) of switchgrass, vetiver and Chines silvergrass decreased less than other six plant species. After analyzing the nitrogen and phosphorus removal form synthetic wastewater, it was showed the nitrogen removal was signifcantly related with the number of bacteria and denitrifying bacteria, Pn, transpiration rate (Trmmol), water utilization efficiency (WUE), LSP and Amax, and the phosphorus removal was signifcantly related with the number of bacteria in water, Pn, LSP and Amax.
     4. The tested tall fescue and nine aquatic plants contained abundant crude protein ranging from128g kg-1to255g kg-1. Although Zn level of harvested biomass from remediation plants cannot meet the requirement, crude protein, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn can meet the daily requirements of livestock and poultry at different growth stage according to National Research Council (NCR) and China Feed Database (2009). The accumulation of trace mineral elements in the tested plants was in the order of Cu> Pb> Cr> As. They were below the standard of NRC (2000) and Hygienical Standard for Feeds in China (GB13078-2001). Therefore, it should be safe when used as animal feed.
     5. Among six tested tall bioenergy species grown on floating beds in the field experiment, Miscanthus (sp.) and Vetiveria zizanioides were dominant in growth, annual biomass production, nitrogen phyto-uptake, phosphorus phyto-uptake, sulfur phyto-uptake and carbon sequestration. Neutral-detergent fiber, acid-detergent fiber, acid-detergent lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose contents of these species were similar to swithgrass. Miscanthus (sp.) and Vetiveria zizanioides were most promising plant species for biomass production and nutrient removal grown on eutrophic water with floating beds.
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