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Rural land is a very complex theoretical and practical problem in the process of industrialization and urbanization, because the land is not only important factors of production, but also in many cases played the role of economic, social, organizational and institutional carrier."(Qu Futian,2010) China's rural land issues at this stage mainly for circulation problems of the farmers land contract and management rights under the existing land system, the transfer of such land use rights begins with the continuous development of agriculture on the change of cultivated land dispersed crushing situation. objective needs to adapt to the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure and scale of operation, the role in the improvement of agricultural efficiency and market competitiveness, and the optimal combination of agricultural factors of production process, the transfer of rural surplus labor, urban and rural development, interaction and mutual promotion. With continued support and encouragement of the national policy, the Rural Land to enter the new century to continue to increase the scale, the accelerating pace of circulation the main increasingly diverse and circulation in the form of continuous innovation period. Efficient use of the concentration of land in agricultural production, increasing farmers'income and economic development of performance for all to see, but non-agricultural land due to non-agricultural capital involved in circulation and generally use tendency of sustainable development of agriculture, farmers' interests and social stability the negative effects can not be ignored. Based on this study in Jilin Province, for example, through the cost-effectiveness of the main outflow of rural land in Jilin Province and Jilin land to flow into the main drivers of the empirical analysis, in-depth to explore the role of rural land circulation and problems and the reasons for regulating the land Transfer Behavior clear land transfer policy guidance, improve the land transfer system, the system plays an important role.
     This artical taking Jilin Province as an example to study rural land circulation problems, based on the representative of the country in the land transter as a major agricultural province Jilin Province land circulation common with the characteristics of the main performance in Jilin Province, for example, may be both the overall situation illustration, but also provide a reference for the other major grain-producing province. Research perspective of this paper is set to grasp the overall situation of rural land circulation, Empirical analysis of rural land circulation, in a bid from the perspective of a more comprehensive system of rural land transfer system, policy evaluation and the relevant recommendations on the part of the solution The land transfer to a comprehensive analysis, the results for the relevant departments to formulate and improve the rural land transfer policies to provide a reference.
     This study consists of eight chapters.
     Chapter I:Introduction. Introduces the research background and the purpose and significance of the topics, respectively, from the land flow rotation, the effect is the problem, the point of view of restricting factors and policy recommendations of the relevant literature is reviewed, land transfer may be involved in land rent theory, the theory of property rights, resources configuration theory, the theory of institutional change, labor transfer theory, farmers act theory review and description of research related concepts are defined and introduced the concept and framework of the research, research methods, theoretical basis.
     Chapter Ⅱ:Agriculture and rural land circulation. This chapter begins the development of modern agriculture, modern industrial development and rural land circulation relations theory are reviewed, then the United States, Japan and other developed countries, modern agriculture development and rural land circulation, India, Chile, the Philippines, represented by developing countries, the post-industrialized countries, rural land transfer conditions were introduced, combined with our experience of revelation of the actual proposed land transfer of more than one country.
     Chapter Ⅲ:the overall situation of China's rural land circulation. The main analysis of the last century since the late1980s, the National Rural Land Circulation trends and stages of development, China's provinces and cities according to the location and conditions of economic development is divided into the northeast, east, central and western economic region, between the economic regions rural land circulation size, manner and flows compare summary analysis of the basic problems facing the rural land circulation.
     Chapter Ⅳ:Rural land transfer process and the status quo of Jilin Province. First analyzed a number of characteristics of the land transfer process and the main circulation in the form of Jilin province, to predict the trend of the land transfer. Then summarized the restricting factors of rural land circulation in Jilin Province.
     Chapter Ⅴ:Empirical Analysis.of rural land thansferors of Jilin Province.this is one of the key elements of the paper. Rural land transferor is the farmers of the land. Sample on the basis of the Household Survey of Jilin Province, Jilin Province Rural Land transferor is divided in accordance with the distribution of the main types are described, based on sample data intended to land transferor is divided into the labor force transfer type, labor shortages are two typical subject, and from the measured angle of the transgeror behavior of the main cost-benefit analysis, the final analysis to see the impact of non-economic costs and benefits of land transferor.
     Chapter VI:Rural land transferee analysis of Jilin Province. It is the other important part of the papers. Land transferee that is, the acceptance of land, or land-scale operators, on the status quo theory, including: farmers, businesses, city dwellers, farmer cooperative economic organization. This chapter begins in the land transferee survey sample on the basis of division basis and the distribution of rural land transferee types of instructions. Logistic model to actively acquire land for different subjects of the internal quantitative analysis, the last, especially on non-farm the main industrial and commercial enterprises to analyze the potential risks of the land management around the interests of farmers, agricultural productivity and rural social development of the multi-commencement of aspects.
     ChapterⅦ:rural land transfer system and policy evaluation. This chapter analyzes the impact of existing land transfer system, and policies on the transfer of farmers' land. The existing land transfer system, including the Constitution, the Land Law, Land Contract, and some parts of the land transfer regulations. The article on the evolution and characteristics of the rural land transfer system, a descriptive analysis. The effect of policies on land transfer evaluation from both positive and negative effects on existing rural land system.
     ChapterⅧ:construction and improvement of rural land transfer system. Sound from the land law system, respectively, improve the labor market, the specification of the land transfer platform cultivation, urban and rural social security system and land use regulatory system enhancements to make recommendations for the construction and improvement of rural land transfer system.
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