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     (3)基于个性化需求服务供应链模型。论文提出的基于个性化需求服务供应链(Individual Demand-oriented Service Supply Chain, IDOSSC)模型,以个性化需求的获取、分析、处理和实现为主线,通过对个性化需求预测和个性化服务能力管理,把握客户需求的变动和趋势,为实现新的价值增长点提供支持。
ABSTRACT:From the perspective of the evolution of production patterns, Individual Model has become a trend. There are typical individual characteristics for the service product. With service offerings in the growing share of the national economy, it is necessary to specialized research on the operation of service products under the individual trend. This paper attempts to create a prototype model of services supply chain under the Individual Mode. It is designed to highlight how to more effectively meet the customer's individual demand in the operation of service supply chain. Specifically, there are mainly the following aspects of work:
     (1) Analysis on the current situation of domestic and foreign research. Thesis research status was analyzed with domestic and foreign research. It is put forward from the "individual demand" perspective to analyze the research of service supply chain. The practice of the thesis and theoretical significance are described. And with multi-disciplinary, multi-method integration, systematic analysis and focused research combining theoretical study and empirical analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis of research methods, it is to complete the research work "operation mode of individual demand-oriented service supply chain (IDOSSC)".
     (2) The definition, classification and quantitative description of individual demand. Standing the perspective of the evolution from Mass Production, Mass Customization to Individual Mode, the individual demand is defined, and it is pointed out that the similarities and differences of individual demand and large-scale demand, and customized demand. Meanwhile, individual demand is development direction of large-scale demand, customized demand. From the perspectives of consumer purchasing motivation, consumer psychology, marketing and other, individual demand was classified. Individual demand was quantitative descripted, combined the three aspects with self-correlation, correlation and quantitative distribution of individual demand.
     (3) The model of Individual Demand-oriented Service Supply Chain (IDOSSC). In IDOSSC model, the main line is the acquisition, analysis, processing and realization of the individual demand. Through the individual demand forecasting and individual service capacity management, service integrators grasp the changes of the customer demand, and constantly develop and seek new value growth.
     (4) The operation methods of IDOSSC. The operation mode of IDOSSC was analyzed from the operational process, operational organization, and building process. Its operation process is divided into four stages:obtaining customer demand, analyzing customer demand, handling customer demand and achieving customer needs; The marks of Individuation is that the target of any business is not only to provide services to consumers, but also re-establish business organizational structure according to the individual demand of consumers, the organizational structure is the cooperative community. It is discussed that from the customer individual demand (service requests), the entire service supply chain was initially established as a complete process.
     (5) The forecasting methods of individual demand. According to the randomness and self-correlation of individual demand, it is discussed in the necessity and feasibility of the introduction of fuzzy Markov chain model with weights to predict the future individual demand. The specific steps are explained:set up the classification by the standard deviation of sales series, and weighted by the standardized self-coefficients, calculated the transition probability matrix and the state probability. Then, a concrete forecasting value was obtained by using the level characteristics value of fuzzy sets.
     (6) The assessment of individual service capacity. In this paper, the concept of individual service capacity is definite, and from the GAP model, it is system analysised that the assessment idea and evaluation indicators of individual service capacity, the formation of7categories of22specific indicators; and through the principal component analysis and entropy method are combined, the individual service capacity is assessed, the specific steps of assessment are described.
     (7) Empirical Research. By logistics service supply chain in LJ Company, the project is designed from the operation process designing, individual deamnd analysis, and individual service capabilities.
     (8) Prospects.The paper points out future research directions:IDOSSC in specific applications in different service industries; how to forecast the categories and attributes of service product; collaborative operational issues of individual service capabilities and individual demand.
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