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Observing the development of the world history, the development of the real estate industry is contacting with the development of the regional economy. Because of the characteristics as longer industrial chain and higher capital intensity, real state industry is gradually becoming a pillar industry in macroeconomics. And with the time flies, the real estate is increasingly playing a unique and important role in national economy. In this context, the paper analyzes the security of real estate in theoretical and empirical aspects. This paper under the real estate economic theory and the industrial security theory, build an analytical framework of real estate security. On this basis with the relevant data for our empirical analysis, discuss the in the context of economic development after the reform and opening up, the real estate industry faced the security problem, use the theoretical framework and the industrial security warning system to establish the method of the real estate security. And through this research. Also hope to give some sugesstion for the future of China real estate development and the real estate market development strategies in the theoretical and practical discussion on the value.
     First, build an analysical framework of China's real estate security. On this basis, to discuss security problems in China's real estate industry, including four aspects:real estate investment, housing prices, real estate market structure and the real estate management problems.
     Second, analysis the factors affecting of the real estate security, including the four main areas:investment factors, market factors, price factors and real estate management factor.
     Again, build a framework of China's real estate security, and further to select the index based on the principle of a representative selection of indicators, using existing indicators entropy method to calculate the weight, and thus to-evaluate the security of China's real estate industry.
     Finally, give the proposed measures to maintain the security of China's real estate proposal. Through our real estate security status, problems, factors and safety assessment of the situation, put forward China's real estate industry to solve the existing problems and improve the existing situation of countermeasures. Mainly includes two aspects, one from the perspective of macro-control measures, the other is from the perspective of our real estate management.
     In this paper, with industrial security theory, macroeconomics, microeconomics, real estate economics, regional economics, and other basic principles as a guide, using a variety of research methods, including macro and micro research methods, combining theory and empirical research, combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, combined static and dynamic study, the combination of time and space dimensions, combined with the extended development of learning theory.
     The main innovation of this paper is reflected in three aspects:in the framework of the existing theory and the real estate industry economic theory, identify the "real estate security"; introduct the real estate-specific evaluation; build the analytical framework of real estate security.
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