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Farmers, as the basic economic unit in China, have to face various risks in the process of production and consumption, and in all of the risk set, disease risk is more serious and far-reaching. That the large medical expenses exceed the family paying ability, will result in poverty from the perspective of income, called "impoverished by hospitalization", or "fell back into poverty due to illness". However, from the perspective of feasible competence, the poverty caused by disease is not just income poverty, more importantly, but also the deprivation of feasible competence which reduces the income earning ability, and makes it more difficult to transfer the income into feasible competence. Therefore, the real poverty produced by disease is more serious than the poverty shown in income space, and it may have persistence, or even inter-generational transmission.
     While in the face of welfare losses from healthy problems, farmers deal with them actively through a variety of ways, rather than accept it passively. Farmers'risk coping mechanism includes the formal and the informal. In the situation of imperfect formal health insurance system, it is the "rational choice" for farmers to adopt the informal coping mechanism to resolve economic risks from the disease.
     Risk, risk exposure, risk response or coping strategy and the welfare consequences constitute a complete risk-chain. The risk-chain starts with varieties of risks, but the existence of the risks does not directly produce a negative effect except one case, that is, the risk exposure affects the family welfare. The risk coping strategies include ex ante and ex post strategies. In this study, we will focus on health risk and we will start with the health shocks that the household suffer, and also the main consideration lies in the ex post coping strategies. We will analyze health exposure (health shocks), welfare consequences (poverty), and the coping strategies of the health risk on the whole. This paper includes two main parts:First, we'll look at the poverty in China's rural areas and analyze the impacts on the poverty of the family suffering from the health shocks, including the dynamic changes of poverty, which is the process of driving into poverty by medical crises. The second part talks about whether the two different coping strategies, the formal one and the informal one can help to buffer the process of driving into poverty by medical crises in the rural, namely the new rural cooperative medical mechanism and risk-pooling in social net. The specific contents are as follows:
     Part 1:description and analysis of macro situation of poverty induced by illness
     This section aims to lay the foundation of the following empirical analysis. At present, the disease has become one of the major reasons for farmers being poor. On the one hand, owing to the low income and the poor accessibility of medical services, many farmers who are suffering from diseases can't afford to see a doctor, and even stay at home while they should be hospitalized. On the other hand, the government lacks investment in health as well as the imbalanced allocation of medical resources between urban and rural areas, which leads to the capacity of farmers access to health services is far weaker than that of urban residents. The rapid rise in prices of medical services together with the absence of rural medical insurance system constitute a heavy medical burden upon the farmers, especially the impact of being ill, which will force the farmers into poverty situation.
     Part 2:the micro description of the interaction between disease and poverty
     Interaction between health and poverty forms a vicious circle. Using the CHNS longitudinal data, this paper discusses the inter-relationship and the dynamic development process between disease and poverty. From the static perspective, China's income poverty and health poverty in rural area is constantly improving, but there are repeated with the fluctuation. Poor households are more vulnerable to health shocks. Because of lack effective demand for medical services, their medical burden is too heavy. Due to the lack of medical insurance system and the high medical price, the disease remains a major cause of poverty in rural areas of China. Therefore, to overcome poverty and poor health, we still have a long way to go. Based on the dynamic development process, the problem of poverty caused by illness and the problem of illness caused by poverty is gradually being improved. In the short term, the impact of the health shocks is greater, resulting in families into a transient poverty situation, but in the long-term the impact is much smaller.
     Part 3:the impact of health shocks on poverty and dynamic poverty
     Based on micro-data, this part aims to evaluate the impact of health shocks on poverty and dynamic poverty. Three main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, probit model is used to probe into the effect of health shocks on poverty using total seven-round survey data. The problem of "poverty due to illness" is confirmed in our conclusion, and the closer the time is, the greater the effect is. Under controlling the endogeniety problem caused by omitted variables and simultaneous causality using biprobit and xtprobit model, the paper finds that the effect of health shocks on poverty is greater. Second, health shocks enhance the frangibility of poor household moving out of poverty and the risk of non-poor household moving into poverty, so the effect of health shocks is negative on moving out of poverty and positive on moving into poverty and keeping in poverty. Third, Health shocks reduce household's income in the short term, and also have negative effect on household's long term income. It has profound influence on dynamic poverty in the long term, which will induce chronic poverty and force rural household into the vicious circle of illness and poverty. Relatively, health shocks have a greater impact on poverty in the short term, while the effect is smaller in the long term.
     Part 4:the influence of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System (NRCMS) on the reduction of poverty due to illness
     The NRCMS is a formal risk-coping mechanism, which eases farmers'problem of "poverty due to illness" through compensation for medical expenses. This paper discusses the influence of the NRCMS on easing the problem of "poverty due to illness" using propensity score matching method. The results show that:to a certain extent, the NRCMS can reduce the poverty induced by illness, which is in line with the original intention of its design, but the effect is not very clear. In addition, the effectiveness on easing different low-income families'poverty is unequal. In other words, low-income families enjoy fewer benefits than high-income ones.
     Part 5:the influence of risk-pooling in social net on the reduction of poverty due to illness
     In the relationship-based rural society, farmers follow the principle of "survival ethic" and "reciprocity". So the risk-sharing group based on blood, kinship and geo-relationship plays the role of informal insurance, which provides the last defense for famers suffering from health shocks. This paper analyzes the anti-poverty induce by illness of gift giving, considered as risk-pooling in social net, by introducing cross-item of gift giving and gift-giving. The findings are that gift-giving can reduce poverty due to illness, but the effect is not significant.
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