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Rapid response manufacturing ability of weapon equipment is an important characteristic of contemporary defense industry. But in China, military enterprises pay much attention to research but little efforts are put on production, which cripples its production capacity and renders weapon equipment impossible to be produced quickly. Efficient manufacturing organization, advanced manufacturing equipment, high level manufacturing staff are the core factors to realize rapid response manufacturing. Because there is little flexibility which is necessary for modern military manufacturing ability, it is undoubtedly difficult to improve the above all factors in short time through enterprise internal reformation. At home and abroad defense industry, consensus is reached that weapon equipment manufacturing ability of military enterprises is improved through resource integration, resource dynamically and optimally allocation using internet technology.
     According to the characteristic and requirement of military enterprises in china, the theory, method and architecture of weapon equipment rapid extend manufacturing (REM) are proposed, which is based on advanced information technology and modern manufacturing technology. Prototype system is constructed by breakthrough key technologies, and the feasibility and effectiveness is verified. The innovation and research work of this paper includes:
     (1) The characteristic, connotation and type of REM are analyzed. The evaluation standard based on manufacturing resource capability and requirement of tasks and task obstacle theory are proposed, and the main model of REM is defined, on the above theories, the frame and research system of REM are constructed.
     (2) Manufacturing resource management technology under the model of weapon equipment REM is studied. According to the characteristic and requirement of weapon equipment, the resource model of REM based on ontology and Agent technology is built, and the strategies and methods of proliferative manufacturing integration modeling, evaluation and retrieval are presented.
     (3)According to dual optimization requirement of partner-selection and resource scheduling, a double-link genetic algorithm is proposed to match the REM enterprises, resources and tasks. At the same time, according to the requirement of rapid response and dynamic adjustment, the method of dynamic scheduling and the model of risk evaluation are proposed. Furthermore, the game theory model of REM enterprises competition is put forward to balance the benefit, and the method of equilibrium is proposed.
     (4)Collaborative REM process technology is deeply studied. The adjustment mechanism, the definition and realization method of REM process are proposed, and adjustment model and process adjustment workflow established. On the basis of the manufacturing influence to process adjustment, the feasibility of REM process is verified by a case.
     (5) Weapon equipment REM prototype system based on SOA is developed, which is verified in manufacturing process of certain weapon equipment.
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