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    本文深入分析了川渝地区CNG 产业发展现状和CNG产业发展的前景,得出结论:鉴于川渝地区富气贫油的实际情况,发展CNG是最佳选择。并提出了西南油气田分公司川渝地区CNG市场发展的市场策略,提出了西南油气田分公司在川渝地区建CNG站的经营模式、合理规模以及最佳方案。
“Resources, Environment and Development” is a significant topic facing the whole world in twenty-first century. It’s the common choice of human being to insist on continual development policy and promote the coordination between resource exploitation and environmental protection. Developing CNG industry is useful for reduction of air pollution, improvement of ecologic environment and reasonable utilization of resources and hence
    Through study of experiences of foreign countries in CNG industry development, through deep analysis of the current development situation and market situation of CNG industry in Sichuan and Chongqing, this thesis carefully researches the prospect of CNG industry development. By using SWOT analytical method, this thesis also demonstrates the thoughts, countermeasures and marketing strategies of Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company in expediting development of CNG industry. Through research on the CNG topic, this thesis plays an important role for Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company to further exploit natural gas market, to form new economic growth fields, to increase extra value of terminal sales, and to finally increase the overall economic benefits.
    This thesis is deeply analyze the current development situation and the prospect of CNG industry in Sichuan and Chongqing, and it draws the following conclusion: since Sichuan and Chongqing are rich in gas and poor in oil, it’s the best choice to develop CNG in these areas. This thesis brings forward the marketing strategies of Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company to exploit the market in Sichuan and Chongqing, and also indicates the operation modes, reasonable scale and best scheme of the CNG stations to be set up by Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company in Sichuan and Chongqing.
    With research on an application topic, this thesis has the main innovations as follows: 1. Regarding research angle, this thesis is the first
    to analyze deeply the current development situation and the prospect of CNG industry in Sichuan and Chongqing from the angle of enterprise instead of government. 2.It uses the famous “Five-force Model” analytical method to analyze the industrial situation and clearly demonstrates the prospect and competition situation of CNG industry. It uses SWOT analytical method to find out the opportunities, threats, advantages and disadvantages of Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company; and it proposes market exploitation strategy based on SWOT analysis. 3. Through analysis of economic benefits of CNG industry, it enables local government, natural gas companies and CNG-related enterprises in Sichuan and Chongqing to fully recognize the great prospect of CNG market. 4. It detailedly describes the operation modes, reasonable scale and best scheme of the CNG stations to be founded by Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company in Sichuan and Chongqing.
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