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Modern Shanghai has an important historical status in China, and its campus development has an important value on the study of modern education, landscape, architecture and even the entire Shanghai's modern history, as well as today's campus planning and design. In view of this, the article takes Shanghai Modern College Campus as the research object, dividing the campus development into four periods, and clarifying the development context of the object through first-hand historical materials of many universities. Then analyze the characteristics of different periods from site selection, planning, architecture, landscape and many other aspects; assess their development level by comparing to the development of modern western campus; lastly, sum up the developing regulations from multi-dimensional analysis such as the style, the political environment, financial, school supervision and so on, then to analyze its impact.
     The results as follows:
     ①The development from 1862 when Shanghai Tong Wen Guan of Industrial School began to the founding of People’s Republic of China in 1949, can be divided into four stages, taking 1896 (the time when the Nanyang College in modern times began), 1912 (the time when the Republic of China founded and Imperial Examination abolished), 1927 (the time when the campaign of recovering education rights came to an end) as the nodes and basis for staging.
     ②The characteristics of various periods as follows: it was mainly traditional colleges at the beginning of Shanghai’s opening to foreigners; the pattern of the playground and campus adjacent to experimental sites firstly appeared in the early period, which was the prototype of campus space expansion and development of experimental base; During the evolution period the Western-style was introduced in and the Chinese-Western style architectural style can be called the model of that time, as well as the coexistence of diverse campus structure, purified construction features and landscape startups; during the development period, modern campus pattern was preliminary molded and the quality of green landscape was enhanced; the campus pattern, landscape and management were further mature during the preliminary molding period. The decay of school buildings and campus during Anti-Japanese War leading to internal migration until the liberation of China they came back and had a rapid restoration.
     ③It was always followed in the development that the combination of human being and the law, the confrontation and compromise of Chinese and the West, the law to survive in the plight of political environment and finance. The gap of developing level between china and the West gradually narrowing, reaching the aesthetic and functional requirements of teachers and students, thus it was the prototype pattern of the modern university. The internal migration during war time spurred the construction and development of the local campus, which still has practical significance nowadays.
     Innovational points of this article as follows:
     ①Study the evolution course of campus patterns and landscape in modern Shanghai for the first time.②Analyze the evolution causes, development level and characteristics with multi-dimensional analysis, citing a large number of first-hand historical materials.
     Disadvantages of this article as follows:
     Given the level and time constraints I could not searched all the school relevant archives. In addition, previously research on the modern campus landscape was almost empty, relevant information in documents was rare and decentralized, especially about the plant materials. Therefore, such topics are to be carefully studied in future research.
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