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Management Buyout (MBO) was resulted from the sixties of the 20th century, prevailed in the eighties of the 20th century, it's generally taken in following cases: Companies' administration and supervision authorities personnel cany on undertaking try, breaking away from listing systems retrain, realizing the transfer of heavy volume stocks, subsidiary or the branch striped from group company. In the course of MBO, some risks appear, such as administration risk, morals hazard, risk of sharing out bonus, operation risk, etc., particularly in our country. So, during the course of MBO, requiring insisting on the equal principle, forcing publishing publicly and honest credit principle.
    In our country, MBO's value orientations in company law has changed from a traditional one that lowering the cost of agent to solving the problem state-owned stock lack of owner location gradually. In theoretically analysis, MBO is a kind of special commercial juristic action in fact, it's peculiarity is that combine its embodiment with party's autonomy. Several legal consequence will be caused certainly by the implementation of MBO: If it does not succeed, the administration and supervision authorities of the company will be discharged probably and it's limited to buy-out again; On the contrary, if succeed, it may lead to the fact that the ownership of company be shifted, the company form changes or the targeted company go into private.
    Seeing from the current laws and regulations of our country, the implementation of MBO is permitted. In the course of practice, some problems expose for lacking of the guiding of concrete operation standard, Such as the illegitimacy of the qualification of purchasing subject and the source of purchasing fund, some questions concerned publish publicly and state-owned stocks, etc. On one hand, the productions of these questions are determined by transplantation its own character, on the other hand, it is even caused by special national conditions of our country.
    In view of this, on the basis of observing the relevant system of western developed country, considering the special circumstances of our country fully, We put forward a preliminary idea about the construction and perfection of MBO legal system in our country: The first, perfecting the relevant legislation while making a operation standard with good effectiveness, making the qualification of purchase subject like natural person, shell company and worker-hold-share meeting clear, and defining the rights and obligations which the purchaser, targeted company directors and shareholders should enjoy in course of purchasing rationally, constructing a piece of rational check and
    balance system of rights and obligations to make MBO have regulations to abide by,besides, in order to standardize MBO further, introducing strategic investors, and making its purchase legal status that person take action unanimously clear. Secondty, on fund raising, on one hand, drawing lessons from our country's existing success financing mode; on the other hand, carrying on innovation of financing ways within the range of what the law is allowed, such as private fund, MBO's fund trust. The fund car. withdraw flexibly by means of transfer of stock right, listing and capitalization, etc. Thirdly, On the pricing mechanism, inheriting the current mode of net assets pricing critically, fully considering the company growth, making rational pricing value standard and pricing mode, introducing competition mechanism of pricing, improving the transparency of the course of the price confirmed and rationality of price itself.
    In our country, a lot of questions exposing during the course of MBO for lacking of concrete operation standard and effective supervision mechanism, this has put forward the realistic request for MBO's regulation. In order to guarantee the realization of system observing and expectancy value of the standard, it is necessary to innovate the mode of regulation and construct a multilateral coordination regulation mechanism on the base of its own characteristic.
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