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Literature is a way of the writer to converse with the society, and the society is full of many concrete individuals - readers. Writer's sense of reader inevitably exists in the intention of a novel composer and it plays a vital role like a lever to regulate the purpose, taste, contents, and verbal ways of any novels. Being sandwiched between ancient and modern, native and abroad, writer's sense of reader from 1898 to 1916 appears different features of the sway in the target of creation, the complexity of reader's waiting range, the contradictory of location by the writer on reader. Furthermore, writer must consider the receptive ability of those readers of poor acknowledge, because he has regarded enlightenment in the whole nation as the target of novel creation at that time. At the same time, writer must concern reader's reading feeling in the intermittently reading condition resulting from newspaper novel. All these have influenced radically on those important literature phenomena at that time, such as th
    e change between elegance and vulgarity, the innovation of creation mode and narration, the deliberate lying of some native texts coming from abroad. Furthermore, they have influenced on some creation false, such as the crudity in narrative techniques, the tendency on narrative structure, the shallow and simple on narrative voice, and the tendency to directive and condemn in expression as well.
    Certainly, follow questions, mean the fluctuation of the idea and the complexity of the change between elegance and vulgarity, the prosperity and variation of collection type, the
    innovation of the pearl flower type in narrative structure, the harden in directive and condemn, while the lessen or so far as to disappear in irony in narrative expression mode, have been influenced by many social and culture facts. But from the range on communication, the harden and change in writer's sense of reader, the change of the receptive school in writer's idea and of reader's consciousness, and in the concrete conceptive condition as well, are all very important reasons on above. As one of the essential facts of writer's creative intention, the sense of reader has influenced on Chinese novel in that time in all facts. So, this project has a very wide expanding space for me to research.
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