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It is not only a basic principle of Marxist that the theories contact the practice, but also a widespread concern in many fields. It is no doubt a never exhausted topic that the concern of the problem about applying to the teaching theories, and has its objective necessity. The valid application of teaching theories is a demand of making teaching theories objective, realistic, and is also a profound call of the teaching practice. On the other hand, it is a valid path that realizes the teacher's professional development.
    The application of teaching theories is an activity that the teacher applies the teaching theories which has been assimilated to explain, guide, reform the current teaching practice. It is a kind of artificial activity for the people in which subjective ideas based on objective ones. It has the characteristics of complicated variety, creation, indirection, conditionality etc. As a kind of systematic project, the application of teaching theories has a particular configuration and function, and it is composed of different factors and composition that are adapted to particular conditions. Furthermore, the application of teaching theories is the composition in the certain space appearance and the logic procedure in certain time process. So it has the synchronic configuration of space dimensionality and the diachronic configuration of time dimensionality. The synchronic space factors mainly include the teaching theories, the teachers and the practice. The diachronic factors mainly include the programming, putting
     into practice and evaluation. They are neither parallel nor isolated, but contacted and restricted mutually.
    The science research starts with problems. Finding and arising problem is the initial link of the whole research. Scanning the applied actuality of teaching theories, we will easily find that theoretical application in teaching exists the inclination of simple pattern, technique, dogma and vulgar, brief, etc. What causes us apply the teaching theories mistakenly? The main factors are the stubborn of the idea, the different understanding of the teaching theories and the hinder of the main body's communication. The rose of the mode method analysis provides the new angle of view for us to analyze and investigate the application of theory in teaching extensively, and supplies the general view to the excellent use of the theories.
    The mode of teaching theory use is a system of idea, idea intention, behavior sample that is created by inducing and deducing in the course of the practice of the teaching theory. In short, it is the sample of using teaching theory, it has the characteristics of integrity and generation and two basic functions of recognition and practice. We use different criterions and angles based on the past teaching theory and the result of the relative subjects research
    to construct the teaching model. By inducing and deducing, the two basic ways of creation, we can construct the application models of teaching theory as follows :(1) according to the differences of teaching theories operation method or direction. The application models of teaching theory can be divided into two types, one is from top to bottom, the other is from bottom to top. (2) according to differences of the participants' composition and number, it can be three types: cooperation model, supporting model, independent model. (3) according to the differences of leading idea, the focus of the interest, it can be divided into three types: scientific model, practical model, liberation model . However, each model contains its merits and shortcomings. Therefore, according to the nature of the teaching theory, the situation of him and the conditions supplied, the teacher should choose the best model of the teaching theory by comprehensive, varied principle, suitable principle, and development principle.
    The aim of the model of the teaching theory is to improve the effect of the teaching theory's use, and advance the teachers' specialization. The construction of the model is not equal the practice an
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