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Party school of university, the school of training the party members, leaders and activists in the university, is the important part of party schools system throughout the nation. The founding of party school in the university, which is called the school in the school, is the evitable historical choice. Since the founding of it, party school in the university has played important roles, such as the 'front', 'furnace' and channel, in the party construction, ideological and political work of university. In such circumstances and with the guide of theory in party construction of Marxism, the paper puts forward a general framework and strategies of party school construction in the new century and this is based on the summary of historical experience and analysis of the new situation and problems of the party school in the university. The paper contains three parts:
    Part one: An introduction of development of party school in the university. It is important to probe into the development of party school in the university when party school construction in the new stage is studied. In this part, the history of the development of party school and the main achievements in the last twenty years' development are summarized. Besides, the stages of development of party school in the university are divided for the first time. Meanwhile, in this part, the necessity and significance of part
    school in the new century is proved, with achievements analyzed, important documents quoted to state the status, function and characteristics of party school in the university.
    Part two: the new problems and new situation of party school construction in the university. To understand the new situation and new problems of party school in the new century in a scientific manner is the premise of reinforcement of part school construction. In this part, the new situation party school faces, such as the changes of the construction environment, the new requirements, and changes of the targets educated, is analyzed; the new problems are noted. The problems can be demonstrated in the six aspects: the ideological understanding is not enough; the reform in general is not complete; the management system is not sound; students' motive of joining the party is deviant; the devotion of the teachers is not enough; the theoretical study is relatively backward.
    Part three: To adapt to the new requirement of development in the new stage and strengthen the party school construction in the university. In this part, the paper explains the basic principles of party school construction in the university and proposes the basic idea of reinforcement of the construction. That is: it must be approached through such researches as: building new platform of party school construction, furthering the reform of party school education in the university, strengthening the construction of staff working.
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