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     2、我们发现,每10 mm降雨在不同处理下的径流深度(及径流系数)从小到大排列顺序依次为:梨-旱稻,1.60mm(0.160)<梨-红薯,1.89mm(0.189)<梨-花生,2.17mm(0.217)<裸地梨园,3.26mm(0.326)。在库区实地的研究结果表明,在新开垦的坡耕地幼龄果园里,若果树间地表无其它作物覆盖时,有32.6%以上的降雨以地表径流的形式流失;在幼龄果树间种植其它根系发达型作物,尤其在果树株行间保留旱稻,能够显著降低径流系数,减少降水流失。
     3、总水土流失量的测定结果表明,在3次累计降雨为100.86mm的降雨过程中,3种处理的总水土流失量分别为:梨-红薯处理188.981t/hm~2、梨-花生处理217.48 t/hm~2、梨-旱稻处理160.857 t/hm~2、裸地梨园为328.814 t/hm~2,其中梨-旱稻处理最低,裸地梨园的最高。4个处理在3场降雨累计情况下的总土壤侵蚀量,最高的仍然是裸露梨园(CK处理),而最低的则为幼龄梨园间作红薯(270.71kg/hm~2)。其它2个处理的总土壤侵蚀量分别是,幼龄梨园间作花生为1021.21 kg/hm~2,幼龄梨园间作旱稻为596.89kg/hm~2。梨-花生、梨-旱稻、裸露梨园三个处理的总土壤侵蚀量分别为梨-红薯处理的3.77倍、2.20倍和8.29倍。由此看出,在库区坡耕地种植果树的幼龄阶段,若地表无其它作物覆盖时,土壤侵蚀严重;另外,在幼龄果园间作不同种类的覆盖作物,土壤侵蚀量的差异明显,实际生产中选择适合的覆盖作物种类相当重要。
     4、对4种处理的水土保持效果进行了比较,采用每10 mm降雨所造成的水土流失量作为比较基础,幼龄梨园地表裸露处理(对照)的水分流失率和土壤侵蚀量以100%计算,那么,其它3个间作处理与对照相比的相对降水保持率和土壤保持率(即比对照减少降雨流失量和土壤侵蚀
Orchard intercrop is a traditional grand utilization mode in three gorges reservoir area, which is effective in using resources and enhancing efficiency of resource use, and have good ecologic and economic values.But water and soil loss heavily in traditional pattern and can't keep up with need of modern orchard, especially to many new slop-grand young orchard.Based on the orchard actuality,a jumped-up orchard intercrop pattern was fetched in.
    In this paper, we adopted investgation on the spot (integating local statistical datum) and experimenting outdoors. Four patterns, including pear dry rice,pear sweet potato,pear peanut and bare pear orchard were analysed.The results were as follows:
    1.Three gorges project is a very good opportunity to develop of fruit industry in the whole three gorges reservoir. We should change fruit distribution step by step. Fruit tree species matching and breed arranging must be reasonable for many new orchard. Many biggish potential fruit ,such as pear, plum, which holding high yield, ratio of output and devotion, average production value and fluctuating, should be selected to become main fruit tree species. Based on these analysis ,we fetched in a new intercrop pattern of young pear orchard intercropping dry rice.
    2. We added up three times rainfall and average during the whole experiment. Pathway depth (modulus) ranked in order from smallness to bigness: pear dry rice ,pear sweet potato, pear peanut and bare pear orchard. Results indicated that over 32.6% rainfall will loss by pathway, if crop doesn't cover with the earth's surface of orchard. Some crops holding robust roots can reduce modulus and rainfall remarkably, example .growing dry rice in orchard.
    3 .Lossing amount of water and soil of four patterns during three times added up to 100.86mm are the followings respectively: Lossing amount of water and soil of pear dry rice is160.857t/hm2, that of pear sweet potato is 188.981 t/hm2, that of pear peanut is 217.48 t/hm2 and that of bare pear is 328.814 t/hm2. Lossing amount of pear dry rice is the lowest and bare pear is reverse.Total amount of soil corroding of bare pear is also the highest(2243.43kg/ hm2 ),but that of pear sweet potato is reverse. Pear peanut, pear dry rice and bare pear is 3.77 time ,2.20 time and 8.29 time than that of pear sweet potato respectively. We can draw a conclusion that soil corroding is very serious in slop-pland young orchard if there are not crop covering with the earth's surface of orchard. Besides, how to select intercrop crop is important ,because remarkable difference of soil corroding lied in different intercrop crop.
    4.Based on the amount of water and soil loss every 10mm rainfall and 100% of water and soil losing ratio of bare pear orchard, ratio of rainfall and soil preserving of other patterns are the followings; that of pear sweet potato is 13.65% and 87.93%,that of pear peanut is 10.33% and 54.48% and that of pear dry rice is 15.77% and 73.39%.Among 4 patterns, power of soil keeping of
    pear sweet potato is the best,but that of rainfall keeping is common. Power of soil and rainfall keeping of pear peanut is relatively low. Power of rainfall keeping of pear dry rice is the best and that of keeping soil is good.
    5.The result of experiments with organic substance corrasion showed that content of organic substance is from 3.01% to 22.87%. Content of organic substance of corraded soil of Pear sweet potato is 13.38%,that of pear peanut is 13.41%,that of pear dry rice is 4.12% and that of bare pear orchard is 3.81%.The reason why content of organic substance of intercropping sweet potato and peanut is high is that fertilizer is used in seeding.Of course ,no matter which pattern.corraded soil with pathway hold plentiful organic substance.So little water and soil lossing have serious damage on soil.
    6. Compared with bare pear orchard ,other patterns can improve soil physical character.but the content of soil total N.available N.total P and available P fall.Only organic substance content increased in Pear dry rice. All these re
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