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Assessment of teaching level in Ordinary institution of higher learning is a complicated new work with challenge .It has extremely important meaning to strengthen researching of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning not only for theories constructing but also for guiding the practice. This article is to probe into assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning under the theory of philosophy, pedagogy and administration from following aspects:
    First, The connotation of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning .The article begins from the concepts of education assessment and education assessment of institution of higher learning to reveal the basic category -Level Assessment, which is only part of education assessment of institution of higher learning.
    Second, the function of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning. According to scholars' research of function of institution of higher learning, this article holds that assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning has such functions as appraising, consulting, guiding, criticizing and intermediating.
    Third, the purpose and principle of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning. According to the gist of the plan of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning, the article analyses the purpose and it's role as well as the principle and it's requirements.
    Fourth, the characteristics of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning. By way of research and analyze the index system of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning and it's practice, the article
    suggests that it has three main characteristics such as extensive, unified and constructive.
    Fifth, the problem and counter measure. The article analyses the problems of assessment of teaching level in ordinary institution of higher learning and gives some suggestible countermeasures.
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