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If enterprises want to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, they need to develop and produce new products in time and continuously to meet customers' demands, and only by doing so can they gain a favorable foothold in the market. Thus, product innovation is the inherent request of enterprises as long as they survive and develop, and also the demand of the market competition, the inevitable choice of technological progress. In the development of market-oriented economy, small and medium enterprises occupy a quite important position, not only they are the significant growth part of national economic development, but also they create a large number of employment opportunities and technology innovation achievements. As economic globalization speeding up and our country entering WTO, small and medium enterprises will face a lot of influential factors in the process of product innovation. In order to strengthen the management of product innovation activities and to make small and medium enterprises positioning their product innovation in a scientific way, it is very necessary to evaluate and analyze product innovation. Since study on product innovation of small and medium enterprises starts late in our country, the amount of the research on measuring and evaluating product innovation is relatively small. Taking this into consideration, this paper deals with measuring and evaluating product innovation of small and medium enterprises.
    At first, this dissertation summarizes the current situation and development trend of measuring and evaluating product innovation in small and medium enterprises, it studies and analyzes the theory on product innovation for small and medium enterprises. On the basis of principles and methods in Oslu manual, combining the modern innovation trend, this paper builds up an index system of product innovation measurement and evaluation. And to solve the problem of evaluating product innovation of small and medium enterprises, this dissertation uses
    genetic algorithm and estimates fuzzy integral comprehensive appraisal method through combining fuzzy integral and analytic hierarchy process. In order to improve the accurateness and acceptability of the evaluating results, this method uses analytic hierarchy process to compute the weight of the first hierarchy criteria, identifies λ-fuzzy measure by using improved genetic algorithm and adopts fuzzy integral to calculate the comprehensive evaluation value. Through the empirical analysis of 20 sample enterprises in HeiLongJiang province, the dissertation proposes suggestions and advice on how to improve product innovation in small and medium enterprises.
    By studying on product innovation of small and medium enterprises in our country, this dissertation enables enterprises to know their own competitive ability so that they can take effective strategies to continuously promote the development of product innovation, and it is also convenient for government to control the product innovation pattern, and provides a foundation for government to draft relevant economic policies.
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