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The endurance function of the insulation field is widely concerned in the power system. According to the equality between the two dimensional Weibull distribution and the Law of electrical aging, after the method for estimation of the voltage endurance coefficient is presented by the maximum likelihood estimation and the minimum square estimation of the two dimensional Weibull distribution parameters, on the basis of the analysis of the test disadvantages under invariable voltage , the method of obtaining the voltage endurance coefficient under the intension increased by degrees is considered.
    Considering the three parameters Weibull distribution which is more congruous to fact than the two parameters Weibull distribution in dealing with the electric intension data, the method of maximum likelihood estimation and the method of the two binomial regression is applied in estimating the three parameters Weibull distribution in this paper. Since the range estimation is very important in the power system, after Monte-Carlo simulation method for the ranks is presented in this paper, and using binomial regression estimation to finish the three parameters range estimation. Finally, the flowchart and the example of application of the three parameters range estimation is accomplished.
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