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     高中政治学科能力阶梯训练就是在高中思想政治课教学中,伴随着知识的掌握,呈阶梯状训练学生的识记能力、理解能力、运用能力、表述能力、自学能力和创新能力,并有效提高学生思想品德素质的一种教学方法。其具体运用方式有两种:正向训练法和综合训练法。在每一种学科能力训练中,提出学法指导的具体要求:识记能力训练要求——阅读归纳 理解记忆;理解能力训练要求——思考提炼 温故知新;运用能力训练要求——关心时事分析评价;表述能力训练要求——勤思多练 字斟句酌。
On the background of basic education reform, through questionnaire, the author finds the main problems in the Senior I students of No. I Middle School, NingXian County: inadequate inner motive of study, unsatisfactory attitude toward class teaching method of politics, inappropriate learning strategy, and poor discipline competence in politics. In order to solve these problems effectively, the writer, based on the teaching practice and guided by the pedagogical theory, uses field study to induct the operational model of terraced-training method in senior politics competence.
    This method aims at, accompanying with knowledge mastering and in the form of terraced-shape, training students ability of memory, ability of comprehension, ability of operation, ability of expression, ability of self-study and innovative ability, and therefore, improves the students moral character. There are two kinds of operating way: positive direction and integrated training methods.
    In each competent training step, the writer put forward clear request
    with regard to the learning strategy: Request on memorizing training-
    reading and inducing, memorizing the materials on the basis of
    comprehending; Request on comprehension training-abstracting and
    thinking, revising the previous knowledge and then learn the new;
    Request on operation training-concerning about political affairs,
    analyzing and evaluating; Request on expression training-thinking
    hard and practicing more, weigh the words of material.
    The writer collects the feedbacks on teaching activity through the following ways: the formative evaluation of teacher, inter-evaluation among students, self-evaluation of students and the final evaluation (the mark of entrance exam). Interviewing with teachers of politics and inclusively evaluating the aim, process, and result of the study, it proves that this method can accelerate the inner motive, promote the interest of study, convert the study attitude, cultivate the competence of discipline and effectively improve the students quality of moral character.
    This study offers experiences to the improvement of students competence, so it is significant for class teaching reform in politics lesson.
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