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Under the analysis of a great deal of civil aviation accident, This command assistant system is brought forward which aimed to lowed the ratio of approach and landing accident reduction. From 1980 to 1996 , The amount of accident Jet plan and turbine aerotransport which taking off weight exceed 5700kg all over the world is 621 times. In which there were 287 times wretched accident in the approach and landing phase, occupying 46 percent. So approach-and-landing(eight minutes)is one of the most important phase to which aircraft liable occur serious accident, civil aviation people regard them as "dangerous eight minutes".
    In this system, Taking sufficiently into account the information that tower received, eyeing on new navigation system in the future,using the production of modern image process technology,communication and microelectronics technology,We give the tower full-scale and more accurate real time information . With the assist of the specialist system, even in the extraordinary landings, this system will give optimal scheme to reduce the ratio of accident.This system compose of several modules,the main parts of which as follows:image process modules;disply system;external data I/O ;data recorder system ; central computer system;specialist system;local web etc.
    Because the limit of time and speciality,in this paper I have only studied the sticking point of the image process modules,it includes the design of image collection system .image transferring system.and image processing system.
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